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Questions about Joining

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m.k said:
You will still likely be questioned in your interview as to why you received poor grades. Have you considered staying an extra year and re-doing some compulsory courses/picking up an extra credit or two? There is no shame in that.

And the only answer i would have to that is, lack of motivation, which isn't what the military would like the hear i'm sure  ;D its not that i'm completely stupid, i simply just don't have any motive to try in school (until now that is) it would also help if i showed up more

But that is true, what if i went to some lower-end community college instead? (assuming thats all i could get into)

my idea: what if i graduate will my somewhat below average highschool grades, then join the reserves (hopefully before i graduate actually) for a few years while attending a community college, or possibly upgrading highschool grades, would i be more likely to be accepted into the regular forces then?

Also, since i would be in the reserves for a few years, won't that mean they'll be looking less on my grades since i'll actually have some experience? But then again, maybe it will be the opposite effect... if i stay in the reserves for a few years, i'll be in my 20s, probably 22-23, so would they take me over some 18 year old straight out of highschool with good grades?

The only experience I have is experience in the application process and may not be the best suited to answer these questions, but I will pass on what I do know:
the Capt. performing my interview told me that college grades would only be considered if they were on the transcript of a completed program.
joining the reserves while doing post-secondary is a great idea if you have time. But only if post-secondary is what you actually want to do. Just know that the switch from Reserve Force to Regular Force is not instant. You could get the grades in high school for free...or go to college for thousands of dollars. That being said, a college diploma helps your competitiveness as an applicant.

Your age has little to no bearing on your status as long as you are as competitive as the next guy and in good health.

No one here can tell you how to proceed. Talk to a recruiter and think long and hard about what YOU want to do

After all, it is your life.
Talk to your teachers.  Two days is two days that they could help you if they have time, but at least you have put the idea in their heads that you're trying to change.  Just like the military, attitude accounts for a lot. ;D
okay well i was on the forces.ca site, looking up recruiting centers in my area for the reserves, but i just have some questions about it kind of, and i would call but its pretty late at night right now, so i'm assuming they're closed, and i'm quite eager for answers asap because i JUST told my parents i want to join the military now, and they kind of freaked out, even though this is what i've wanted to do for years, so i told them i'd set up an appointment so they can come talk to a recruiter with me  ;D (is it even a good idea to bring parents along when talking to a recruiter? i dunno if it'll make me seem like a little kid or not)

Heres the info off the site:

CFS Aldergrove, Building 26 PO Box 4000
Aldergrove, British Columbia
V4W 2V1
Phone: 604-666-4282

I was just curious as to what "B COMPANY" means? Whats A Company then? I tried searching this base up on google, and youtube, and all the came up was a bunch of people marching in the streets in a marching band? Is that what the reserve forces is? Because i don't want to be in a marching band...  ;D... i want to be in the Canadian Forces! not playing instruments...

If that is all you came up with in a Google search, you did not search for very long at all. Do some reading on your own and familiarize yourself better with what you are considering getting yourself into. The search function on this site is very useful, as there is plenty of information here in previous posts.
Recruiting Centres (CFRCs) are open 0800-1600 Monday to Friday.  They have a central number that you can call (I can't remember it off-hand but I'm positive it's on the DND recruiting site as a 1-800 number.)

First things first, from your other thread you wanted to be in the Combat Arms (Armd, Arty and Inf) in the Regular Force.  The mailing info you brought up is for the Royal Westminster Regiment, a reserve unit in the Lower Mainland, BC.  If you're anywhere near a CF Recruiting Centre, drop in and ask about your choices in the Regular Force, with your parents if need be.  I'm sure the recruiters won't mind.
Merry Christmas...


CF National RC (North Bay): 1-866-966-8718

Dimsum said:
First things first, from your other thread you wanted to be in the Combat Arms (Armd, Arty and Inf) in the Regular Force.  The mailing info you brought up is for the Royal Westminster Regiment, a reserve unit in the Lower Mainland, BC.  If you're anywhere near a CF Recruiting Centre, drop in and ask about your choices in the Regular Force, with your parents if need be.  I'm sure the recruiters won't mind.

