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PQ candidate Martine Ouellet: Trudeau's Canada Day video insulted Quebecers

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Hmmph, her comments were insulting to the rest of Canada, more like.  Separatists like her really make my blood boil.

"PQ candidate Martine Ouellet: Trudeau's Canada Day video insulted Quebecers

MONTREAL — A Parti Quebecois leadership candidate is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to retract comments he made referring to Canada as “one nation” in a Canada Day video message.

Martine Ouellet says the message posted Friday on Trudeau’s official Facebook page ignores Quebec’s heritage and status as a nation.

In the video, Trudeau describes Confederation as the day the country became “one nation, one country, one Canada.”

Ouellet shared the post to her own Facebook page, calling it “a direct insult” to the Quebec nation and its heritage.

“Trudeau revealed his true face yesterday,” she wrote. “Like father, like son, it’s really more of the same.”

She called on the prime minister to take back his comments and recognize Quebec’s status as a nation.

The Prime Minister’s Office did not immediately respond to an email requesting comment on the matter.

Ouellet, a former Quebec cabinet minister, is one of five candidates vying to replace Pierre Karl Peladeau as Parti Quebecois leader.

The party will announce its next leader Oct. 7."

Some people can just never find a reason to be happy....
Infanteer said:
Some people can just never find a reason to be happy....
Opposing for the sake of opposing, indeed.
Actually, the only thing that can be said of Trudeau's speech is that his "day" when Canada became "one nation, one country, one Canada" must have been one heck of a long one. It lasted from July 1st 1867 to April 1st, 1949  ;D

It's almost like a biblical early day: How long did the first three days of creation lasted? You can't know because the story says that the sun and the moon, "to separate day from night" were only created on the fourth day.  :).

if Quebec were to separate, it would be days before they would be crawling back for the Billions we hand them annually and the thousands of Jobs that we have in the Province
marinemech said:
if Quebec were to separate, it would be days before they would be crawling back for the Billions we hand them annually and the thousands of Jobs that we have in the Province

No, no, no. Given their past, I'm quite sure they'll separate but they'll expect us to keep monetarily supporting them.
recceguy said:
No, no, no. Given their past, I'm quite sure they'll separate but they'll expect us to keep monetarily supporting them.

I keep showing the graphs for the transfer payments to folks I know in Qc. No one I know has ever had a clue about how much of a money pit Quebec is. Proud Quebec "Nation", living on the Canadian dole.

And for anyone who wants to get offended by my comments: Je suis ne a Montreal et j'ai passe la moitier de ma vie a Laval.  [:p
recceguy said:
No, no, no. Given their past, I'm quite sure they'll separate but they'll expect us to keep monetarily supporting them.
AND keep the Canadian dollar ...
milnews.ca said:
AND keep the Canadian dollar ...
canada couldn't stop them from using the Canadian dollar.

The would have no say in monetary policy and the Canadian dollar would be even more of a petrol dollar than it is already with quebec gone, but there isn't anything canada could do about them or any other country using it.

Iceland was talking about switching to the Canadian dollar at one point and all it takes is buying up enough of them to supply their population.
Altair said:
canada couldn't stop them from using the Canadian dollar.

The would have no say in monetary policy and the Canadian dollar would be even more of a petrol dollar than it is already with quebec gone, but there isn't anything canada could do about them or any other country using it.

Iceland was talking about switching to the Canadian dollar at one point and all it takes is buying up enough of them to supply their population.

Wouldn't it almost be better if we just left Quebec keep the Canadian dollar? Any country, business that was trading with Quebec would have liabilities/receivables from Quebec and would overnight either/gain loose money depending on how the new currency fared. Likewise we'd have millions of dollars of currency to recollect. Likewise our dollar would likely take a hit on the global market at least for the short term.
Altair said:
canada couldn't stop them from using the Canadian dollar.

The would have no say in monetary policy and the Canadian dollar would be even more of a petrol dollar than it is already with quebec gone, but there isn't anything canada could do about them or any other country using it.

Iceland was talking about switching to the Canadian dollar at one point and all it takes is buying up enough of them to supply their population.

Actually the separatists are far too xenophobic for that, they would most likely adopt the franc, come up their own currency or something stupid like that.
Chief Stoker said:
Actually the separatists are far too xenophobic for that, they would most likely adopt the franc, come up their own currency or something stupid like that.
naturally, however it irks me when English canada says that they will deny quebec the right to use the Canadian dollar when there is no mechanism for a country to do so. Not even the usa which have several countries using the American dollar as their currency, or the EU which have some Balkan nations that use the euro without being in the Eurozone.

But I would bet they don't continue to use money with the queen of England on it.
runormal said:
Wouldn't it almost be better if we just left Quebec keep the Canadian dollar? Any country, business that was trading with Quebec would have liabilities/receivables from Quebec and would overnight either/gain loose money depending on how the new currency fared. Likewise we'd have millions of dollars of currency to recollect. Likewise our dollar would likely take a hit on the global market at least for the short term.
The Canadian dollar without quebec would become even more linked to oil, which quebec doesn't have. So like Greece with the EU they may be going on a wild ride in which they would have no control. The BOC will make decisions based on what's best for the Canadian economy even it ruins the newly seperate quebec.

That and the BOC makes money with  more money in circulation so have 8 million quebecers using it wouldn't hurt.
The lady on Canadian money is the Queen of Canada.
How many Quebecers move to Canada after separation? How much of their GDP is a result of government intervention/industry from the rest of Canada? Canada's GDP is going to take a hit, but Quebec will take a bigger hit not being part of Canada's free trade agreements.
First thing to go down the shitter will be Bombardier, at long last.  More lives than a sack full of cats.
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