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Political Correctness gone too far?

geo said:
They all hold the old testament as gospel.  three traditions with a single origin ... Abraham

It is the choice of Abraham as a common label that makes them Abrahamic. It stems from his reputation as the "Father of many" (which is the literal meaning of his name). Since he is claimed by Jewish tradition as the ancestor of the Israelites, and his son Ishmael (Isma'il) by Muslim tradition as the ancestor of the Arabs, and by Christians as a "father in faith" (see Romans 4) the phrase may be meant to suggest that all three religions come from one source.

Which is why I am curious as to what religion was held by the person who made the complaint.
.... obviously someone who doesn't like the reference to Judaeism...
Many christians scorn the Jews... cause they were responsible for Christ's death
The fact that Christ and his disciples were all Jews is discounted as irrelevant
That is the funny thing about organized religion. In order for one to exist most of the time the other MUST be wrong! That's why true warriors should follow the path of pastafarianism. 'He' is the one true deity... Have YOU been touched by his noodle like appendage? Okay okay hijack off.
geo said:
Many christians scorn the Jews... cause they were responsible for Christ's death
The fact that Christ and his disciples were all Jews is discounted as irrelevant

You sure about that?  Okay, there might be a few wing-nut types,  ::)  but the overwhelming majority of Christians who have two consecutive clues know better.

The fact that Christ and most of (not all however! - Luke was a Gentile physician) his disciples were all Jews is very relevant.

Actually, one could claim that Italians were responsible for Christ's death.  There is that little detail of the crucifixion being carried out by the Roman army and all...  ;D

But trying to claim that would be just as ridiculous...
How ironic.  Consider the mystery of faith, (which is one of the following four) proclaimed by the congregation at Roman Catholic Masses:
"Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again."
"Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life. Lord Jesus, come in glory."
"When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, Lord Jesus, until you come in glory."
"Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free. You are the Savior of the World."

So, the basis of Roman Catholics (if not all Christians) is the death, sacrifice of Jesus.  Those who would defile the Jews, the Romans or whomever for the crucifixion of Christ just aren't being, well, very Christian now, aren't they?

(Edited for spelling)
Exactly Mortarman.

The theological point (at least in Eastern Orthodoxy) is that my/your sins caused the crucifixion of Christ, and there is no one to blame but ourselves.  That's kind of the point of calling for repentance.

Oh, and sorry to everyone else for the hijack.  I'll be quiet now.