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I'll put this as bluntly as possible. The type of people who consider "wokeism" to be a bad thing are exactly the type of people who have contributed towards a toxic leadership environment for decades. They're the ones responsible for driving out a hell of a lot of good people.

If those chuds are leaving / staying away because they don't like the culture change initiatives that we're implementing (and the article is absolutely incorrect to imply that it's being pushed onto the CAF from the cabinet level), then that's peachy f'in keen. Because they were doing far more harm than they were doing good.

Our equity initiatives are vital to the CAF's strategic goals, because we cannot hope to survive or thrive as an institution if we're not able to reshape ourselves to be equally appealing to people from all walks of life, and refrain from driving them away when they do join.

tl;dr It's a good thing when the comets hit the dinosaurs.
I'll put this as bluntly as possible. The type of people who consider "wokeism" to be a bad thing are exactly the type of people who have contributed towards a toxic leadership environment for decades. They're the ones responsible for driving out a hell of a lot of good people.

If those chuds are leaving / staying away because they don't like the culture change initiatives that we're implementing (and the article is absolutely incorrect to imply that it's being pushed onto the CAF from the cabinet level), then that's peachy f'in keen. Because they were doing far more harm than they were doing good.

Our equity initiatives are vital to the CAF's strategic goals, because we cannot hope to survive or thrive as an institution if we're not able to reshape ourselves to be equally appealing to people from all walks of life, and refrain from driving them away when they do join.

tl;dr It's a good thing when the comets hit the dinosaurs.
I think it's cute that you actually believe this 🤣

This video has gotten more traction than anything the CAF has put out, ever.

Really interesting listen.
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I'll put this as bluntly as possible. The type of people who consider "wokeism" to be a bad thing are exactly the type of people who have contributed towards a toxic leadership environment for decades. They're the ones responsible for driving out a hell of a lot of good people.
Some of the people, surely. All of them, no. I've been in workplaces in which the HR zealots were essentially administrative burdens, and drove out good people.
I'll put this as bluntly as possible. The type of people who consider "wokeism" to be a bad thing are exactly the type of people who have contributed towards a toxic leadership environment for decades. They're the ones responsible for driving out a hell of a lot of good people.

If those chuds are leaving / staying away because they don't like the culture change initiatives that we're implementing (and the article is absolutely incorrect to imply that it's being pushed onto the CAF from the cabinet level), then that's peachy f'in keen. Because they were doing far more harm than they were doing good.

Our equity initiatives are vital to the CAF's strategic goals, because we cannot hope to survive or thrive as an institution if we're not able to reshape ourselves to be equally appealing to people from all walks of life, and refrain from driving them away when they do join.

tl;dr It's a good thing when the comets hit the dinosaurs.

If I had one piece of advice for you it would be to drop the wide brush.

I’ll be out when the results of all this change are being tallied but I doubt the end result will be a more combat-capable military in Canada.
Is that a confession??

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek
Our equity initiatives are vital to the CAF's strategic goals, because we cannot hope to survive or thrive as an institution if we're not able to reshape ourselves to be equally appealing to people from all walks of life, and refrain from driving them away when they do join.

How do you propose incentivizing a naturalized Canadian who came from another country where the military/paramilitary/police forces are of questionable integrity and don’t trust the military even in a new country? Such that they feel they would benefit from an ‘equitable’ government employer?
How do you propose incentivizing a naturalized Canadian who came from another country where the military/paramilitary/police forces are of questionable integrity and don’t trust the military even in a new country? Such that they feel they would benefit from an ‘equitable’ government employer?

I've talked to people like this before. The kids would love to join.

Their parents? No way would they let their kids join.
I'll put this as bluntly as possible. The type of people who consider "wokeism" to be a bad thing are exactly the type of people who have contributed towards a toxic leadership environment for decades. They're the ones responsible for driving out a hell of a lot of good people.

If those chuds are leaving / staying away because they don't like the culture change initiatives that we're implementing (and the article is absolutely incorrect to imply that it's being pushed onto the CAF from the cabinet level), then that's peachy f'in keen. Because they were doing far more harm than they were doing good.

Our equity initiatives are vital to the CAF's strategic goals, because we cannot hope to survive or thrive as an institution if we're not able to reshape ourselves to be equally appealing to people from all walks of life, and refrain from driving them away when they do join.

tl;dr It's a good thing when the comets hit the dinosaurs.

2 things.

1) I don't give a flying shit about ones sexuality or gender or color of their hair. Show up and work is all I ask. And so far, that sucked before these changes and it hasn't improved since.

2) Time will tell if your right.
1) I don't give a flying shit about ones sexuality or gender or color of their hair. Show up and work is all I ask. And so far, that sucked before these changes and it hasn't improved since.

