As you will learn at 406, Dual time is logged when you have a U/T category and while flying with a qualified MH Instructor, same as Moose Jaw and Portage. First Pilot time is logged when at the controls with a valid category on type, in your case, MH CoPilot (MHCP). 2nd Pilot time is logged by any pilot on the aircraft that is not at the controls. It doesn't count for anything so I don't even log it.
The difference between PIC and copilot time is where your name is in the two columns. Left column is for the aircraft captain, right column is for the cojo. If you didn't sign for the aircraft, your name shouldn't be in the left column.
When TC looks at your military logbook down the road, they'll be looking for when you were in the left column (PIC) and when there was no one in the right column (you were solo).
"At the controls" means sitting in the front seat, "in control" means actually flying.