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Personal car at Basic, or other courses? [MERGED]

Lumber said:
Didn't have a car for IAP, but last summer I had my car for BOTP and it was awesome! Every weekend we were either cruising around St. Jean or in Montreal. It motivates you to get out and relax; it's nice to get away from the MEGA for a while.

I would strongly recommend brining your car.

You want him to put his car in saltwater mix???   ;D



Eye In The Sky said:
You want him to put his car in saltwater mix???   ;D


Well he wants to keep it moist, obviously.
Well I do brine my car every 2nd saturday, after I wish it with soap.

I think I'll take your suggestions to heart, and tell my girlfriend that she can't use my car from August to October...
Its been a while here, but personally, I bought a car when I turned 16, and I just hate it.  It runs fine I just hate the expenses of insurance, and gas, and shirtless female car washes, it just adds up.  Which is why I can't even describe how happy I am to be selling it and not paying insurance anymore!!  ;D

The only thing I want to have after Courses are done and have my first post is my dirt bike to toddle around on with other bike enthusiasts and such.  Especially if the CFB is out of the way a fair bit, all those empty fields, dirt roads, and trails are a god send.  :)   

In terms of having that though, does anyone know where you would keep something like that at your post?  If you're living in shacks can you just park it outside in a designated area or hows that work?

Cheers, Kyle
If you use your own vehicle:

This method entails the candidate using a personal motor vehicle (whether the vehicle belongs to him/her or someone else). Candidates who wish to park their vehicle in the Saint-Jean Garrison for their course must have registration and insurance papers with them. You will have to park your vehicle in either lot A1 or lot A2. During the course, you will only be authorized to use your vehicle during designated weekends or holidays.

From: http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/pd/pa-ap/index-eng.asp

Take that however you wish.
NikN said:
The first time I received an offer and loaded on a BMQ course at CFLRS Det Borden, they asked if I needed transportation - I said no I can drive, and I was informed I could use my personal vehicle to get there and would be reimbursed travel expense on arrival. The second time I received an offer I was loaded on course at CFLRS St Jean - they didn't mention transportation, so I asked later on - I was told vehicles were only allowed under circumstances that would necessitate it (the example provided was a sick family member I needed to visit.) So no dice then... We'll see what the policy will be the third time! Point is, the provisions and restrictions for personal motor vehicles once there are in the joining instructions linked in the previous posts - however whether or not you will be allowed to take a vehicle is something you will learn when you are course loaded. If it's not initially brought up then make sure to ask before they buy you a plane or bus ticket.



You can take your car to CFLRS.  Period.  I was staff there, and I can attest that MANY people had their PMVs that were on BMQ/BMOQ.  There are even designated parking spaces FOR students.

If you search on the forum, I believe I even posted a picture where I circled the spots students can park in red or yellow.
I agree with EITS however, they may NOT pay you for mileage if the airfare (or bus fare) is cheaper.  Take your car if you like but be prepared for that.  Also, if you're from quite a distance away, leave plenty of time (to get on a plane, train or bus if required) in case of car troubles.  I'm pretty sure if they wanted you to take a plane and you took your car, the excuse "Well, my vehicle broke down" isn't going to go over very well. 
Yes it would...
if you drive your car and it cost you 1000$ in gas, hotels and restaurants BUT the cot of plying you would be 400$, you would only get 400$
They will always pay the cheapest mode of transportation, then if you want to use another one, they make you sign a weaver saying that you will assume the cost difference, I'm in that situation atm, going on course in Borden from Halifax, the cost of a claim for taking my car would be well over 2000$ (incl. meals, gas, milleage, hotels...) but a plan ticket is around 800$ so I only get 800$ even if I use my car.

You don't really need a car while on BMQ....you can't get out for the first few week-ends and when you do everything is at a 20$ cab ride away....not worth the trouble unless you have family close by IMO.....
if you do that, keep in mind that they wont ship it until your MOC qualified....
I am just going to talk to my file manager Kareen at Recruiting in Winnipeg on Monday, thanks for the advice everyone, i have printed off all the new recruit info provided.

I did a search and couldn't find quite the answer I was looking for. But are you allowed to drive your personal vehicle to basic, or are you required to fly? If you can/do drive, what happens to your vehicle and do they pay your mileage for the drive?

Angus6369 said:
But are you allowed to drive your personal vehicle to basic, or are you required to fly? If you can/do drive, what happens to your vehicle and do they pay your mileage for the drive?

are you allowed to have a car at bmoq?

Eye In The Sky said:
You can take your car to CFLRS.  Period.  I was staff there, and I can attest that MANY people had their PMVs that were on BMQ/BMOQ.  There are even designated parking spaces FOR students.

If you search on the forum, I believe I even posted a picture where I circled the spots students can park in red or yellow.

Joining Instructions - Basic Military Qualification and Basic Military Officer Qualification,

"If you or a family member are driving to CFLRS"

PMedMoe said:
they may NOT pay you for mileage if the airfare (or bus fare) is cheaper.  Take your car if you like but be prepared for that. 

Mariomike you are the man! I tried using the search function and Google and I kept coming up with different stuff.
