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Pictures from the Imperial War Museum


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So I am over working in the UK for the next week and decided to finally hit the Imperial War Museum as a few folks on the site here had recommended checking it out.....needless to say I spent about 3 hours on a free guided tour and oh yeah admission was free as well.....and the museum was absolutely amazing to say the least. The tour guide was extremely well informed and I learned a lot I didn't know about British (and World) military history.

They have an exhibit on the very top floor of the museum that covers the Holocaust (no pictures..I wasn't allowed this was the only part of the museum where pictures were not allowed) everywhere else was game on....I apologize for the quality of some of the pics...still trying to figure out my new camera.

The Holocaust exhibit just about brought me to tears...though as the Brits say "keep a stiff upperlip" it was very well done. The museum does not recommend that children under 13 see the Holocaust exhibit as it is very graphic in some of the displays.

All that said enjoy the pics on the link below (Note: I didn't post them to the Army.ca gallery as the internet connection I am on is fairly questionable to say the least)

Imperial War Museum

.....a little bonus section below

This was all the car rental place had left….I took a red one….and extra insurance ;-)
Loved the photos.  I liked those coastal guns particularly.  Thanks.
Good photos.  I'm always drawn to the IWM when I'm in that part of the world.  Did you also visit the National Army Museum over in Chelsea?
I didn't make it to Chelsea....London itself was a bit more nuts than usual with a bunch of closures for the Tour de France....that and my feet were killing me, just got new orthotics and the streets and pathways of London were not kind to me and my mangled feet.
Thanks for sharing the pics, the last time I was there was in Jul 1973.... The only thing I remember from your pics are those damn big guns at the front of the building. They must of done a bit of a revamp of the place since I was there, as the rest didn't really ring any bells.... Don't remember those planes hanging the the air like that.... Cheers