Yes, i would like in be in one of the Combat Arms in the regular force, but i was thinking of joining the reserve forces first (yes i'm aware that transfer times from reserves to regular forces could be quite long, but i was wanting to stay here for a couple years anyways due to personal matters)

And yes, i thought the reserve unit was also a recruiting center? because on www.forces.ca under "Find a recruitment center" it lists this, since i live quite near here.

So, i was assuming i could just go here to talk to a recruiter? Then apply and get all that stuff done, then start my time in the reserve forces?
At a Regular Force recruiting centre you are almost guaranteed to be able to talk to someone the first time you walk in/call. From what I have heard it can take longer to reach someone in charge of recruiting at a Reserve unit.
m.k said:
At a Regular Force recruiting centre you are almost guaranteed to be able to talk to someone the first time you walk in/call. From what I have heard it can take longer to reach someone in charge of recruiting at a Reserve unit.

Oh i see, so, i could talk to a recruiter at a Reg Force recruiting center even if i'm joining Reserves? But the Reg force center is also a lot further from me, so i'm assuming i'd just be able to call the Reserve center and set up an appointment?
A recruiter at a Reg F RC will be able to give you information on both Reg and Res components.

When it comes to actually applying for the Res F, you will need to do that through the unit in question (Royal Westminster Regiment).

If you need questions answered it would be more efficient to do so by calling someone who's full time job is to answer your questions. IE call one of the numbers provided.
Because it seems you lack search skills.. - really dude,  just start thinking a bit more when you type into Google.. it's really easy.. terms like "Army Reserve British Columbia" "Reserve Infantry Vancouver", etc would have worked and found you the units.  Because of the time of year it is now,  the Reserve units may be stood down(not open) untill after the holidays,  when you get a chance call up the Reserve units you are interested in to confirm times/dates they are open.

Google 39 Canadian Brigade Group - All Army Reserve units in BC are part of this Brigade.  Seeing as you are in the Lower Mainland and want Combat Arms, the units are..

Royal Westminister Regiment
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada

British Columbia Regiment

15 Field Artillery Regiment, RCA

6 Engineer Squadron/39 Combat Engineer Regiment

jaykay said:
I was just curious as to what "B COMPANY" means? Whats A Company then?

Like I said in your other thread, Army units are broken down into smaller sub units.  B Company is a Rifle Company within the Royal Westminister Regiment,  so is A Company.  The Company would be broken down into smaller sub units called Platoons, and the Platoons are broken into Sections then Fire Teams.  Don't think to much about what all the terminology means,  it will be explained to you if you get in and it will make more sense.
Greymatters said:
This is the message that far too many members of the general public believe and propogate, including not just anti-war and anti-military supporters, but even some of our current politicians believe this. 

Yup,...our social workers here at the jail still will hand out application forms to 'folks" who, even in my day, wouldn't have had a prayer and then look at me like I have a third eye when I try to explain to them that there is a huge waiting list even for "normal" applicants.
I told friends that I was in the process of joining the CF last April when I applied, and have seen a few of them recently. The conversation generally goes like this:
??? : I thought you were joining the army?
:camo: : I am, but it's competitive right now and I won't know until April if they have a job for me this year.
??? : I thought you were applying to be an officer.
:camo: : I am, but it's competitive right now and I won't know until April if they have a job for me this year.
??? : How small is our army that they can't take people?

It just seems unfathomable to a lot of people that it could ever be a competitive occupation.
I know what you mean Ken, generally I am met with disbelief when I tell people that my application process took about a year and that others have taken much longer. People seem to think it is a backup plan for anyone who is having trouble finding employment and if you have 2 legs, 2 arms and a pair of eyes you're pretty much a shoe in. This may have been the case at some point in the past, but certainly not anymore.
-Skeletor- said:
Royal Westminister Regiment
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada

Like I said in your other thread, Army units are broken down into smaller sub units.  B Company is a Rifle Company within the Royal Westminister Regiment,  so is A Company.  The Company would be broken down into smaller sub units called Platoons, and the Platoons are broken into Sections then Fire Teams.  Don't think to much about what all the terminology means,  it will be explained to you if you get in and it will make more sense.

Is that infantry one you mentioned the same as the one i mentioned? the...

