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Rae denied entry into Sri Lanka for allegedly supporting rebels

Sorry, did the artilcle cover off who is paying for all this tourism?  What is it that he thinks he is doing?  Or trying to do?  Was he on vacation or official business? 
Mr Rae should be congratulated for discovering that words and actions do have consequences.

Imagine if Mr Paul Martin Jr. had stepped off the airplane? Hosting a fundraising dinner for a LTTE front as a minister of the crown would really have impressed the Government of Sri Lanka to no end, and we might be reading about how the Canadian Ambassador was busy trying to get Mr Martin out of the local jail instead of just a deportation........
Thucydides said:
Mr Rae should be congratulated for discovering that words and actions do have consequences.

Imagine if Mr Paul Martin Jr. had stepped off the airplane? Hosting a fundraising dinner for a LTTE front as a minister of the crown would really have impressed the Government of Sri Lanka to no end, and we might be reading about how the Canadian Ambassador was busy trying to get Mr Martin out of the local jail instead of just a deportation........

Do you seriously think that he has 'discovered'/come to realize the consequences of his words and actions......Even Rick Mercer should realize that he can't save Bob's image amongst the knowledgeable.
While Bob Rae will continue to be a fountain of nonsense when speaking in Canada to Canadians (and "progressive" foreign audiences), he will have learned not to get on a plane and go to places where Liberal Party policy or actions have worked to the detriment of the local (host) government.

See, even Liberals can learn from experience!  >:D

Thucydides said:
See, even Liberals can learn from experience!  >:D

Sorry, but Rae's quotes in the article tell his view -- everyone else is wrong or lying.

He's learned nothing.  ::)
Journeyman said:
Sorry, but Rae's quotes in the article tell his view -- everyone else is wrong or lying.

He's learned nothing.  ::)

He's still spouting nonsense for the Canadian audience: check

He's not doing it from Sri Lanka: check

I am looking forward to the day when Liberal Party members are completely constrained from leaving Canada due to policies and actions which host governments find objectionable. Although we will still be stuck listening to them yammering, thoughtful people will begin to wonder why they never speak at international conferences or anyplace outside Canada except (perhaps) Cuba.....heh
Edmonton Sun

What is Sri Lanka hiding?

Last Updated: 15th June 2009, 1:09am

Sri Lanka is a sovereign nation. It had the right to bar Liberal MP Bob Rae and Conservative MP Deepak Obhrai, parliamentary secretary for foreign affairs, from entering the country.

Canada, after all, recently barred British MP George Galloway for the same reason Sri Lanka says it did Rae -- security concerns. Which just goes to show countries can act within their rights and still be wrong.

Canada argued Galloway gave "material support" to Hamas.

Sri Lanka banned Rae because of his alleged sympathy for the terrorist Tamil Tigers.

In the real world, Galloway may be a self-aggrandizing buffoon with a one-sided view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but he has never been charged with aiding terrorists, was allowed into Canada in 2006 and wasn't barred by the U.S.

Rae has been publicly critical of Sri Lanka's often brutal treatment of its Tamil minority, as have many human rights groups. He has a longstanding interest in the country and has met in the past with Tiger members in a bid to kickstart the peace process. But it's absurd to suggest he's a security risk or endorses terrorism.

What's worrisome, as Rae noted, is that if Sri Lanka is this paranoid about letting in Canadian observers following the end of its 26-year civil war with the now-defeated Tigers, what is it planning for 200,000 Tamil civilians rendered homeless by the war after thousands were killed in the fighting?

Sri Lanka has been bizarrely suspicious of Canada, presumably because we've accepted hundreds of thousands of Tamil civilians as refugees.

But Prime Minister Stephen Harper also declared the Tigers a terrorist organization. He has rightly protested the barring of Rae and Obhrai and the recent attempted trashing of Canada's embassy in Sri Lanka by government supporters while police stood by.

With Sri Lanka this paranoid about even an ally in the war on terror, how can it be trusted to respect the rights of Tamil civilians following its military victory?

That's why international observers are needed. To see that it does.


Wow.  What a sour grapes suck hole.  I guess he thought he would find the WMD factory hidden beneath the malu hodhi cart, and is now thwared.  :crybaby:
Time for a diapy change, Mr. Goldstein. 
OK, this shouldn't really be news, but
Canada is the greatest source of Tamil terrorist funding

$12M a year sent to Tigers
Bankrolling War; Canadian Tamils a top cash source, secret report says

Stewart Bell, National Post 
Published: Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Canada was one of the top sources of funding for Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers rebels, providing up to $12-million a year, says a secret intelligence report obtained by the National Post.

The Tamil Tigers were defeated in May, ending Sri Lanka's long civil war, but in a classified report last year federal officials wrote that the rebels were getting much of their money from Canada.

The rebels are also known as the LTTE.

"Canada's Tamil community has been among the LTTE's largest sources of funds, having contributed up to $10-to $12-million annually in past years," the report says.
Remainder of article at link

So, to ensure we're all on the same page here...
-pretty much every western intelligence agency has declared LTTE as a terrorist organization......
-according to Mia Bloom, the Tamil's "invented" suicide bombing.......
-they've gotten the lion's share of their funding from Canada.....
-the Liberal Party's Foreign Affairs critic, Bob Rae, supports them (as did former Liberal leader Paul Martin, according to Stewart Bell)

OK, Liberal supporters, try and follow....