One thing is almost certain, the CAFs typical demographic of white male isn’t walking into the recruiting centres anymore, nevermind sticking around. Besides all the issues we are already dealing with, joining a woke military just to be indoctrinated by a liberal sock boy PM isn’t helping. The million dollar question is, are there enough non-white males out there who are willing to join this organization to offset the typical demographic. I’m going to say no, not enough anyway to hit our manning mandate.
How can we know who is applying with federal hiring directive?

Likewise, the toolkit’s “Anti-racism tips and tools” includes a section that politically spins the Employment Equity Act — the federal law that requires every federal department, and any company that wishes to bid on big federal contracts, to have diversity targets (quotas) for the workplace. The act has led to white and/or male applicants to the military being de-prioritized in hiring, as well as race-and-gender-specific job postings in other federal departments. The toolkit dismisses valid criticism of the law as a “myth” (the “fake news” defence).

When the incentive is to hire a priority or leave a position empty, we are likely seeing the results of why so many positions are empty.
One thing is almost certain, the CAFs typical demographic of white male isn’t walking into the recruiting centres anymore, nevermind sticking around. Besides all the issues we are already dealing with, joining a woke military just to be indoctrinated by a liberal sock boy PM isn’t helping. The million dollar question is, are there enough non-white males out there who are willing to join this organization to offset the typical demographic. I’m going to say no, not enough anyway to hit our manning mandate.

Chicken or egg situation isn't it? The pool of people willing to join largely isn't going to decide to join until after we reform the institution to be welcoming to them. We can't whinge about how they don't want to when that isn't the case. The institution needs to take the lead in making changes if we expect individuals to respond to it.
I sometimes wish that we took on branding as seriously as we did this culture change buzz word.

Ultimately, we're trying to sell a service, the Sevice as it would be, and do a pretty bad job of it. We don't get to push the narrative we want, instead, we react to our own bad press as if it's the be all end all.

Inclusion initiatives sell to one aspect of our target audience. Hair, grooming, appearance etc. may be a limiting factor to some folks for wanting to enroll. It's no longer an issue. Some may not feel the CAF is wholly inclusive to minority groups, again, we're dealing with it and removing that barrier to enrollment.

That said, these aren't the only angles of our brand we need to get better at and refine:

-We have a reputation for being poorly equipped and lagging behind other NATO allies; get the kit people want to work on and make sure you're projecting the leading edge of technology in everything we do.

-The vast majority of our population lives within 20-45 minutes of an urban centre of some kind. The majority of our defense establishments are 45 to 90 minutes away from any form of urban centre; find ways to make serving in our units more urban friendly. The how is a lot more complicated, for sure, but it is definitely a barrier for a lot of cultures within Canada we are actively trying to recruit.

-Pay is always going to be a sticking point. We need to embrace it and find creative ways to make sure every CAF member from Pte to General feels that the King's Shilling actually goes somewhere in theirbday to day life. Does that mean a ham on every table and 2 cars in every garage? No. But we need to have the facilities and supports in place to house and support members and their families wherever we send them. To have pers defer postings because it will lead to financial ruin is definitely an image problem the CAF wears more than the individual member; regardless if they're the ones that shot themselves in the foot financially.

When I worked civi side in an media relations agency, we were constantly told "do a test, then reassess" with anything we were trying to push out. We have pushed out some initiatives, now is the test portion. If folks aren't flooding the CFRCs, we need to reassess. That doesn't mean the effort is wasted, it just means it didn’t hit with the target audience.

Keep trying different things until you get your hook. Not all the things that you try will land with every audience. Until you cast a wide net, don't claim there aren't fish to be had.
How can we know who is applying with federal hiring directive?

When the incentive is to hire a priority or leave a position empty, we are likely seeing the results of why so many positions are empty.
There was a story from 2022 where a recruiter mentioned that males had "maximum targets"... Now, maybe the CAF didn't intend to say "men need not apply", but that's what a portion of men will read from that message.

Recruiters are given targets to meet, with spots divvied up by trade, as well as minimum targets for female recruits and maximums for men.

We understand that language is important when it comes to some groups, but completely throw that out the window when dealing with others. At the CAF CWOs coffee last week one of the mess members brought up a perfect example of what I mean. He mentioned a part in a DIE presentation that specifically mentioned that the CAF needs to get rid of the stereotype of a " fit, cis, white, male", and the presenter mentioned how the CAF needs to look less like that(cis, white, male). On the surface that seems like a great thing to say as a way to promote diversity, until you consider that someone in a position of authority essentially said "if you look like this, we don't want you". Even worse, likely coming from a guy essentially saying, "I made it to the top, but I'm making sure you can't".

Again, I'm sure the intent wasn't to say "bugger off, you're not wanted", but they way it was presented there are going to be people who hear that.