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Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

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PBI -- roger however in my experience -with the UN I tend to beleive in guilty until proven innocent...

They prove to me they care about the troops then I may consider it...

minimum BUT if the cost is too great then the gloves come off

Then one would have to ask.  Would the cost have been that great for the IDF to engage the fighters using the UN post a shield, or is their destruction of it justified?
Regardless of why the post was hit (we can argue until we're blue in the face but in the end we dont know anything about what happened), I think we can all agree that the soldiers should not have been there in the first place. What I want to see the the UN officials responsible for leaving the soldiers out to dry in a war zone for no purpous whatsoever be held accountable for their gross disregard for the life of those soldiers. The article T6 linked to just goes to prove that the UN treats these soldiers as if they are a expendable commodity. Why should they DIE because the UN doesnt want to admit that what it is doing is a total waste of time?
Signed up, signed on, posted, signed off.

Nice drive by there, tomrunder. Stick around for a couple of seconds after you post the next time,  ::) and, oh, fill out your profile.
The following letter to the editor of the Ottawa Citizen was identified and forwarded by Pikepusher:

"The unarmed observers at this United Nations observation post were reporting on the security situation, part of their job.  The Israeli Defence Forces monitors these communications and believes that Hezbollah does too.  For operational security reasons, that is, to deny information to the enemy, the IDF removed the post.  Knowing the disdain held by the IDF towards the UN forces, this makes the most sense to me.  Canadians should be outraged."  Sgd. Garry Furrie, Ottawa, Col. (Ret'd)
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