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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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after 3 years of service in the CF, will Military experience be substituted in whole or in part for accademic acheivement??

I am applying for the engineering trade (043) and was wondering if I would be accepted to RMC based on a few years proir service in the engineers, since it is in the field that I would be applying to RMC for, and I will have been doing it for 3+ years?

also, will a record of service be Recognised by any other school(not only university, but also colleges.

Thank you for any information you can contribute.
This question needs to be asked to the recruiters at your local CFRC if you want a proper answer. If you have not already had your interview for 043, Ask that question during your interview. They may be able to give you an answer or find the answer for you.

Unless there is someone on this board who is a senior engineer; don‘t take any advice from this board.
after 3 years of service in the CF, will Military experience be substituted in whole or in part for accademic acheivement??
If you mean will your military service be accepted for consideration for selection as an officer and attendance at RMC in lieu of good academic standing, no, not necessarily. If after a few years service you apply for commissioning under the Special Commissioning Plan (SCP) your prior academic record, your military service record and your aptitude for the desired officer classification as determined by the Personnel Selection Officer (PSO) at that time will be considered.

RMC - Academics - RMC - Academics

What marks will I need to be accepted?
The admission decisions are based on a combined assessment of academic potential and military potential. RMC does not use a cut-off mark, but most successful applicants have an average of over 80 per cent.

I am applying for the engineering trade (043) and was wondering if I would be accepted to RMC based on a few years prior service in the engineers, since it is in the field that I would be applying to RMC for, and I will have been doing it for 3+ years?
Training as a soldier in the Engineers is based on basic soldiering skills and the technical skills of a combat engineer. Good performance may increase your chances of selection for officer training if you apply, it will not be the sole consideration.

also, will a record of service be Recognised by any other school(not only university, but also colleges.
If you apply to the distance learning program at RMC as a soldier, courses you have taken MAY be considered for academic equivalencies, though this normally applies to advanced courses with significant intellectual demands on the trainee. Credits towards a degree at RMC may or may not be recognized by another university or college.

RMC - Division of Continuing Studies

The following link will take you to the current table of equivalencies; listing those military courses now recognized as being worth credits towards the Bachelor of Military Arts and Sciences program:

BMASc Table of Equivalencies
Most colleges /universities have a process by which previous on-the-job education/ experience can be evaluated for course equivalencies or general credits towards a degree/diploma. Often it‘s called something like P.L.A.R. (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition).

Having only three years/ junior courses may not give you a lot of credits, however it‘s worth a shot anywhere you apply.
i did some checking and i didn't find it anywhere else on the site

If i'm good enough to get into RMC, i'm leaning towards the Military and Strategic Studies program.   I've been to university before, but i've never seen a program like that.   What can anyone tell me about it and how useful it actually is.   I think that it's designed for career officers and you come out with a BA afterwards, but i'm talking about the nitty gritty.   There's nowhere to really compare it to for applicants, e.g. the McLean's University guide that comes out every year.

Is the class any good?   can anyone give examples of the kinds of things you learn in it?   how useful is it (ideally from someone who's been in the field)?

i kinda laughed when i saw this in the RMC vs NCM thread

greydak said:
Some guys and gals come out of their officer training unfit, sure they might be able to run during PT but come time in the field they suck and believe it or not their history degree is of no use to them.

Hi, I am a grade 11 students and really looking forward to joining the military and attending RMC for university study. However, I do not know the requirments for RMC. What school mark will I need? Do I need to join any sports team? etc.
Please inform me anything that might help me. Thank you guys!
  Well im telling you this, WORK YOU FUCKING AS OFF IN GRADE 11 AND 12. Basically, if you dont have 80% average, you wont make it. Its extremily competative University. If you do not have a 80% average in grade 11 and 12, try going to a civilian university for a year and apply again, or apply for ROTP.

Same as any University, maybe a little more competitive. Yes, you do have to play sports, either varsity or intermural.

Check the recruiting FAQ for more info.

