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RCMP Info, discussion

Hey man, it's the RCMP recruiting process, 6-8 weeks is nothing compared to the rest of it, get used to it! :)
Hey guys, how long did it take you from when you handed in the application till when they called you to do more?
I think it depends on timing more than anything....I lucked out...about 1 week after submitting my application I was called to write the RPAT.  However if I had submitted my application a week later I think it could have been a few months before writing the test.  My experience anyway.
I wrote the test May 12 and the results were in my mailbox this morning.  How high of score does one need to be really competitive?  The examiner informed me that in 3.2 would result in further processing but if I score higher will it be ranked higher or not?
mbhabfan said:
I think it depends on timing more than anything....I lucked out...about 1 week after submitting my application I was called to write the RPAT. 

I'm confused. I wrote my RPAT before they gave me an application package.

About the score. I was told anybody with a 3.5 or better got a package, but do to the recruitment issues they dropped it, so 3.2 sounds fair. I don't think the score above what they take makes you more competetive. If i got, say, a 3.70 and you got a 4.10 It wouldn't give you a better chance. Just like the PARE if I got a 3 minute 45 seconds and you got a 4 minute 15 seconds I wouldn't be considered to have a btter chance at getting in.

just what I have heard.
the original application package I filled out was just sending in copies of my ID, transcripts etc.  Then the RPAB.  I spoke to a recruiting officer in Winnipeg today and he informed me that you are right about the scores, it is pass or fail only from here on out.  What division are you from?
I'm applying from "E" Division (BC). So your out in Manitoba eh, good luck to you. Maybe you will be posted here in BC, there is a real need for officers out here apparently, but I am sure they are needed in all divisions.  All the best.
I do my pare test this friday ( june 9th ) I went to the army base here in Chilliwack where the rcmp has a training facility and watched applicants run the pare. Looks brutal, but I'm going into it with confidence. I'll let you guys know how I do.
Okay, seriously.  One of you guys get hired and make this an interesting thread again.
just waiting for the further selection package with my pare date .........early in the process yet.
Hey noneck,
How many Seaforths are there in Vanpd anyways? I kept running into guys out on block 2 who were Seaforths and also back at the academy from the new classes. You guys are taking over the frickin department!
Crown-Loyal said:
I'm confused. I wrote my RPAT before they gave me an application package.

About the score. I was told anybody with a 3.5 or better got a package, but do to the recruitment issues they dropped it, so 3.2 sounds fair. I don't think the score above what they take makes you more competetive. If i got, say, a 3.70 and you got a 4.10 It wouldn't give you a better chance. Just like the PARE if I got a 3 minute 45 seconds and you got a 4 minute 15 seconds I wouldn't be considered to have a btter chance at getting in.

just what I have heard.

Incorrect. The higher score, the more competitive you will be through the recruitment process, as they take applicants for the PARE test beginning with the highest score.
The recruiter I spoke with in Winnipeg informed me that in Manitoba from here on out my RPAB score would only show as pass or fail.  My score would have no effect on my Pare.  He informed me that someone with a 3.3 would be receiving the same documents as me.
True, but the higher the score, the quicker you get to do the PARE. Simply because they're putting the highest scores through first. If you score 4.5 and I score 4.4, and they need one more to fill in teh last slot for the PARE test that weekend, then you'll be picked over me.

They will receive the same documents as you, everyone going through the recruiting process will. However, the higher the score, the more competitive you'll be.
I am not going to argue about it but, it is contradicting what the recruiting officer in D division in Winnipeg informed me that is all.
PARE finished. A healthy 3 minutes and 27 seconds. That was bloody rough, it looks way easier than it is.  I hear different things about the recruiting so who knows, what is old zack's number...lets give him a call  :salute:    ( Zack = nickname for the Commissioner for those who don't know, not to imply that i know alot because I don't )
Did anyone find the info session refreshing. It is nice to hear that there will be no exceptions to ,and no special status given to those who are in leg braces, people with beards better be able to live with out them. Military security classifications count for crap and that the nature of being in a para military org requires that they be fit and ready for duty at all times.

Makes the CF look like a little minor league organization.

Anyone else applying out of Halifax?
Mover 1 "Makes the CF look like a little minor league organization"

I don't quite know what to make of your comment! Having served in both the CF and the Force, I can tell you that they are two completely different animals.

Public perception may be that the Force is paramilitary...that may be so at Depot, but it is definitely not the case in the field.

The Force is a law enforcement organization with a long proud history and heritage but it has ceased to be paramilitary in all but a few areas (Tac Tp, ERT, Ceremonial Tp ect).

Depot is a world renowned police training facility, it is not a "Full Metal Jacket" style bootcamp. It has it's share of drill discipline and course induced stress but not so much that anyone with CF experience will find it difficult.

Hope this sheds some light on things