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QC militias/paramilitary groups (merged)

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FMR said:
::) it's a cyber warrior


Okay Cowboy the Jig is up.

You do not belong to the Milice Patriotique Québécoise, but are some character trying to make them look bad.  The cheasy Francophone anlgaise, the dimwitt History, and the fancy knife.  Why you cheeky monkey, you almost had us  ::)

We have all had our fun, and stop looking at my crotch, I have guitars in that picture.....



I found their club song, it loses some zip being translated from French to English.  >:D

You all are against us
you whole damn bunch
we have to be ready
with our paintball guns
we practice for combat
we rehearse all day
we do it all
in our own special way

Milice Milice
our battle cry
Milice Milice
til the day we die

We give you a chance
to give us our way
you better heed us
we don't play
we're serious so serious
we know what we want
we want you gone
far far away

Milice Milice
our battle cry
Milice Milice
til the day we die

We wear our cammies
and great dress pants
we march up and down
clump clump clump
our public image
is beyond reproach
you won't see us
at each others throat

Milice Milice
our battle cry
Milice Milice
til the day we die

So one fine day
it will come to pass
we will be free
we will have our way
no more harassment
no more guff
we'll be happy
.... sure enough

Milice Milice
our battle cry
Milice Milice
til the day we die
I found a copy of their club oath as well, again the French to English is not too great.  >:D

It is sworn on a copy of Splat Magazine

I swear
To obey the leader
To pay through the nose for knock off junk
To pretend this organization means something
To become proficient with a paintball gun
To keep my knife from getting rusty
To not divulge the secret handshake
And most of all ... To obey the leader
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA LEADER! LEADER, LEADER, LEADER (as sung by Homer Simpson to the Leader of the Movementarians).
Hollywood Hitman:

With respect to Tess's picture how ore your MORALS???


tango22a said:
Hollywood Hitman:

With respect to Tess's picture how ore your MORALS???



Uhhh....Well - morally, ethically I am opposed to hairy people of either gender in banana hammocks. But the mullet is rockin. Business in the front, party in the back. Tess' guitars are cool. I'm a fan of Rock Band. The pic itself is disturbing. Car wreck style. Everyone's looked at it more than once.

My morals though, are doing ok....I'm not feeling conflicted about anything in particular at the moment...The general tone and silliniess of the thread is good for my MORALE...(I didn't miss the "e" in my post above).....Did I miss something?


Hollywood Hitman:

BZ to you.


I preferred Gaiters to your guitars.



I think I will save your picture to post in the AFV Recognition thread somewhere down the road,


Well here is a top secret photo of the last training day.
The mobile canteen. They have to keep the guys happy during exercises.

Alrighty Boys, look lively now.  The Media is here and we wanna look good!


Bruce Monkhouse said:
Well here is a top secret photo of the last training day.

Reflecting the investment of a significant portion of their defence budget in poutine.
Even for Radio Chatter, it's time to put this one out of its misery.


Milnet.ca Staff
MODS - since the last thread on this one is locked, I'm OK with either a merge of this into it, or a lock on this if there's concerns about the heat that could be generated.

Greeeeeeeeeeat - now they're making promotional videos and opening a recruiting office.....

This from CBC.ca, shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act.
A Quebec paramilitary group is raising concerns among fellow separatists.

The Patriotic Militia of Quebec says it is looking for people willing to lay down their lives in defence of the people of Quebec and plans to open a recruiting centre in downtown Montreal on Saturday.

Militia members train in the snow in a promotional video. Militia members train in the snow in a promotional video. (CBC)In a promotional video, members of the militia practise with bows and arrows and do push-ups in the snow. They also practise hand-to-hand combat and appear to be carrying high-powered rifles.

The group claims to have about 25 regular members and hopes to recruit another 150 within the next year. They say over the past decade about 2,000 people have signed up to join the group but most do not participate regularly.

Militia organizers say their training camp offers a real military experience for the price of $29.

Organizers insist the group is non-violent and say they sometimes show up to help with the response to natural disasters. But founder Serge Provost insists the group needs to be prepared to defend Quebec if it is attacked.

"If we want to defend our people, we have no choice but to use the same weapons as our aggressors," Provost said, adding the group has applied to Quebec provincial police for permission to build a firing range.

Some mainstream separatist groups, including the Saint-Jean Baptiste Society, are uneasy with the militia.

Society president Mario Beaulieu says the militia has to be very precise about its mandate.

"When you present yourself as defending the territory and people of Quebec from eventual attack, I think it would be important to specify your mission," Beaulieu said. "Who exactly determines what an attack is?"

Although Beaulieu sees the group as harmless, he said the society would never associate itself with any group promoting violence.

The group's site is here, and there's a bit more Army.ca discussion here.
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