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Army.ca Veteran
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Anyone seen the TV movie Peacekeepers? I just caught it on a Digital Specialty channel. For those who haven‘t it is about a PPCLI platoon in small town in Yugo at the start of our deployment there. I found it a very compelling movie, and I have a new found respect for the rest of my fellow soldiers that have served overseas in areas like this. My only complaint was the use of all the American actors portraying Canadian Soldiers. At least they said Lt. the Canadian way.
A horrible, horrible movie. ;)

It‘s been discussed here before, BTW.

I actually met the actor that played Lt Bobby Danko, his name is Gabriel Hogan. He seemed alright when I talked to him about the flick and actually knew some of the background regarding the conflict. Also he is Canadian. He seemed to feel that he was doing his part by participating in the movie.

I think it could have been done better but they did try...I don‘t see anyone else trying to make a movie about the Canadian Forces!

Where‘s our "Blackhawk Down"?!


P.S. I do actually have that flick on vhs.
It could have been done better yes, but for a CBC made for TV movie filmed in the Ottawa valley, it was decent. And at least someone made something.
And the DND supported it, which was unusual.

So what was so terrible about it? It seemed to me like an episode of SWAT (guys with baseball hats running around with guns) and the storyline was a bit predictable and Hollywoodized, but name a 2 hour movie that isn‘t.

The movie did deal with manpower shortages (check the guy who was on counselling and probation who was bumped up to acting master corporal because they needed him), the stress (and suicide of one character), a WO near the end of his time in the Army, etc.

I don‘t pretend to have experience over there whatsoever, and I don‘t recall reading any indepth discussion here other than people turning their noses up at it without really saying why they didn‘t like it.

So I‘ll ask again - what‘s the scoop?

There were also other Canadian actors in it - some of them are just famous from being on US TV also. The girl in it was also in Dieppe and had a suitably English accent in that one.

Oh, Slim, as for Blackhawk Down - I want those two hours of my life back. Talk about your horrible movies. It was like watching the A-Team, only with blood and gore thrown in. The movie did nothing to explain the situation in the country at the time, and made references to things in the book (ie kat) without explaining them to the audience. Certainly the two Medal of Honor winners deserve some coverage, but the movie was just, to me, a bunch of pointless shooting. (I did like the closeup of the Minimi crew with blanks loaded in their weapon :D )

We need a Band of Brothers more than we need a Blackhawk Down.
I saw brief portions of the Peacekeepers movie a few years back, but have not seen it in its entierty. If anybody knows when it is showing again please let me know,

As for Blackhawk down, until i read the book i thaught MCknight was reffering to the troops on there COT not the drug Khat, also the movie is far from the truth that actually occured (im basing this on the book) according to the book SGT Eversmann is in the lost convoy on its way back to base not Securing Crash Site 1, And Ruiz is killed In Struekers Humvee column returing Blackburn to base, not along the wall with Capt Steele as shown in the movie, If you want the real story (or a better interpretation) i suggest you read the book, the movie is good only for entertainment and not information on the raid
The PBS special on the Blackhawk Down incident is also supposed to be very, very good, but I haven‘t seen it. A friend of mine posted regularly at the BHD forum, which was also frequented by actual veterans of the action. I believe they also gave thumbs up to the special (was it on "Frontline"?)
Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:
We need a Band of Brothers more than we need a Blackhawk Down. [/QB]
O.K. Mike

I‘ll give you that. ( I liked BHD but not everything for everyone)

I guess what I was trying to say (and made a horrible job of explaining is) we need SOMETHING out there to get our military and Canada some posative front page time. We have a very professional military and there are plenty of exploits that could be shown! It seems, though, with typical Canadian reserve, we never talk about our selves.

We should. Our military has a lot of good things to offer and the experience to back it up.


P.S. How about a weekly show on the Airborne Regiment?! ( fictional storyline of course-The guys would be lining up to be part of that!!)
Read the past the first few paragraphs. The title was taken directly from the site. :rolleyes:

I know it‘s not your fault!
Originally posted by Nick:
[qb] Read the past the first few paragraphs. The title was taken directly from the site. :rolleyes:

I know it‘s not your fault! [/qb]
Point taken..you got me.
I saw this Movie today, I thought it was ok for what it was, didnt think it was terrible especialy for being Canadain and a made for tv movie.
Hate to be the guy to beat the dead horse but I have to say that the movie Peacekeepers sucked hard! Yeah it was Canadian, but it was still one of the most horrible movies on the topic of war I‘ve ever seen.
Although it scratched the surface and I‘m sure made some more aware of what did happen, it was pretty budget. I‘m really hoping for someone to actually do a larger production on the Canadian Forces in Yugo, perhaps with a little more time and money involved, so in other words don‘t ask the CG for a grant. :p
Originally posted by GerryCan:
[qb] Hate to be the guy to beat the dead horse but I have to say that the movie Peacekeepers sucked hard! Yeah it was Canadian, but it was still one of the most horrible movies on the topic of war I‘ve ever seen.
Although it scratched the surface and I‘m sure made some more aware of what did happen, it was pretty budget. I‘m really hoping for someone to actually do a larger production on the Canadian Forces in Yugo, perhaps with a little more time and money involved, so in other words don‘t ask the CG for a grant. :p [/qb]
Which dead horse exactly are you beating? You‘ve done nothing but give a visceral reaction and said nothing of substance. Did you have a specific criticism or two? That would be enlightening.

I personally don‘t think a movie needs to have the flash of a Nintendo game to be good, but there I go showing my age again.

So it "sucked hard" because....what, exactly? If you had more money to put into the project, what would you have done differently?