I misread civic nationalism as being an effect rather than a means. My take is that this sense of civic duty, is, as it's being pursued now, delusive. One problem is that people from different ethnic backgrounds, like it or not, tend to alienate one another, and because of this many people immigrate with "strings attached". Expecting all Immigrants to "smelt" into their new countries culture within a generation or two is absurd, I would say naive but I don't even think naivety has anything to do with it, since this was common knowledge and had been for years. One example that comes to mind is the creation of the 'pale of settlement' in Russia. So there's the rub, and is why "multiculturalism" came into being. Which is just as problematic. It only depreciates those valuable citizens that feel strongly about their nation, and are willing to step up when need be. Do you think anybody is going to want to die on a French beach for "multiculturalism"? which in some cases manifests as bullet ridden young girls. Furthermore, do you think the Men that did die in France did it so Canada could become what it has evolved into since Trudeau? From my perspective, the answer is no. One hypothetical question to ask yourself would be: If there was an Invasion of Canada by some hypothetical hostile state [Be it Islamic, Jewish, Asian, etc.,] do you think the immigrant representatives of that state would overwhelmingly fight for Canada, or against Canada? I bet most, if asked, in some type poll would give you the answer you want to hear, but I believe the reality would be the opposite, since, I myself can empathize with that hypothetical. Which is, by definition, a fifth column, and it really makes me wonder wonder sometimes what true agenda these bureaucrats and politicians have when instating these policy changes, when in many instances they are offensive and are by no means representative of the Canadian people. [i.e., today the Supreme court passed, with overwhelming support, a law which made it legal for Sikh children in school to carry daggers, even though last night I saw an opinion poll where 95+ of the people asked said they were AGAINST such a law.]
Liberalists may be ashamed of their heritage, but I am not, and for that matter I don't think most people are, or at least wouldn't if it hasn't been for all the "peer pressure" I guess you could call it. Or at least the superficial appearance of consensus. Which is why I think these policy's are ticking time bombs because I don't think they are in the best interests of the majority, rather, in the best interests for the minorities that have made Canada "multicultural".
Like it or not, people identify with things more specific than "mankind", [i.e., religion, race, culture] and it seems to have a socially healthy society this idea would have to be acknowledged. Civic nationalism it seems is completely in vain, no matter what the politicians say. Like the ones that put the blame of the Toronto gang killing on the shoulders of the "racist" majority and gun laws. It seems people accept these kind of explanations all to easily. Someone should ask why these "disenfranchised" lowly people didn't for example ...Join the Army! You can't possibly get anymore enfranchised than that, can you?