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Primary Reserve List (PRL)

Let me input some clarification:

If a civilian nurse, resp therapist, whatever, is in the CF as a Med Tech, and employed as a med tech, they work under the guidance of the Surg Gen in regard to what their military qualification is. The exception, is when under supervision of an MO, they may be granted delegated acts which allow them to do more then what the guidelines for their QL allow them to do. Nurses, NPA's, and PA's all have guidelines to follow.

For instance an ACP qualified paramedic being employed as a Med Tech QL 5 can not give IV push narcotics without order and direct supervision of an MO. (extreme, but I have first hand experience of this. "But as a paramedic in xxxxxx I am allowed to..." Troop was in deep ca ca.)

A civ paramedic employed as an infanteer (or whatever civ medical profession being any military profession outside CFMG) is not allowed to do anything more then first aid (tactical or otherwise) while employed in uniform.

edit:changed Res Force to CF, as I have limited knowledge of how Res Med Techs are used, unless employed alongside Reg F.
Hot Lips said:
Keep in mind at some point in time many or even all of you had no knowledge of this huge all encompassing system and hopefully someone was kind enough to help you out when you needed it.  Is it not a team approach that is nurtured/required in the CF?

I would hope that I as a nurse with many years of experience would not bash and demean anyone for asking questions that they would obviously know little about.  Professionalism helps me to rise above the need to bash others who seek information that I just take for granted or comes to me second nature.

I enjoy having pers like you (civilian employed ER/ICU/CC nurse) coming to train with us, if you come in with that very same attitude (Maj Scott from Edmonton for example, excellent teacher, not afraid to ask good questions). I know my military job very well, as you for your civilian one. We can learn alot about do our job better from each other.

I know nothing about the PRL...
A few things come to mind - Nursing Assoc approved scope of practice, delegated act by Supervising physican, miiltary position-associated scope of practice, and Crown Liability Act (CLA) coverage for execution of medical acts.

Para 36 of CLA states, "36. For the purposes of determining liability in any proceedings by or against the Crown, a person who was at any time a member of the Canadian Forces or of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police shall be deemed to have been at that time a servant of the Crown.  http://lois.justice.gc.ca/en/C-50/232166.html#rid-232180
Thanks Armymedic,

I would say that is the true spirit...I hope there are most members of the CF like yourself because I would be more than happy to serve along side of members with an abundance of military knowledge that they are willing to share, and I in return.

I am finding out that this whole PRL thing is as clear as mud and no one place/person really has a concrete response to many of the questions posed...

I decided to put my app in Reg Force as a result :salute:

Bart Nikodem said:
Do you know where a guy could track down a document outlining the QL5 scope of practice? It would be interesting to see what one needs to get to that level.
All the best,

Well, you should be able to get it from your unit or from the MCSP section on the Health Services Gp DIN (not internet). I think I have an e-copy of it somewhere too, let me know if you can't find it. Sorry for the delay in replying to your post. Was away on TD.
Any new info on the PRL? I am an Intermediate Care Paramedic with 13 years urban experience. I am also a Paramedic Instructor/Facilitator and Field Preceptor. I have 4 years previous service in the P Res. Would I even qualify for the program?
Best thing to do is contact them via the phone numbers listed on their web page.
If your currently in, or have gone onto the SHR/SRR then the chances seem pretty good
based on the transfer instructions on their webpage.
To be honest, I don't think you'd qualify.  Without that elusive QL5, or at the very least the Res Enh Tng to QL3, you're not really employable according to them.  Every referal I've sent that way has come back with "Get the QL3, and then call us", or words to that effect.

From the CO of the PRL last month:

5. The following list of occupations is currently being accepted onto the CF H Svcs PRL as Class A members .... :
long list of health care jobs deleted...

f. Med Techs Ex Regular Force QL5 and above (others selected on a case by case basis)

I hope that clears that up, even if it's not what you wanted.


Ha - Good on you RN PRN.

I do have a more true to form, hit home sort of example.

When I CFR'd it was - "Welcome new Army nurse - so - let's see - Ummm - well go on the HCA course and we will call it your BNOC"

I used the same examples as you referenced - I said - "well how about you send me on a machine gunner course and call me a driver!!!"

It is much better nowadays though  :salute:
Hey nsmedicman,

You might not be a candidate for the PRL, but I'll bet your local Res Fd Amb would snap you up.

In response to ParaMedTech's post, there is a difference between employable and deployable. Res F Med Techs QL4 with the new "ehanced gap training" as Reg QL3 equivalent are employable in a variety of CF jobs. Deployable is a different story, but if a Res F Med Tech also has civvy PCP  (or better) qual then they are fully Reg QL3 equivlant and that can open the door to more opportunites. My unit has had 2 of our Res F Med Techs deploy (ATHENA Roto 0 and ARCHER Roto 1 TAV with the PRT) and we have another who has just started pre-deployment training for the Feb 07 rotation. All of these are Reg F QL3 Equiv with PCP license. The opportunites exist even without the elusive Reg F QL5 equivalency.

Only problem is rogsco, they weren't that willing to enroll me, because I live 90 minutes away. I would be willing to travel, but no go, so far.
They won't enrol you because of where you live? Why the heck would that matter?
Hmmm, any units closer to you then that?

We've got troops 90 minutes to two hours away (heck, 8-12, too) who normally parade with a closer unit, such as the Engineers or Infantry in their local community, since they have to belong to a Fd Amb.

Something sounds a little odd...afraid of having to pay too much mileage for the commuting assistance?

From what I have gathered, the commuting allowance has been canceled.

I agree with Paramedtec, something sounds fishy in this. I have troops that live well over two hours away from my unit and they are still permitted to join, belong to the Fd Amb.

Please take another look.
I think if you are willing to do the dive then accepting you should be a given.

I have troops who live 90 mins or more away from my unit and they are welcome. In fact, one of them has near perfect attendance to unit training. Seems odd that you would be getting turned away.
I spoke with the recruiting sergeant today. She told me that it's in the CO's hands now. He would have to approve my application, since I live a distance away.
Move to Vancouver.  We will take you in a heartbeat. ;D