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PT test


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I know this consists of grip test, push ups, sit ups, 2.4 km run, and step test. But does it have a beep test were you have to run across the gym in between the beeps? I didn't think so until I read this:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/234.15.html But that is from 2001 so have they taken it out since then?

thanks :salute:
I did mine 2yrs ago for the reserves(same as reg?), I did push ups, sit ups, grip test and it was explained to me you either do 2.4km run or the step test.  I don't think they do the beep test anymore, but I could be wrong.
Sorry - I can't take time to look this up for you, but ...

It does include the shuttle run (what you're calling the "beep")

There's more than enough info on this ... somewhere ...

Please search for it, thank you.
i did mine a year and a half ago and there was not shuttle or 2.4k run, only step test.
civvy3840 said:
I know this consists of grip test, push ups, sit ups, 2.4 km run, and step test. But does it have a beep test were you have to run across the gym in between the beeps? I didn't think so until I read this:   http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/234.15.html But that is from 2001 so have they taken it out since then?

thanks :salute:

Are you talking about the entry test or the Expres test?

When I did the entry test in 1999, it was push ups, sit ups, grip test and the step test.

The Expres test done annually for Regular force members is push ups, sit ups, grip and 20m shuttle run (aka the beep test).
civvy3840 said:
I know this consists of grip test, push ups, sit ups, 2.4 km run, and step test. But does it have a beep test were you have to run across the gym in between the beeps? I didn't think so until I read this: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/234.15.html But that is from 2001 so have they taken it out since then?

thanks :salute:

Just had a couple of friends do the express test for MOD 6 of PLQ and they had to do a shuttle run.
I was talking about the entry test. I was just wondering because that's not on the DND site so I thought maybe that was just a suprise thing. But if those minimum requirements are correct then I would have passed anyways. A bit off topic but to prepare for BMQ how many chin/ pull ups do you recommend doing? I've seen somewhere before that they recommend 6 but that seems a little to easy to me.
civvy3840 said:
I was talking about the entry test. I was just wondering because that's not on the DND site so I thought maybe that was just a suprise thing. But if those minimum requirements are correct then I would have passed anyways. A bit off topic but to prepare for BMQ how many chin/ pull ups do you recommend doing? I've seen somewhere before that they recommend 6 but that seems a little to easy to me.

Regardless they do the same test. Minimum requirements are listed here http://www.recruiting.forces.ca/media/pdf/physical_fitness_en.pdf
I did my entry test only a month ago and did not have to do a beep test. It consisted of a grip test, sit-ups, pushups, and the step test.

I'm pretty sure the shuttle run is a part of the express test, not the entry test and I don't think things have drastically changed with regards to entry requirements since I did my testing.

On a side note, how has everyone fared on the shuttle run when they did it for the express test?
Che, it wasn't on the Express test, but I got 10.5 with 96 laps on the CMC test with the beep test.

Needed that for my exemption.

Anyone ever done the PARE? I ran a 320 in that. I know its high but it was my first time.(RCMP TEST)
10.5 got you an exmeption? I should be so lucky, lol. 10.5 is only 1 level over the standard for the CMC PT test. Ah well, I guess I will be gunning for an exemption on the Expres this summer on BOTP.
I got a 12 on the beep test when i was in Highschool
Those days are long gone now, ;)  I'm down to 11's though I do that with an MP3 player and lines off a football field so I grade myself down to a 10.5.
fidicuffs said:
how does the step test work?

There's some information on this in the Training forum. Basically the step test consists of going up and down a set of 2 steps. The floor being the base. You go up and down to a pre-recorded tape that says ...up, 2, 3..down 2, 3. You have to keep in time with the person on the tape. You do this for about 2 minutes then the evaluater will make you stop breifly, take your pulse and then he/she will have you do it again to a slightly higher pace. The evaluator made me do this 4 times, increasing the pace each time. Don't worry, it's not difficult at all and MUCH easier in my opinion than a 2.4 km run or the beep test.

Good Luck and if you have any question feel free to ask. I am pretty fresh from doing my testing, only having done it all last month.

Last time i did the beep beeps i got 9 ½... does it mean i would fail the express test?  :'(
civvy3840 said:
If you fail the express test are you kicked out?


Check Annex B, it lists the career implications for both NCMs and Officers.

Da_man said:
Last time i did the beep beeps i got 9 ½... does it mean i would fail the express test? :'(

No, you just wouldn't be exempt. If you're exempt you only do the test every 2 years, otherwise you do it every year. The link above will detail everything about the Expres test.