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PC Child Rearing

My apologies Roy.

I meant only to convey that from your generation to mine, the child rearing techniques were more or less the same.
Only starting with the children of the members of Generation X, was this PC method used.
ToRN said:
My apologies Roy.

I meant only to convey that from your generation to mine, the child rearing techniques were more or less the same.
Only starting with the children of the members of Generation X, was this PC method used.


I don't think what you've said is strictly true, though.  There have ALWAYs been over-protective Moms and Dads - as far back as recorded history.  I'm of the opinion (based on nothing more than my personal interaction with current parents and their children) that parenting hasn't changed much - the FORM of "bad influences" has changed (I didn't have to deal with the internet - for the most part - for instance), but the fact that "bad influences" exist hasn't.

What I think is that the need to fill airwaves/websites/papers 24/7 has driven the media to report things which would not, in the past, have been considered "newsworthy", thus giving rise to a virtual explosion of "bad news" for today's parents.  (Not to mention a proliferation of internet threads such as this one.)

From what I've seen (and I am NOT an expert, just an involved individual), today's parents are no less worthy, OR more challenged than yesterday's.  I've discussed this with my Dad - he's of a similar opinion.  And HE (Dad) tells me that when he discussed the same thing with HIS Dad, they came to the same conclusion (regarding such things as the influence of Television, "Live" newscasts from Vietnam and other places, and their relative influence on the youth of that day - ME, in other words).

I don't recall who said it - but for the most part "The Kids are OK", DESPITE what Aristotle has to say on the subject.  ;)

Edited:  To clarify a previously confusing sentence.
