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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Well I just got a call the other day while I was in Hawaii, missed it but decided to call back(because I told them I would be gone).  Turns out I am getting an offer for ROTP now.  There was a spot that wasn't filled last year.  Just got home and haven't got the official call yet, the one I got was more of a heads up that it would be coming as I had a decision to make about another career path within the forces.
Really excited, good luck to everybody else and I'll let everybody know how the process goes.
My medical looks like it will be cleared within the next few days, so I have been told that I have been effectively merit-listed!

Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: MARS
Trade Choice 2: Engineers
Trade Choice 3: EME
Application Date: January 12, 2012
First Contact: January 12, 2012
Aptitude:  February 10, 2012
Medical:  February 20, 2012
Interview completed: February 28, 2012
Merit Listed: In a few days
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

Now the waiting game begins  :-\
LOLslamball said:
Well I just got a call the other day while I was in Hawaii, missed it but decided to call back(because I told them I would be gone).  Turns out I am getting an offer for ROTP now.  There was a spot that wasn't filled last year.  Just got home and haven't got the official call yet, the one I got was more of a heads up that it would be coming as I had a decision to make about another career path within the forces.
Really excited, good luck to everybody else and I'll let everybody know how the process goes.
Way to go man, you must be thrilled!
LOLslamball said:
Well I just got a call the other day while I was in Hawaii, missed it but decided to call back(because I told them I would be gone).  Turns out I am getting an offer for ROTP now.  There was a spot that wasn't filled last year.  Just got home and haven't got the official call yet, the one I got was more of a heads up that it would be coming as I had a decision to make about another career path within the forces.
Really excited, good luck to everybody else and I'll let everybody know how the process goes.


Be sure to let us know which decision you make.
Jakinder said:
My medical looks like it will be cleared within the next few days, so I have been told that I have been effectively merit-listed!

Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: MARS
Trade Choice 2: Engineers
Trade Choice 3: EME
Application Date: January 12, 2012
First Contact: January 12, 2012
Aptitude:  February 10, 2012
Medical:  February 20, 2012
Interview completed: February 28, 2012
Merit Listed: In a few days
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

Now the waiting game begins  :-\

Hey Jakinder! Just noticed that you are applying out of CFRC Montreal. I too am applying out of Montreal, its good to see more of us on these forums! Good luck to you on the MARS application! I applied into Engineering!

Hi there everybody,

I was in your positions this time last year, wondering if I would be getting an offer. Now, I am at RMC in my first year of aeronautical engineering having been offered a position as a pilot. I have a few bits of advice that I will dispense, and then one warning that I want every one of you to take very seriously.


1. If you have been merit listed and you are waiting for your offer, be patient. I don't think I received mine until April 15th, and that was the first day that any offers were sent out (that I heard of). It will be a long wait yet.

2. Enjoy your time that you have left at home. You will miss it. No matter how much you will love your new life, you will miss home, so be sure to spend that extra little time with mom, or go out with friends a little more often than you thought you would.

3. Realize that everybody has a different story, and each recruiting centre does things a little differently, so you won't all get offers the same day that people start posting on here saying that they got one.

Okay, now for my warning(s):

When you first leave home and start with the CF you have a very important decision to make. You can either choose to love your new life, or you can choose to hate it. Whatever you choose, you will do. I can not count how many cynical people there are at RMC that hate it here. Alternatively, there are a number of people who absolutely love it here, and I am inclined to believe that these people will be the truly great officers. So, you can choose to hate it, and you will always find something to hate. You may hate the accent of your roommate, or you may hate the lack of sleep, or you may hate your school work. If you choose to hate your new life, you will do just that, and you will not have a difficult time finding things to hate. This is a tough rut to get out of. If you choose to love the new life that you are getting into, then you will find a way to take all the things you could have hated, and instead appreciate them as challenges you must overcome. Sure, you may not like them, but you will be such a better person and officer for overcoming those challenges that they are worth it to endure. You will also find it easy to love the friendships and camaraderie that the CF enjoys, as well as all the other really cool experiences. If you find a way to love your new life, you will be making it so much easier on yourself (compared to someone who hates their new life) because you will be so much more motivated and you will find worth in everything that you do. I am determined that if a job or task has absolutely no apparent purpose or benefit, then it must be done to build discipline. Some people laugh at this philosophy, but it truly does help with daily life, especially at RMC (as long as you understand the purpose and benefit of discipline).

Life in the CF is not easy, nor should it be. It is easy to hate, and easy to love. It is up to you what your experience will be like. This decision may be a self-conscious one, or a completely thought out and deliberate choice. I choose to love it here, and I am convinced that nobody wants to be here more than I do, and that is a very reassuring and motivating attitude to have, whether it is true or not.

