Well, I spent a bit of time at the range today putting the scope through some simple tests to confirm setup and such.
Here's the conditons.
20m indoor range
Standing Supported
Franken-AR-22 (Dlask Lower with an OLD flattop upper, dedicated .22 LR barrel mated with Ceiner conversion kit.)
Winchester T-22 ammo, lot # 1VA50N and 1YK40M
Here's the kit:
My comments:
1. The red dot is not as precise as the black dot. I noted that at low illumination settings, the black dot did not appear to be precisely in the center of the red dot. The red dot was very quick to pick up, but not as precise.
2. The scope is quite clear, and I was pleased with the view of the target. I've shot some old Elcans that have had almost fields of moss growing inside them....this was NICE.
3. This scope has 1/2 MOA adjustments. That's fine, just a change from the old Elcans.
4. Windage is opposite to the old Elcan...again, just something to get used to.
5. I tested it with a 10 MOA (20 click) box test. Fire 5 rds, adjust right 20 clicks, then fire 5, then down 20, fire 5, left 20, fire 5, then back up 20 and fire 5 moe to see if the groups are co-incident. Worked quite well. Elevation was almost exactly 2", which is about 10 MOA at 20 meters, and windage was about 1.9 inches, again, pretty close. (I should have fired 10 round groups to get a better feel.
Here's some additional photos of the optic mounted on my rifle:
Here's a photo of the reticule at 1X:
And here it is at 4X:
(Please forgive the bald spot visible in the background....kitchen tables and reflective windows are fun!)
Now, let's step on to how it fared in the 4X to 1X flipping.
I started out firing 5 round groups, with this target showing the results. I'd fire a 5 shot group at 4X, then fire 5 more on top of those at 1X into the same target. On this target, I used the red-dot instead of the black dot. I noted that the red dot occluded the black diamond at 1X, so for the next target (following below) I switched the red-dot off.
After this, I fired 10 round groups, top target at 4X, bottom at 1X . I was extremely pleased with the results. The groups are effectively in the same spots. I was impressed!
Finally, I fired a couple of groups on a pair of reduced size Figure 12's (scaled for 100m) and here's how they look. As a note, the lower left target (1X) I realized I was focusing on the face, not the chin, which is why I re-shot the string on the right hand side. The bullets hit where I aimed. The offset of the group was MY FAULT.)
I'm very pleased with the performance so far.
A friend of mine gave me the "scope-bra", and it's a perfect fit.