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Que. school worker outed as porn star, suspended

EX-CWO McDonald said:
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

Everyone, including the subject of this topic, right?
EX-CWO McDonald said:
Just because you think that I am wrong doesnt mean that i am. Yes to answer someones query i am an EX- cadet squadron warrant officer first class. though that was a good 20-30 yrs ago I am still allwoed to say what i said as stated here
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Fundamental Freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom
of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.

Yes, you are allowed to state (& have an opinion ~ and that is all that it is); just because you think you're right, doesn't mean that you are (funny how those opinions work eh?). You may also, IAW this private website's policy, add the C/ in front of your user-name to correct the perception that you are giving with regards to even your "ex" rank. It should, properly, read "Ex-C/CWO McDonald" for that is who and what you are.

On that note you can please correct your phrase in the "notes" part of your profile, it should read 2 VandenBos Sqn vice vadenbos.  Capt. Mike VandenBos was a personal friend of mine (Snowbird 2) before his untimely death. 

RIP WoodBoot  :cdn:

Thank you .
ArmyVern said:
Yes, you are allowed to state (& have an opinion ~ and that is all that it is); just because you think you're right, doesn't mean that you are (funny how those opinions work eh?). You may also, IAW this private website's policy, add the C/ in front of your user-name to correct the perception that you are giving with regards to even your "ex" rank. It should, properly, read "Ex-C/CWO McDonald" for that is who and what you are.


fixed it for you Vern. :)

I am more interested in his supposed Iran-Iraq War experience....I am betting we have a walt on our hands.
Everyone who posts on this site can be judged only by their words. We don't know you; we have only what you choose to share with the world.

You may wish to give more thought to prior posting. It is, of course, your call.
  EX-C/CWO McDonald, I'm calling bullshit here,..................you might want to check your Cadet unit timelines Sunshine.

  I am an ex-CWO from 2 vadenbos squadron in whitby ontario. I had been with the squadron for
    8 yrs before leaving on my 19th birthday. I have done fighting in the iran/iraq war in 1988.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
  EX-C/CWO McDonald, I'm calling bullshit here,..................you might want to check your Cadet unit timelines Sunshine.

  I am an ex-CWO from 2 vadenbos squadron in whitby ontario. I had been with the squadron for
    8 yrs before leaving on my 19th birthday. I have done fighting in the iran/iraq war in 1988.

And How.....


The Good Captain Tragically was killed 10 December 1998 ergo, your Cadet Sqn would not have been renamed until post accident...

also a little more Digging shows a WO2 K. MacDonald from Sept 03 2003 to Jan 04 2004


I would highly suggest you start telling us just where your Iraq experience actually came from... maybe a unit you served with there "Walt"....

I would also suggest you do it sooner then later.

I'm on the Bruce Monkhouse Bullshit Bandwagon... Seriously... You dont think we would fact check? The Fail is strong with you laddie....  :facepalm:
Technoviking said:
So.....pr0n star by night?  Anyone?
80's movies for $500 Alex.
Who was a Catholic school girl who attended classes by day and taught tricks at night?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
  EX-C/CWO McDonald, I'm calling bullshit here,..................you might want to check your Cadet unit timelines Sunshine.

  I am an ex-CWO from 2 vadenbos squadron in whitby ontario. I had been with the squadron for
    8 yrs before leaving on my 19th birthday. I have done fighting in the iran/iraq war in 1988.
Did you fight on the Iraqi or Iranian side?

Barring info corroborating above, I'm joining the "Bruce M. Outs a Walt" Club, too!
my72jeep said:
80's movies for $500 Alex.
Who was a Catholic school girl who attended classes by day and taught tricks at night?

You gotta be specific.....there were whole herds of them.... ;D
Just to derail this even more.....why not nominate her as a candidate in the Federal election??
The party she runs for - Green...they may stand a chance of actually electing someone that way.
The difference between the young lady porn star and the politicians?

She's honest about what she does. :salute:
Jim Seggie said:
The difference between the young lady porn star and the politicians?

She's honest about what she does. :salute:
No after you get screwed , you still want to smile. :)