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Public Dress Standards: Headphones on the bus


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I know dress regs have relaxed a bit over the last few years and you can rock out with your ipod in uniform on the bus, but does that include while waiting at the bus stop before boarding and wearing them as you leave the bus?  Just curious.
NavalMoose said:
I know dress regs have relaxed a bit over the last few years and you can rock out with your ipod in uniform on the bus, but does that include while waiting at the bus stop before boarding and wearing them as you leave the bus?  Just curious.

Here is what the manual says: 
headphones shall not be worn; ear buds may be worn when travelling on public transit only

So going by that, no when you are waiting at the bus stop you are not to be wearing ear buds.
"Headphones on the bus" 

Wearing headphones in public is also discussed here,

Wearing Uniform in Public (merged)
19 pages.
Cheers....I guess the LCol didn't read that part.  He was wearing earbuds, I just use headphones as a generic term....in error I guess...lol
NavalMoose said:
Cheers....I guess the LCol didn't read that part.  He was wearing earbuds, I just use headphones as a generic term....in error I guess...lol

Earbuds in public are also discussed,
NavalMoose said:
Cheers....I guess the LCol didn't read that part.  He was wearing earbuds, I just use headphones as a generic term....in error I guess...lol
Maybe the LCol was in a teleconference? :)