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RCMP arrest three for terrorism offences


I prefer public humiliation - the stocks and pillories.

PLUS - it could be a money maker. For instance, the direct victim of the crime receives a free bag of over ripe tomatoes to throw at the criminal.
All others have to pay for their rotten tomatoes. Labatts or Keiths could sponsor it..... ;D
Technoviking said:
"Death" was removed from the scale of punishments, effective 01 September, 1999, IIRC.

I sense a tangent approachingIF we as a nation were to re-instate capital punishment, it would have be cruel and unusual in order to be effective.  Before anyone labels me a sadist, allow me to explain.
It must be "perceived" as cruel by the convicted.  This is why so-called "humane" methods aren't effective.  Instead of being lulled to sleep by a drug, and then slowly applied a poison, one ought to dread the night when the hangman approaches.  Yes, hanging by the neck, until dead.  The mere thought of it must make us, as a society, a bit repulsed, in order that we don't get too used to the idea of "putting someone to sleep".  This brings me to punisments being unusual.  They must be so rare that when someone is hanged, it is national news.  I can think of only a handful in the last 30 years or so who, in my own personal opinion, should have received death by hanging as a punishment. That tiny list includes Clifford Olson, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.  Their crimes were so repulsive that the three of them serve no use to society any further.  Perhaps Robert Pickton ought to be added to that list, and perhaps there are a few more, but it must be an event that though it repulses us as a society, that we ought to be 100% sure that the convicted deserves the fate of the noose about his or her neck.

I couldn't agree more.

After seeing what kind of shit hole the rest of the world can be when fanatics/career criminals are allowed to run wild I have zero reservations against aggressive, violent and cruel punishment to members of society like Bernado & Olson. I put these homegrown or visiting terrorists in that list too.  Can you imagine the carnage that they would cause if one of their stupid plots actually did work? The possible dozens of people wiped out in some bombing and the after effects of their actions.

If someone doesn't want to act like a human being they shouldn't be afforded the same rights as those of us who do IMHO.
La Presse reports the probe leading to the arrests cost ~$3 million (French - Google English):
The RCMP investigation that led to the arrests last summer of three suspects accused of terrorist plot in Ottawa, has already cost nearly $ 3 million, La Presse has learned.

The operation dubbed Samossa project, which began in 2009, had cost, dated November 4, 2010, $ 2,846,613 including salaries and overtime expenses, provides a document obtained through the access law information.

"So, to protect the integrity of the investigation, the original documents can not be disclosed, "says the note, which comes from the Bureau of Investigations National Security Force ....
Bumped with more of the latest - one goes on trial starting today:
More than three years after his arrest, a man who once auditioned for the Canadian Idol TV show will face trial on a terrorism charge.

Khurram Syed Sher, a doctor of pathology from London, Ont., is to be tried by judge alone in an Ottawa courtroom starting Monday.

Sher, 31, was charged along with two other men in August 2010 with conspiracy to facilitate terrorism ....
Lightguns said:
An excellent reason why we need to Canadianize the Idol show by having everyone win a ribbon; no losers - no disgruntled singers - no terrorists.

"But there is no question that this happened because there is someone who feels completely excluded."  ;D
Technoviking said:
"But there is no question that this happened because there is someone who feels completely excluded."  ;D

Let's exclude them some more, provided they are found guilty.
Should have tried changing the spelling of his last name to one starting with a "C" instead of an "S"...might have done better.

Bumped with the latest:
A London, Ontario pathologist was acquitted Tuesday of conspiring to facilitate terror.

Dr. Khurram Syed Sher is the first person accused of a terrorism offence in Canada to be acquitted at trial.

His brush with a homegrown terror cell was confined to a single, albeit lengthy, conversation he had with two alleged co-conspirators in July 2010.

"It's been a very, very tough four years," defence lawyer Michael Edelson said as Sher stood at his side.

"His career has been ended. He's lost over $1 million in income...His family has left, he has reduced access to his children."

"It's been tragic."

Judge Charles Hackland said Sher likely had "jihadist sympathies," but he doubted Sher had actually agreed to join a pre-existing terror conspiracy.

"The accused, notwithstanding that he is a physician and therefore academically bright, impressed me as a quite naive, immature and inarticulate young man," Hackland said in his decision Tuesday.

"I assess the accused as the type of person who would go with the flow and avoid debate or confrontation while a guest in the home of someone who should otherwise have been confronted."

Edelson said Hackland got it "dead right." ....
Bumped with the latest ....
A judge delivered a scathing condemnation Wednesday of an Iranian-born Canadian citizen who led a terror plot to build explosives for use against Canadian targets and allied forces in Afghanistan.

In denouncing Hiva Mohammad Alizadeh’s crime, Ontario Superior Court Justice Colin McKinnon nailed the most troubling fact: there is no clear explanation of how or why he became radicalized in Canada.

Nor is there any clear plan for how Alizadeh, facing at least 18 more years of a 24-year jail sentence, will unravel his terrorist ideology in a federal penitentiary.

“You have brought untold shame upon your family, your community and peace-loving Muslims throughout this country. You have betrayed the trust of your government and your fellow citizens. You have effectively been convicted of treason,” the judge said.

“It is almost impossible to divine what set of circumstances might have impelled you to embrace radical Islamist jihadist ideology.”

That free choice, McKinnon said, “ruined your life and those closest to you.” .... )
More via Google News here.

As for the others ....
.... Barring appeals, the final stage could come shortly with the sentencing of Misbahuddin Ahmed, 30, a hospital X-ray technician attracted to Alizadeh’s radical jihadist views. He was found guilty in July of conspiring to facilitate a terrorist activity and of participating in the activities of a terrorist group.

But jurors acquitted Ahmed of his most serious charge of possessing an explosive device for a terrorist activity, despite the discovery at his Esterlawn Private home of a shopping bag of circuit boards, bomb-making instructional videos and other material that police had covertly observed earlier at Alizadeh’s apartment on Woodridge Crescent. Ahmed testified he accepted the components from Alizadeh with the intention of destroying them.

And a third accused, pathologist Khurram Sher, known famously for his clownish tryout for the TV talent show Canadian Idol, was found not guilty in August of conspiring to commit terrorism ....
Sentence for the former x-ray tech - 12 years:
A 31-year-old former diagnostic imaging technician of the Ottawa Hospital who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for two terrorism charges “owes a debt of gratitude to CSIS and the RCMP,” a Superior Court judge said Thursday.

Just before Justice Colin McKinnon handed down the sentence, he said Misbahuddin Ahmed – a convicted terrorist – as well as his family is indebted to Canada’s top police force and spy agency for unveiling in 2010 a conspiracy to possibly carry out an act of terrorism on Canadian soil.

“But, for their vigilance and unceasingly hard work in frustrating your evil plot, you might well have developed into a truly dangerous person, responsible for the deaths of innocents,” said McKinnon, after asking Ahmed to stand for the conclusion of his sentence ....
More via Google News here.
General Disorder said:
They must be so rare that when someone is hanged, it is national news.  I can think of only a handful in the last 30 years or so who, in my own personal opinion, should have received death by hanging as a punishment. That tiny list includes Clifford Olson, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.  Their crimes were so repulsive that the three of them serve no use to society any further.  Perhaps Robert Pickton ought to be added to that list, and perhaps there are a few more, but it must be an event that though it repulses us as a society, that we ought to be 100% sure that the convicted deserves the fate of the noose about his or her neck.

In the case of Russell Williams, I would prefer military firing squad to hanging.