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Recruiting change Oct. 1?


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I was at the CFRC not that long ago, and the toronto star was there.
they did a story on a change in the recruiting process on Oct. 1.
does anyone know anything about what exactly is going to happen with the process?


Thanks for all your help
  Apparently the CDS has directed that by 1 Oct 06, 30% of all applicants will be enrolled within a week of first applying.  As well, he has directed that by 1 Jan 07, 50% of recruits be enrolled within a week of applying.

  How is this going to happen?  I don't know.  I'm not sure the CDS knows either.  But the best bit, IMHO, is what are we to do with these new troopies once they are in?  Our training system is so degraded we are quartering troops at a college campus as opposed to quarters, because we just don't have the facilities to quarter, sustain and train our current lof of troops.
Speculation: Well, enrolled and on LWOP is not the same thing as enrolled and on Pay... maybe they just plan to clear everyone through the initial recruitment process. 

At least you'll know you are in, and get training date ideas, and then plan your working career/movements around that in the civ world,  rather than sit and wait and not be sure if you are getting accepted/accept a new job or new obligations and then get an offer, etc.

Downside is that by delaying actual training, you delay VRs and the big old boot....  which eats up financial SIP numbers....

[edited to make more sense]
If history has any basis,
Any dossier that is already "in the pipe" on 30 September 2006 will take it's own good time getting processed.  Only applications received after the change in policy date will benefit from the "simplified" regulations.
Out of personal curiosity, what is the rough capacity of our recruiting and training? How many troops can we process through recruiting per year, and how many troops, on average, will complete their basic trade training in a given year? Are deficits in training infrastructure and personnel to be anticipated? Is the training corps to be 'watered down' by greater use of PLQ qualified Cpls to push through the greatly increased number of people we'll have coming in? What effects will this increased recruiting have on the asctual quality of training and the skill of the soldiers at the end phase?

Moreover, if NCO shortages are going to be an issue, roughly how long til the two balance out, and the troops who've come in in the apst few years are in a position to become instructors to help make up the shortfall?

As eagre as I am to see my unit pushing closer to full establishment, I'd rather a bit understrengthed in the interim if the alternative is too many inexperienced and mediocrely trained troops for the experienced NCOs to keep a handle on... Is there anyone keeping formal watch on this kind of stuff to make sure that the ingress of new troops into the system doesn't exceed our ability to train them to standard?

Lots of questions, I know, but I'd like to know what we're in for in terms of newbies, and how many of us will be around to look after them for their first year...
Moreover, if NCO shortages are going to be an issue, roughly how long til the two balance out, and the troops who've come in in the apst few years are in a position to become instructors to help make up the shortfall?

Short answer.....it will take years to bring the forces up.

Now the bigger question that is underlying your post.....will the standards be "watered down" to allow for the influx?

I sure as heellll don't think so.

Standards have been steadily dropping over the past 15 years or so, to the point that persons having "undesirable traits" have gotten in and allowed to flourish.

Everyone knows the ones I'm talking about and every unit has them. They are the ones that are constantly late, never volunteering for tasks, never have their act together on ex or in theater and have to be literally hand held through the simplest of tasks with constant supervision.

These "wasts of rations" have somehow gotten through the system and are now the pointy end's problems....which I'm sure the units love to receive.

We just received a few to my Regiment and most are standard, requiring a bit of tweeking to bring them up to par after spending so much time at either the school or in a PAT platoon.

However we got one that spent a couple of years at the school and failed his driver course a few times and arrived here.....he's being sorted out.

A few of them are cocky with less time in than my shower sandals...and they are going to be sorted out in the next few months prior to us going out on the next Roto.

Had overheard one talking to his troop MCpl the other day....conversation went something like this:

MCpl:  How's it going Tpr ________ I just got done teaching your little brother....he's a pretty keen soldier, you got alot to live up to.
Tpr:  (cockily) He takes after his older brother.  *
MCpl:  Oh really? We'll see about that and I'll decide.

Geesh....tried not to rant on this topic. Need more coffee I guess.


* not standing to attention, no MCpl at the end, chewing gum....need I say more?
are those troops that need there hand held and constent supervision all the time likely to receive a second contract?

that's kinda scary that we would have people like that in our military.
The changes seem good on paper, but rather than waiting and getting no training while I'm waiting my place.  I think they should open up the reserves as a interm option to get some basic training.  that way when you get the call for basic training, you will have some idea of what its like know the basics of drill and weapons training.  This way you might be able to keep the VR's down and feel like you've done something while you waited 6-9months or more for basic training slot to open up.
radiohead said:
The changes seem good on paper, but rather than waiting and getting no training while I'm waiting my place.  I think they should open up the reserves as a interm option to get some basic training.  that way when you get the call for basic training, you will have some idea of what its like know the basics of drill and weapons training.  This way you might be able to keep the VR's down and feel like you've done something while you waited 6-9months or more for basic training slot to open up.

i can see were you coming from, but that coasts money. From what i know about the CF's budget, there's not a whole lot of it. That and that's what basic training is for. So it would basically be a waist of money for the military to do that. It can be a long time to wait, but if you really want to be in the CF you'll wait.
Exactly its worth the wait. But what I don't understand is that all these little so called (know it alls) that think their sxxx don't stink how come their still allowed to act that way shouldn't they be "straightened out" and be told to shape up or ship out?