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Well I'm about to apply on Monday and I have a Question.   I am applying in as an ATIS tech.   Assuming I'm accepted and after training I'm posted, I understand non-combat arms get more permenant postings.   I'm just wondering how permanant?   First off I'm aware as an ATIS tech it is very likely for me to be posted in Ottawa, any other likely places?   Second off because I know after 25 years I'd be in shock how much money I threw away on rent if that's what I did, I'm really keen on buying a house about 4-5 years into my career (should be enough to save a real nice down payment if I start from day 1), actually I'd like to live in the country side so more of a ranch with some nice land :)   I'm 20 now so I'd be really proud of myself if I brought a home by 25.   But to do so I'd need a we bit of security to know I ain't going to be moved in the short term.   But the thing is as an ATIS tech is it possible that I'd be lucky and stay in one place my entire career?   That'd be the best.   I hope I'm not sounding immature to you guys who are alot older than me thinking about buying a ranch before even getting in but you have to understand that although I want to serve and love my country, I also want to own a little chunk of her too :P   Hope I'm not asking for too much.

P.S.   Is it better to hand in my applicaion by hand (which is already filled out) or should I apply online over the weekend?   Going in and handing it manually may show inititive but I don't know.

God bless Canada   :cdn:
Why do you think you have a very good chance of being posted to Ottawa as an ATIS tech ?  There are ATIS techs on every airforce base i this country and a few other places.  You are incorect in your statement that non-combat arms pers get more permanent postings.  In alot of cases CSS and airforce pers get posted more often than infantry/combat arms types.  You may very well be lucky and stay in one place for your whole career ( if thats what you want) but i would not bet the farm on that as an ATIS tech.  Buying a house early is a good plan and if you get posted , you sell it and buy a new one at your new location ...soon enough you dont have a mortgage !!  If you dont want to move....don't join !!
I would contend that combat arms move around the least , and people that fix things the most.

As an ATIS tech, I would expect that your chances of not moving for your whole career are ZERO. As they are an "in demand" trade, you will be sent where the work is - like it or not. As there is no operational air base in Ottawa (one with a major unit at it) I would advise you to expect the following

3-4 months in Quebec, (basic trg) up to a year in Borden (trade trg) and a posting to larger air base, like Gander, Shearwater, Bagotville, Trenton, Winterpeg, Cold Lake, Moose Jaw, etc.

Air Force Bases are all out in the Boonies, but you want an acreage - so at least they'll be cheap!

Most Air Force types I know have lived on some or all of these bases in the first 10 years of their careers.

If you don't want to move, don't join the CF.
OK then, how often does one move?  If it's every year that would suck but if it's more like at least five years in one location that would be alot better.
The length of your posting is entirely dependent on the needs of the CF.

I've seen people make a "permanent" move, complete with house sale and purchase, kids changed schools, spouse quit job etc. 3 times in a year. I've also seen people stay at one posting for 15 years.

Every trade, position and answer is the same. "it depends" Members of the Cbt arms in the west are usually in their first posting for 7-10 years, and don't have to move unless they specifically request it. Some signals techs I know have also moved every 8-12 months for the last 5 years, while others have not moved at all.

There is no "hard and fast answer" or "rule of thumb", other than "homebodies need not apply"  :D

All of these answers are on this site under the "search" function though.....
OK I'll compare my list with that of my 9er. Me being CSS..him being Infantry:

85-85: 2RCR, Gagetown
85-95: 3 Cdo, Cdn Airborne Regt (with a stint in Recce Pl, tour to Namibia in 89, Somalia in 93,    
         summer stint with the Skyhawks in 94 out in Edmonton), Petawawa
95-96: 2RCR, Gagetown
96-2003: Canadian Paracute Centre, (long stint with the Skyhawks from 00-02), Trenton
03-04: 2RCR, (jaunt to Haiti in 04) Gagetown
04-Present: Infantry School (with a jaunt to CPC to instruct for a few months), Gagetown
This year's RCR posting list....he's on it going to somewhere in Petawawa ;)

88-90: CFB Halifax (tour to Namibia in 89)(jaunt to Goosebay in 90 for 6 months with 119AD and the
          vandoos to do do their searchs on female inuit taken into custody during low-level flight
90-94: 2 Svc Bn (never was home - made lots of field pay)
94-95: CMED (played softball out back for PT!!  ;D)
95-96: 3ASG Gagetown (MSA, 7C1)
96-03: Trenton (WSup, DART, 9 hgr SAR, 10 hgr ASF, lots of trips-see profile)
03-Present: 3ASG Gagetown (MASOP for 6 months/clothing the remainder)

My career mangler's posting list?? Dunno...they're not visiting til Feb  ;)

So, I've done 6 actual pick up and moves in 18 years. That averages out to once every 3 yrs. So much for that old myth that postings are 6-8 years long. Fully busted in this household...and I highly suspect I may be on my way again this APS.  ;) Dang!! I just got the pond put in the backyard!! Our kids are really gonna love us this time  :(

Mine was:

2 CER , petawawa 1993-1997
1 CER, edmonton 1997 -2001
CFSME, Gagetown 2001 -2004 (remustered april 04)
CFANS , winnipeg 2004-2005
415 (MP) sqn , Greenwood march 05 - september 05
407 (MP) sqn, Comox until now

So imoved a bit when i was combat arms (3-4 years) and my first air force posting lasted  7 months !!!
My whole career has been in Edmonton! Woooohooo!

I'll never leave!! (well, maybe if I make it into that new unit in Pet...)
80-88- Chilliwack (1 CER and Trg Supt Tp)
88-92- 4 CER Lahr FRG
92-96- 1 CER Chilliwack
96- Nov 02- 1 CER Edmonton
Nov 02- Present- greasy civy
In 27 years of life, I have now moved no less than 23 times. I might have missed some, but I think I got them all. I haven't even APPLIED yet either. :P
Here is my hubby's posting history:

97-98 St Jean, PQ
98-01 Victoria, BC
01-04 Oak Harbour, WA
04-current Halifax, NS

We doubt we will be moved anywhere unless he changes trades, so we bought our house out here. If we get posted, we will figure out what to do then, but the kids, and myself, really needed to have some roots.
Hey Aesop081,

What does the (MP) abbreviation mean.

"407 (MP) sqn, Comox until now"

And for anyone....

Are there Airforce personnel stationed at CFB Esquimalt?

Thanks guys.
dearryan said:
Hey Aesop081,

What does the (MP) abbreviation mean.

"407 (MP) sqn, Comox until now"

And for anyone....

Are there Airforce personnel stationed at CFB Esquimalt?

Thanks guys.

Stands for Maritime Patrol

443 sqn is based at the victoria airport...the support base is esquimalt