Also, another piece of advice: do not expect things to be easy. Do not expect that you will get through everything with flying colours. Expect to be challenged! When I came, I knew that I would be challenged more than I could ever expect to be, and that made things quite easy on me, because I was always asking "okay, what are they going to throw at me now?" Other people had certain expectations, and things turned out to be much more difficult for them because they didn't expect it to be so hard. Instead, they were asking "I've had too much, when will this stop?" and when another thing was thrown at them, they had difficulty adapting.

So, to wrap things up, have fun while you are at home, be patient, choose to downright love the next phase in your life before you ever get there, and do not have any expectations for how difficult things will be, except that they will be more difficult than you can expect.

I will stop now, but if any of you have any questions, feel free to post or to PM me, and I will do my best to get to them eventually. Good luck with your future ambitions.
Hey everyone, my names Dave and I’ve applied for ROTP this year.  I’m currently a soldier with the 4th Royal Canadian Regiment out of London, Ontario and have been so for 4 years now. I have applied for ACSO, AEC and Infantry as my choices.  As I am a CT or Component Transfer, my application process is a little different then a civilians.  However I am looking forward to April to find out a yes or no.  I have been merit listed for all my choices and have passed all required tests.  During my AEC testing, there were 14 candidates and only a female and myself passed.  Testing with us were 2 regular NCM controllers who unfortunately did not pass for their DEO positions available.

LOLslamball,  are you currently in the reserves as well? I see the 'Jr. Member' indicated beneath your name.  How did you receive an offer for ROTP already?  Just thought I’d ask as I haven’t heard of any special cases before.

Domo777 said:
LOLslamball,  are you currently in the reserves as well? I see the 'Jr. Member' indicated beneath your name.  How did you receive an offer for ROTP already?  Just thought I’d ask as I haven’t heard of any special cases before.

Just an FYI, the "Jr. Member" underneath people's usernames does not indicate their CF status, rather the number of posts the have made on milnet.ca. Also, excellent post by pudd13!
Jparkin, I am excited, but not celebrating yet.  Not until I am sworn in (or have the date). 

HeavyD, I am almost positive I will accept the offer, as the choice was between a guaranteed offer now, or having to give up the offer.  I was given a heads up that I may have to make a tough choice a few weeks ago, but I was told it wouldn't be until April.  I still thought about it and the only conclusion I could come to was that I wanted to be in the forces more than I cared about which trade I was in (between the two). So therefore I wouldn't give up a guaranteed offer.  After being given all the details of the decision I still feel the same way.

Pudd, awesome post, I think it applies to BMOQ too (for those in civy-u), well that is what I was thinking of when I read it anyway.

Domo, No, I am not in the Reserves.  I was told that there was an unfilled position from last year and that is what I am being offered.  I am currently in University, and they couldn't offer last years position to someone who is still in high school/not in university.  From the CF's perspective I am getting an offer really really late, instead of a month early.
pudd13 said:
So, to wrap things up, have fun while you are at home, be patient, choose to downright love the next phase in your life before you ever get there, and do not have any expectations for how difficult things will be, except that they will be more difficult than you can expect.

Thanks for the great advice pudd.

LOLslamball said:
Jparkin, I am excited, but not celebrating yet.  Not until I am sworn in (or have the date). 

Good call on not counting the chickens that haven't hatched slamball.
That makes sense I guess,  you are a lucky individual LOLslamball!  I’m new to these forums so I’m not aware how things work on here quite yet.  I wish I knew about them when I joined, would have helped me with some aspects of training.  

Does anyone know whether I would keep my pay grade as a MCpl, or whether it would be dropped down the to pay grade of an Officer Cadet?  I saw some discussions and mostly speculations on this topic earlier, but it was never made 100% clear.  

Also, I have my MOD 6 Infantry course under my belt, so does that mean I would miss BMOQ, or would I have to take it anyways?  I am actually teaching on a BMQ-Land and am slated to teach on a BMOQ in Gagetown this spring/summer, so it would seem kind of odd to take a course I have potentially taught on.  

Anyways, best of luck to those applying.  Hopefully we’ll all meet in September and go through hating or loving life together.
Domo777 said:
That makes sense I guess,  you are a lucky individual LOLslamball!  I’m new to these forums so I’m not aware how things work on here quite yet.  I wish I knew about them when I joined, would have helped me with some aspects of training.  

Does anyone know whether I would keep my pay grade as a MCpl, or whether it would be dropped down the to pay grade of an Officer Cadet?  I saw some discussions and mostly speculations on this topic earlier, but it was never made 100% clear.  

Also, I have my MOD 6 Infantry course under my belt, so does that mean I would miss BMOQ, or would I have to take it anyways?  I am actually teaching on a BMQ-Land and am slated to teach on a BMOQ in Gagetown this spring/summer, so it would seem kind of odd to take a course I have potentially taught on.  

Anyways, best of luck to those applying.  Hopefully we’ll all meet in September and go through hating or loving life together.