As the last 2 replies mentioned it is a competitive process.  You should be looking to have an average of at least 80% but there are lots of other factors that can make you a more attractive candidate.  Any previous military experience is obviously a plus.  Also, try to get involved in any other kinds of sports and leadership related activities as this will look good on your file.  If you haven't already, I suggest you visit your recruiting centre and get as much info as possible and try to get your application started so you can get it in early for early selection also the process can be quite lengthy so the earlier you start the better.  I'm 193 days away from grad parade so if you have any questions I've probably got the answers, feel free to send me a message.
not from my experiance- i heard that a big thing that helps is to volunteer. do whatever... especially if it is like teaching kids sports, you got leadership, willingness to do, and sports, all in one activity. plus its just good to volunteer, lots of fun sometimes.
I am a gr.11 student and I'm planning to apply for RMC next year, at the beginning of my Gr.12. My marks are usually low 80s to high 80s. I just joined the Army Cadet two months ago, so far, it's been great (we did a weekend training at Connaught, it's really fun). I'm in the cadet band, playing trumpet and i'm trying out for the rifle and biathlon team. I was in the band, point guard for Jr. Girl's basketball team in Gr.10 (my team sucks, we didn't even win a single game), a member of the business club, the photographer for the year book and a member of the friendship club at my old high school. Now now I'm a member of my new school's Rowing Club and i'll try out for the soccer and ski team when the time comes. I'm also going to represent my school for this extensive 2 years project.   I've volunteered at various places and gained over 80 community hours.
I was thinking about becoming an Intelligence Officer, since I've immigrated into canada 4 yrs ago (i have the canadian citizen card) and i am fluent at both my native language and english, i can also speak three dialects of my birth country, a little bit of french, japanese and german.    
If I were to apply for the business administration or economy at RMC, what are my chances of getting in?
What areas do I need to improve?
BTW, I got arrested for the stupiest thing i ever did in my life when I was 15 :crybaby:, i received a warning and paid some fines. Would this incident affect anything? Can anybody tell me...
You seem to be a pretty well rounded individual, kudos to you for being so active. You will not be offered Intelligence when you walk in the door, you'll have to put some time into another trade before you're considered for Int.  Though with your language abilities, you probably won't have a problem transferring to Int after you've put your time in.

There is no set average that they look for, but you probably won't be competitive unless you are in 80-85% range.  As for the Visible Minority or Female crap, all people are equal when they compete for ROTP.  Canuck_25  you should get your head out of your a$$, that was a stupid remark.
I am a gr.11 student and I'm planning to apply for RMC next year, at the beginning of my Gr.12. My marks are usually low 80s to high 80s. I just joined the Army Cadet two months ago, so far, it's been great (we did a weekend training at Connaught, it's really fun). I'm in the cadet band, playing trumpet and i'm trying out for the rifle and biathlon team. I was in the band, point guard for Jr. Girl's basketball team in Gr.10 (my team sucks, we didn't even win a single game), a member of the business club, the photographer for the year book and a member of the friendship club at my old high school. Now now I'm a member of my new school's Rowing Club, Space Sim, Ping-Pong Club, PHO Club and i'll try out for the soccer and ski team when the time comes. I'm also going to represent my school for this extensive 2 years project.   I've volunteered at various places and gained over 80 community hours.
I was thinking about becoming an Intelligence Officer, since I've immigrated into canada 4 yrs ago (i have the canadian citizen card) and i am fluent at both my native language and english, i can also speak three dialects of my birth country, a little bit of french, japanese and german.    
If I were to apply for the business administration or economy at RMC, what are my chances of getting in?
What areas do I need to improve?
BTW, I got arrested for the stupiest thing i ever did in my life when I was 15 , i received a warning and paid some fines. Would this incident affect anything? Can anybody tell me...
Just an updatde to Inch's post.  I don't know why, but this year intelligence is being offered as a trade on joining and is not limited to  re-muster applicants.

Is this intelligence trade under the naval element? I know they've changed (and renamed) the old NCS (naval control of shipping) officer to intelligence officer, so that might explain it.

Int officer is a "purple" trade as such there is no specific element associated with it.  One of the members of my section is army int.  I can't say with any confidence exactly what happened to the NCS trade (except that the acronym now stands for Naval Combat Systems and is specialization in the MARE trade) but I would assume that it was simply rolled into the larger intelligence trade and lost its elemental distinction.
Thanks for the update, maybe they're doing it on a trial basis. As for specializing in the elements, this does occur, I can't say for sure but I'd guess that it has a lot to do with the element they come from prior to the remuster. I've met Naval Int ops and officers that only dealt with Naval stuff. The guys at Trinity here in Halifax are almost entirely in the Naval element, and conversely, most of the Int types in Shearwater are Air Force. There is some overlap in places like Martime air operations and as well with the army/TacHel, but you'll very rarely find a Navy Int Op or Officer on an Army base and vice versa.

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