CFS Aldergrove, Building 26 PO Box 4000
Aldergrove, British Columbia
V4W 2V1
Phone: 604-666-4282

Because i do want to go into Infantry, but for some reason when i try googling this base it keeps saying its in New Westminster, even though on the forces.ca site it says its in Aldergrove? Which is like, 30-40 minutes away from New Westminster... (but then again, maybe thats just because of my awful googling skills  ;D )

oh, and i thought in an earlier post you told me that each unit needs a little of everything, like theres no one unit of just infantry soldiers or whatever, soo... does it matter which reserve unit i go to? like, if i want to be in combat, couldnt i still just go to any reserve unit? Because there is a base reeally near where i live, so i'd be able to go there, but if i have to go to some other base off in Vancouver or near that area i wouldn't be able getting an hour long ride every time :/
jaykay said:
Is that infantry one you mentioned the same as the one i mentioned? the...

CFS Aldergrove, Building 26 PO Box 4000
Aldergrove, British Columbia
V4W 2V1
Phone: 604-666-4282

The Regiment is based in New Westminister,  but B Company is located in Aldergrove.

jaykay said:
oh, and i thought in an earlier post you told me that each unit needs a little of everything, like theres no one unit of just infantry soldiers or whatever, soo... does it matter which reserve unit i go to? like, if i want to be in combat, couldnt i still just go to any reserve unit? Because there is a base reeally near where i live, so i'd be able to go there, but if i have to go to some other base off in Vancouver or near that area i wouldn't be able getting an hour long ride every time :/

I said Regular Force units have a larger collection of trades within the units,  Reserve units don't have the same requirements/manning.  In the Combat Arms units, they will only have 1 type of Combat Arms trade, ie Infantry units would only have Infanteers, Artillery would only have Gunners.  I don't know the TO&E of the Combat Arms(and CSS/Combat Support units) Reserve units too know if they have any Mechanics, Signallers, etc.  I would assume the only other trades you would find in say a Reserve Infantry unit would be RMS Clerks. 

You can't show up at a Artillery or Armour unit, etc and try to join them as Infantry,  you would have to goto a Infantry Regiment for that.

Like I said in the other post,  Regular Force units have more trades in them, like in a Infantry Battalion there will be Infanteers, Medics, Signallers, Mechanics and other support trades.  A Armoured Regiment would have.. Armoured soldiers, Sigs, Mechanics, and other support trades, and so on.  Now a Service Battalion would have Mechanics, Supply Techs, MSE Ops, and some other CSS trades, etc but you won't find a Platoon of Infantry or any other Combat Arms within a Service Battalion.
-Skeletor- said:
The Regiment is based in New Westminister,  but B Company is located in Aldergrove.

I said Regular Force units have a larger collection of trades within the units,  Reserve units don't have the same requirements/manning.  In the Combat Arms units, they will only have 1 type of Combat Arms trade, ie Infantry units would only have Infanteers, Artillery would only have Gunners.  I don't know the TO&E of the Combat Arms(and CSS/Combat Support units) Reserve units too know if they have any Mechanics, Signallers, etc.  I would assume the only other trades you would find in say a Reserve Infantry unit would be RMS Clerks. 

You can't show up at a Artillery or Armour unit, etc and try to join them as Infantry,  you would have to goto a Infantry Regiment for that.

Oh i seee, that makes sense! But the B company is the same as the regiment right? Like, its still infantry?

And oh okay, i thought that was for the Reserves as well, but thats okay seeing as how the one near me is an infantry unit, right? So its fine that they don't have a bunch of trades in there

Thank you everyone for helping me out with my endless amount of questions  ;D i think i got it all figured out now! 
jaykay said:
Oh i seee, that makes sense! But the B company is the same as the regiment right? Like, its still infantry?

Yes..... B Company, of the Royal Westminister Regiment is Infantry.

jaykay said:
And oh okay, i thought that was for the Reserves as well, but thats okay seeing as how the one near me is an infantry unit, right? So its fine that they don't have a bunch of trades in there

I can't say if it's Infantry or not if I don't know what unit is near you.

-Skeletor- said:
Yes..... B Company, of the Royal Westminister Regiment is Infantry.

I can't say if it's Infantry or not if I don't know what unit is near you.

its the B Company Royal Westminister unit, in Aldergrove thats near me, which is what we've been saying is Infantry, so i think i'm all good
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