Although I can't find the post right now, I have read on this forum that you do keep your MCpl paygrade at RMC. I will keep looking for the particular post.
Domo777 said:
That makes sense I guess,  you are a lucky individual LOLslamball!  I’m new to these forums so I’m not aware how things work on here quite yet.  I wish I knew about them when I joined, would have helped me with some aspects of training.  

Does anyone know whether I would keep my pay grade as a MCpl, or whether it would be dropped down the to pay grade of an Officer Cadet?  I saw some discussions and mostly speculations on this topic earlier, but it was never made 100% clear.  

Also, I have my MOD 6 Infantry course under my belt, so does that mean I would miss BMOQ, or would I have to take it anyways?  I am actually teaching on a BMQ-Land and am slated to teach on a BMOQ in Gagetown this spring/summer, so it would seem kind of odd to take a course I have potentially taught on.  

Anyways, best of luck to those applying.  Hopefully we’ll all meet in September and go through hating or loving life together.

I could be totally wrong but I remember reading somewhere that you would just do the second "officer" half of BMOQ. 
Domo777 said:
Does anyone know whether I would keep my pay grade as a MCpl, or whether it would be dropped down the to pay grade of an Officer Cadet?  I saw some discussions and mostly speculations on this topic earlier, but it was never made 100% clear.  

Also, I have my MOD 6 Infantry course under my belt, so does that mean I would miss BMOQ, or would I have to take it anyways?  I am actually teaching on a BMQ-Land and am slated to teach on a BMOQ in Gagetown this spring/summer, so it would seem kind of odd to take a course I have potentially taught on.  

Anyways, best of luck to those applying.  Hopefully we’ll all meet in September and go through hating or loving life together.

Well, reg force types (like me) get to keep their previous NCM pay.  The process for reservists is different, but it would be a kick in the ass to take that kind of pay cut.  I can't give you a completely positive answer so more investigation is required on your part.

As for the second part, if you receive an offer it is up to you to get the ball rolling on a prior learning assessment through the CDA.  Normally yes, full PLQ qualification gives you a rubber stamp bypass of BMOQ.
Either way,  I would find out sooner or later and just bite the bullet if it means a career at RMC and as an ACSO.  It would just be a pain to do that type of course again.  Especially after teaching on it! I guess it would give me an advantage for Top Candidate, if they even do that on officer courses!  

As for the money side of things,  it would really be nice to not have to take the pay cut, I hope that will work out.

Anyone have any idea when the review board is going to be taking place?

Hey, so just a quick update and a question.
I called in and I was apparently merit listed, so all that's left to do now is wait.

I just wanted to know if anyone knew the approximate (I know it varies from person to person) date that someone will get a call/job offer.
Reason for this is, I'd like to know if I should just accept my University Offers, or keep waiting it out.
The offers to the Universities I was accepted to are due on June 1st, and June 30th. Seeing as I'm not sure whether or not I'll be taken in to RMC, or be told to go to CiviU, I haven't accepted the offers/sent in a tuition deposit.

If anyone's in the same position, please let me know what you plan on doing. I realize being merit listed doesn't guarantee you a job, but if you were to get an offer, around what month would it be?

Additional Info that may help: Applying for Electrical Mechanical Engineering Officer and CELE (Air) Officer.

Again, thanks for any help provided regarding this matter.

There's a bunch of speculation on that topic about 2 pages back. (on p18 I think) nobody knows for sure but most people have been told mid-April.
I know that in Ontario, you have until June 2nd to respond to your university offers through OUAC. I am not sure about the other provinces. If you are still waiting for a call in June, I suggest responding to one of the offers, you can always decline it later if you do get a call from RMC. Though if you are going to live in residence, you need your deposit in before that, so you might lose that money if you do decide to go to RMC after you register for residence with whatever civilian university you are going to.
Hi guys,

I call my file manager today and I just discover that I'm merit listed for all my trades. So now, it's the waiting game for me !

Recruiting Center: Quebec city
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: Air Combat Systems Officer
Trade Choice 3: Aerospace engineer
Application Date: November 4, 2011
First Contact: November 14, 2011
CFAT: November 29, 2011 - completed
Interview: December 20. 2011 - completed
Medical: December 20, 2011 completed
Aircrew Selection  : January 30th to February 3rd -- completed
Aircrew medical : February 2, Done
ACSO exam : Done and complete by February 27.
Merit Listed : March 9 ---- All trades
Also just called today confirming I am merit listed.

There was a bit of a paperwork hiccup with my aircrew medical so unfortunately I will more than likely not be on Aircrew Selection in time to be processed for Pilot. Another one of my choices was MPO, but I was informed after my interview that there was only 1 spot and they aren't running the MPOAC anymore this year.

So that leaves me with Armour Officer which I am very much looking forward to.

Once again, good luck to everyone applying and hopefully I will be seeing you in the latter half of BMOQ this summer.
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