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Poll on CTV *dot* ca about the LAV-3

Like it has been said, most people who are voting have 0% knowledge on the subject about military vehicle, let alone a LAV 3. I hardly ever read from CTV anymore, because of stuff like this....
Seeing there is thousands of automobile related deaths per year here in Canada, maybe we should rid this country of cars?  ::)

On a plus side, it would certainly be better for the environment!
Haggis said:
CANOE has an even more bizzare poll question: "Five Canadian soldiers have been killed in light armored vehicle rollovers. Should the vehicle be banned from combat zones?"

OK.... where are they supposed to be used?  Toronto?  The front isn't suitable for mounting a snowplow blade.....  ::)

[sarcasm] Why not  we'll stop using the LAV, just fork over more tax money, so we can buy something else that may have the same problem  ::) [/Sarcasm]
Haggis said:
CANOE has an even more bizzare poll question: "Five Canadian soldiers have been killed in light armored vehicle rollovers. Should the vehicle be banned from combat zones?"

OK.... where are they supposed to be used?  Toronto?  The front isn't suitable for mounting a snowplow blade.....  ::)

I wonder how many Canadians have been killed in rollovers of ATVs in the same time frame, and what their solution is for that.
Michael O`Leary said:
I wonder how many Canadians have been killed in rollovers of ATVs in the same time frame, and what their solution is for that.
Here in NL alone about 10-20, give or take some, every year.
Michael O`Leary said:
I wonder how many Canadians have been killed in rollovers of ATVs in the same time frame, and what their solution is for that.

I can think of atleast 10 during the summer here in Newfoundland, which alone doubles said amount of Canadians killed in traffic accidents in Afghanistan.
As of 1926EST:

Should Canadian troops still be using the LAV III (light armoured vehicle)?
Yes 2333 votes   (50 %)
No 2351 votes   (50 %)
Total Votes: 4684

Here's video from CTV's Murray Oliver; note the "newly-released memo":

Roll-overs are clearly a problem unique to the LAV.  Nothing else has ever rolled.  Not ever!
Great picture of Suffield MCG.
Neat way to gain access to the tracks for maintenance.
Uhh.... how do they flip it "on demand"?
As of 12:32 am NST

Should Canadian troops still be using the LAV III (light armoured vehicle)?

Yes  2890 votes    (51 %)

No  2786 votes    (49 %)

Total Votes: 5676
Like George said I guess Sparkys found something relevant to his intrests. Ive never been in a LAV or used one yet, but do Canadians want something better armoured? Something totally different? Im sure a brand new vehicle program will cost tax payers millions, if not billions, for a more highly armoured vehicle to replace every LAV III we have now. Though as someone else noted to me in another thread, the Taliban will just continue to build bigger bombs to take on whatever else we throw at them. As well as for rollovers lets not get into the media frenzy (or maybe we should) that was when SUV's became popular. I remember watching a whole thing about it on 20/20. Yet still theres millions of those out there.
George Wallace said:
Perhaps Sparky and company have flooded the NO votes.

Super Gavins to the rescue!

Rayman said:
Like George said I guess Sparkys found something relevant to his intrests. Ive never been in a LAV or used one yet, but do Canadians want something better armoured? Something totally different? Im sure a brand new vehicle program will cost tax payers millions, if not billions, for a more highly armoured vehicle to replace every LAV III we have now. Though as someone else noted to me in another thread, the Taliban will just continue to build bigger bombs to take on whatever else we throw at them. As well as for rollovers lets not get into the media frenzy (or maybe we should) that was when SUV's became popular. I remember watching a whole thing about it on 20/20. Yet still theres millions of those out there.

They want us in Iltis's with blue helmets....the nostalgia is palapable.
George Wallace said:
Reminds me of the phone conversation I had today with a fellow who asked me what the mortality rate was in Afghanistan.  I pondered that for a few moments and then replied that it was a hard question to answer.  I went on to say that it was probably better than Toronto, with over 78 murders a year, compared to the 70 plus we have lost in Afghanistan over a period of six or seven years.  Come to think of it, Afghanistan is safer.  He seemed to agree.

George; I would have told him that it was the same as everywhere else, 100%..... Nobody gets out alive... But then again that's my flippant side coming through....