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Anyone serving in this regiment or know anything about it, like, how is it, the soldiers, the command, etc...? I may transfer over to the regiment once I start school in the area come September.
JohnnySav said:
Anyone serving in this regiment or know anything about it, like, how is it, the soldiers, the command, etc...? I may transfer over to the regiment once I start school in the area come September.

Have you checked their website for info?

Hehe, I got sworn into the RHLI 3 weeks ago and started BMQ this past weekend. I can't say much more than that, as I don't have any other experiences to compare it to. If you want more info, check out the RHLI website, and for some history, there's an article on the RHLI on Wikipedia.
im a sr Pte in the regiment. its a good regiment. B coy in hamilton im not too sure on how they are, but C-coy in burlington is a good go. lately we have done alot of classroom stuff but its very infomative and good training.  RHLI.ca is a great place for info. as far as command goes, i wouldnt say its relaxed but as long as you do what needs to be done, no problems. good luck on your decision.
Tyrus said:
im a sr Pte in the regiment. its a good regiment. B coy in hamilton im not too sure on how they are, but C-coy in burlington is a good go. lately we have done alot of classroom stuff but its very infomative and good training.  RHLI.ca is a great place for info. as far as command goes, i wouldnt say its relaxed but as long as you do what needs to be done, no problems. good luck on your decision.

Is Sgt. Boer still around there? I think he's in the Burlington coy, he lives in Burlington anyway. He was my Section Cmdr on BMQ+SQ and 1/3 of DP1Inf/BIQ. Fantastic Section Cmdr, really takes the CF Leadership points into consideration and always thinks of his men first when he makes his decisions. I had a fantastic first set of experiences in the military due in no small part to that man. Oohhh, that may sound not the way I intended it too! Not like that for you sick freaks, I just mean good ole' hard-ass army Sgt style crap.

I'd say from my limited exposure to a few of the RHLI's leaders, they are a fantastic unit.

I started out in the RHLI in 92.  When did they start having coy's in other cities?
the RHLI just expanded to Burlington as of 2004 check the website. www.rhli.ca
just wondering if u guys still ahve the victoria cross from padre Foot from WW2 he was my great uncle and i wouldnt mind knowing if the regiment still has it or what happened to it.


Pte. Burke
C coy
Yeah, Brian Borer is still around.  Good guy too.  Ask him about Shennanigans next time you see him.  8)

Decent reserve unit all around.  I was in for 7 years.  Good NCOs. 

Tyrus is the most hardocre troop I've ever seen.  I saw him get stung in the face by a bunch of bees and still throw himself down on razor wire so the company could get over it.

My company has two soldiers who transfered to it from the RHLI's and I have not heard anything bad about the unit from them.
Here is a question that Hamilton-area Res soldiers may be able to answer: What was the last unit to occupy the Armoury in Dundas? It is some kind of community facility today, but I remember (about 1972) taking part in a Cadet Tattoo there. Was it a company of the RHLI?

8 Field Regiment RCA I believe

As I recall it was the predecessor to 11 Field in 17 Bde.....

Cheers SB
Aside from cadets, the last unit that I know of to occupy the Dundas Armoury (now a community centre, BTW)was the Wentworth Regiment, but they were amalgamated into the RHLI (Hence RHLI(WR)) in either 1930 or '32. The unit crest is still displayed on the armoury wall.
Well if any of you boys get a chance to see Sgt. Boer up there, tell him "Pte. Pizza" from summer 2005 says "How's it f*cking going Brian!?!"....

When I find that man next I owe him a big handshake, he helped me get a good job after the summer!

I wish the Lincs and RHLI did more training together throughout the year. We did do some training this past year with the AshofC's where I've been able to say hi and hello to the 2i/c I had for the summer for DP1, a wicked lad who was bang-on and knew his history too! Maybe someone up there knows him too? MCpl. Loftchik???

Have a good one, maybe I'll see some of you at VG06
anyone know master corperal holdom? maybe a sergent now who knows