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Re: Army.ca Status- Who Replaces Mike When The Dark Helo's Swoop On Munster?

Who replaces Mike Bobbit once he's gone

  • Total voters
I think we should be voting for hitormiss, seeing if he gets annoying we have some one to turn to to keep him in line.

Also, as you made wearing a kilt a requirement, I think it rules out "The Kid"

**determind not to let "The Kid" win**

NL_Engineer out
I'm writing in my vote and I encourage you all to do the same. VOTE FOR PEA!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D
48th, you've got to boost your campaign, here! How are you supposed to govern army.ca if you can't govern the masses? How can you claim leadership if you won't assert yourself? I say you seize the capitol, the members-only forum, then storm radio-chatter, where you can easily gain influence on most of the posters in there. From there, you can easily direct the course of the coup.

48th For Ruler! (Hey, you gotta pick a side sooner or later :) )

There we go got the right vote this time....
the 48th regulator for ruler :salute: 
Three cheers
Huzzah Huzzah Huzzah
HitorMRS said:
I'm happy to see my husband is behind me one hundred percent....oh wait no he's not!

The only promise I can make you fine citizens of army.ca is that I will keep HitorMiss securely locked up and away from the keyboard.
Yes a vote for me is a vote for a HitorMiss free army.ca experience! Think of the silence this will bring...I know some of you would jump at that opportunity.
So vote for me and ban HitorMiss!

That is all.

And Mike please please don't ever leave us, you can see the chaos that would ensue if you were gone!

How do I change my vote! You're in! ;)
Ok, you want to play dirty, Pea will silence Cdnaviator if you vote for her. Now that is one man who needs a muzzle (love you cdnaviator :-*)

My fellow patriots,

I ask for calm.

Do you not see what the revolutionaries are doing to our fine site?  They play the compassionate members of this fair vote, that our great leader has allowed to transpire.

He is not going anywhere.  This is a fear that these misguided naysayer wish to bring to you.  There are no helicopters bearing down on our eminent leader.  There are no secretive groups of "JT-F" commandos molesting our honourable father.

The only threat is from these evil ninja snipers.  These barbarians.  Our founder did not create a site to be run into the ground by these roundabouts!

I'm proud of my invention, but I'm sad that it is used by terrorists.
Mikhail Kalashnikov

These are not words the the Great Bobbitt, these are the ill thought ideas of the enemy. Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.

I do not have my wife running and then help another to win.  Do you not see what is transpiring here?  Where does the loyalty lie, when they can not decide for themselves who must be leader?  Why is it that only one is driving the two?  Do you not see the true ambitions of the the traitorous mongrel?

I do not run to replace our leader, as even if he were to leave, his legacy remains.  I run to carry on that legacy.  To maintain the strength of what is army.ca. !!

A vote for the 48th regulator, is a vote for army.ca!!

Hasta siempre la victoria! Patria o Muerte



I keep having to double check to see if you are serious... spooky political rhetoric being issued from the soapbox there...  :o
I lead with humour, and I humour the leadership...




Vote for me, the only one smart enough to not waste large amounts of time on campaign speeches and instead using that time to learn how to fix crap. 
That's it.  All this negative mud-slinging is making me ill.  I'm nominating myself for a write in candidate.  No platform.  Nothing.  Just the "anonymous leader who does nothing in reality" platform

Members of this fine site.

I address you as one of you, some people here have asked why a member of my family is running and yet I strive to elect another, it is a fair and valid concern, and one will address simply.

I like so many have you have voted not in famile line, not with scare tactics of band of young ragamuffins roving the boards spouting "Highland Mafia"  but my friends I have voted with my conscience to who I thought would lead this great site into the future!

Now I ask what does my esteem candidate mean with this "Highland Mafia" is Mr Tess in some organization to which the good members of this board need to further investigate?

Mr Tess says we bring change and disruption and fear of losing The Great Bobbit, I say we have no fear of Losing The Great Bobbit for he will always be our guiding light , he will alas even if just in spirit be on here to nutrue and drive us in the right direction.

Friends there are no Helicopters, no black clad secret force ready to swoop our Glorious leader away, They cannot silence these boards and they well know our glorious leader would become more powerful then they could possibly imagine.

Mr Tess brings you smoke and mirrors, Scoutfinch brings you pure simple truth.

Vote Scoutfinch, Vote for the Futrue!
Who is running on the anti-NDP policy? I will vote for whoever is anti-NDP  :D .

Look out for the Highland Mafi!
We should just run with HitorMrs!  If she can run a household with a baby and HitorMiss underfoot, she can run anything!  Plus she has a great attitude and puts up with people drinking 151.  A vote for her is a vote for stability!
Hey, a vote for ME is a vote for ROCK AND ROLL!

Write in von Garvin!

Write in for instability!

Write in for a rush!
sorry Von G., but you are not in the election vote. Guess you can try for vice-presedent. Wate a second! Who will be vice-presedent? I will run! Anti-NDP platform, who will help me win? Tess?  ;D