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Pet Peeves


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These are some of those petty little annoyances that will some day drive me postal!

 Guys (civilians) that wear their hats in doors. Show some breeding; take your cap off!
 People that use the “F” word constantly. A Sergeant Major once told me (while reaming me a new one for using profanity) “Profanity is a crutch for those who have a limited vocabulary and lack imagination!”
 People who feel the need to interrupt a face to face conversation to answer a cell phone! Let it ring, that’s why they invented voice mail!
 Women with tattoos! It’s a fad, taste will change! That cute little butterfly on your butt will look like a Mothra by the time your 50! (for you young folks, that’s a reference to a Japanese Si Fi character of the sixties) Frankly, no one is going to want to see it then anyway!
 Wives that get upset when you keep dating after you get married! Who said marriage has to be exclusive?
 People on these forums that flame and insult others but become indignant and defensive when they in turn are criticized! Suck it up people! If you look hard enough for an insult you will find one! Stop looking!
 People that interrupt your best BS war story to ask, “Did this really happen?” Hell no it didn’t happen, we’re sitting in a bar working on the third beer! It’s a well know fact there is no truth after the second beer when two or more Airborne (or ex-airborne) get together to tell “war stories” Besides the give away is always “No s**t this really happened!” Everything else said after those words is pure crap!

Well those are some of my pet peeves.

What’s yours?
People that don't take care of themselves, hygiene, exercise, clothing, stuff like that.
"MSN speak"
Poor spelling.
Bad breath.

edit: also "msn" speak.
Overly-aggressive, dangerous drivers.
Ignorant people.
Overly-arrogant people.
Surveys...asking me what I don't like..... Just kidding,
Actually  new guys were were really good army cadets and think that somehow transfers to the reg force.
My wife interupting my really good war story saying," wasn't there 10 bad guys the last time you told this one...
People who DON'T or WON'T use spellcheck. Click the damn button..it makes your post look so much more intelligent. Nothing is more discouraging than to see a well thought out comment, valid points raised, only to spend 1/2 the time reading it, trying to figure out what word the person was trying to spell. Most of it is caused by the brain being 2 steps ahead of the fingers!

Preview is a wonderful option. While we are busy typing, we are completing the sentences in our heads, but often they don't get typed. Many, many times I have had to go back to a post and make small corrections in syntax, missing words, etc., to get my point across clearly.
Well now...let me see

1. Double Standards....male/female...what's good for the goose is good for the gander (still like gentlemen though)
2. People who say they are going to do something and don't...don't bother...I don't need your lip service
3. Rude people...especially those who don't know how to say excuse me when they walk in front of you...walk on the RIGHT side people
4. Customer service...does this still exist...haven't seen it many places lately
5. People who take advantage of or disrespect the elderly
6. Totally agree with the bad breath and poor personal hygiene comments...


My Pet Peeves:
People who are intolerant of other people's cultures.

and the Dutch

1. The portion of youth today that respect no one,and think they should be able to do as they please
2. Old people who think the are entitled to everything and anything because they're old
3. People who are dishonest
4. Drivers who don't signal
5. People who drive below the speed limit, especially in the left lane
6. Soldiers or wanna-bes that think they are the next Rambo, or Uber soldier, or next Special forces hero (hint, talk to any current or ex JTF member, they don't want to look cool, don't do it for glory or money, they do it for themselves and the country)
7. The ridiculous lack of parking at Stad/Dockyard

That's it for now.
People who drive under the speed limit.
People who smoke.....especially when they try and justify it to me.
People who are overweight/out of shape, yet do nothing to correct the problem.
People who ignore any advice I might give due to my age(I am only 22).
Junior officers who think that they know better then me because they are the officer, so my 5 years in mean nothing(not saying I have tons of experience, just saying).
People who strive to do the minimum, and just get by.(especially see this on the express test)

That's all I can think of for now....Oh, and ya, personal hygiene, it only takes me like 30 minutes from stepping into the shower, to walking out the door, which includes brushing teeth, washing, shaving, etc....not to hard to find 30 minutes in your morning to do that all.

Oh and the Dutch :blotto:
hhhhmmmmm.....probably will get flamed for this...oh well

rap music

reality TV

improper driving etiquette

fat people who choose not to slim down, but love to eat. I actually had to stop eating at the Wendy's by my place of employment every Friday because it is a fat farm in there. I got frightened....I'm only 5'8" 175 lbs.

ignorant youth  - damn I'm only 26

baggy pants around the knees.

an overall lack of manners and social skills present today....in the big city at least.

No need to go any further, I should give some other people a chance...I'm a grizzled bastard.
Aww, man.. I love the Dutch.. so much fun with them around in Kandahar...

-That fact that common sense should now be dubbed non-common sense
-People who have no sense of time appreciation
-People disrespectful to their parents
-People who drive like idiots (ie: too slow, in and out of lanes, almost kill you in a traffic circle, etc.)

I am sure there are more, but this shall suffice for now.
Frozen microwave convenience store sandwich makers who just assume that the entire planet loves !@#$%^& mustard :-X.
My BIG peeve:

-disrespectful little punks who bully smaller, younger kids
-people who dump or abuse their animals
-people who always dwell on the negative
-people who think they own the road and take up two lanes
-people who take advantage of others, especially seniors and children
-going into a house that stinks like cat urine

I think that is it for now....
- People who drive H2s and H3s and think that they're "all that"
People who bring their sickness to work for show and tell
People that are late
Those who do not keep their word.
Incompetent managers