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Rileys or Argylls

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I‘m considering joining the reserves here in Hamilton (SEE TOPIC: Reserve NCO or Officer??)

Now before I had the problem of choosing officer or NCO and have decided to go NCO. Now another problem has beset me.

Should I choose the RHLI "Rileys" or the Argylls.

So if anyone from those two units could help me I would be greatfull.

These are the areas of interest I‘m looking for when I consider either RHLI or Argylls..

1. Intensity of training. Who trains harder.

2. Differences in training. For example do the Argylls do some training that the Rileys dont, and what are they??

3. Wanting to become a police officer where do most of the COP/Reservists tend to train. RHLI or Argylls.

4. What do the starting out courses look like. I know Rileys do from Jan to Jun two weekends a month and then a summer course in July to Aug.

5. When will i get to start all the fun and resume building training. eg. weapons, tactics, patroling, rappeling, sniper ASF..

Thanks to all who reply, and sorry to any who are getting annoyed with all the questions.

I‘m really serious about getting the right training and training with the best in order to

1. Serve My Country and

2. To prepare, train and learn from the best to fufill my dream of being on the Hamilton Police ERU!

Oh, one more thing I have not been hired by any police service yet but expect to be hired for sept.

Cheers :cdn:
Well heres how I see it, I am a Riley, but my BMQ and SQ were instructed by Argylls. I‘ve since noticed that the RHLI has better NCO‘s (ive only trained under 6 Argyll NCOs mind you). The Argylls blew their budget almost half way through the year last year and barely did any training. The RHLI does have 1 or 2 weekends a month (some months busier than others) not to mention extra trg nights here and there. WE can handle our budget and have lots of stuff planned this year focusing on FIBUA (I think thats what you meant by "building training"). During the Combat Readiness evalutions last year both the Argylls and RHLI achieved passing grades (only 4 regt‘s of the brigade did so). Lastly, the Argylls have a Sgt in the Hamilton ERU, but he is gone on a tour for a while.
By by building training i ment

RESUME BUILDING training in weapons, tactics etc. etc.

Thanks for the post:


Argylls: 1


Lets se who can score more goals I have to make a decision!

Re: Argylls or Rileys

I would suggest to you the course I took when i transferred into the Hamilton garrison. Visit both units frequently and ask questions. try and get a feeling for the character of the various units.

Both Regiments, are, IMHO, very good choices. I looked at both very carefully before selecting one.

Unlike some individuals I will not slag either unit but will say that both have their faults and strengths.
i have worked with the Officers, WO's, and NCO's of both units now for nigh on 20 years and can say that both units possess excellent examples in all three messes.
Both units have counted some "Queen's hard bargins" in their ranks, but i think its unfair to catagorize either unit's NCO's as better or worse. (6 NCO's do not an accurate survey make...;)  )

As for oppourtunities I know both Regiments are looking for Soldiers and Officers to fill out the ranks of their (Very good) reserve rifle coys.

Back in the day when we were still in Hamilton district both units had a rep for looking after their troops well AND doing well in the field.
I believe that is still the case.

Both units are well supported by their regimental families and both have extensive ties to the community.

I would honestly be proud to count myself a member of either the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (The Wentworth Regiment) or
the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Pricess Louises') and it disturbs me when brother soldiers spend their time sniping at the other side of the floor.

I've seen it all too often in the past from the misguided in trousers or in kilts who feel their energy is better spent in pointing fingers at their neighbours instead of fulfilling their primary duty: To provide Canada and her Army with first class reserve Infantry soldiers.

To sum up:

Both Units are excellent choices. Each has its particular faults, strengths and quirks, but each is fulling commited to producing first class soldiers.
Meet them, talk to them, and remember that you will be joining a great regimental family whichever path ye take.

Best of luck

Steel Badger

Well heres how I see it, I am a Riley, but my BMQ and SQ were instructed by Argylls. I've since noticed that the RHLI has better NCO's (ive only trained under 6 Argyll NCOs mind you). The Argylls blew their budget almost half way through the year last year and barely did any training. The RHLI does have 1 or 2 weekends a month (some months busier than others) not to mention extra trg nights here and there. WE can handle our budget and have lots of stuff planned this year focusing on FIBUA (I think thats what you meant by "building training"). During the Combat Readiness evalutions last year both the Argylls and RHLI achieved passing grades (only 4 regt's of the brigade did so). Lastly, the Argylls have a Sgt in the Hamilton ERU, but he is gone on a tour for a while.

Young soldier,

You should get your facts straight,

1)  the Argylls didnt blow their budget last year.
2)  both units have good and bad nco's.
3)  the Argylls had good training and it was meaningful for the soldiers.
4)  the Sgt is not on tour.

Remember the rules for posting on this site, you are presenting yourself and your unit to the public, what would your CO say if he your post.

Yes, let's not get into unit slagging here. He asked a legitimate question and deserves a legitimate response. As has been stated before, each unit has its good and bad points and you need to visit each unit separately and make your decision after doing your research. I used to be an Argyll, so that's where MY natural affinity lies, however, I had and still have many good friends within the RHLI. And to be honest with you, if you're looking to get into the police service, the RHLI has close ties to the police department with serving and past serving members being police officers. 
NMPETERS>Ref your last>. I agree completely and caution my brother -in-arms that inter-unit slagging is PRECISELY the sort of thing that We as the guardians of the Regiment MUST AVOID!

My family has served in both Fine Regiments and I feel that any inter-unit pissing contests not only does our veterans a huge disservice but lends aid to those who see the Regimental System as an tribal anachronisim.

I would say that both units have the same amount of police officers in them, being an Argyll myself, I know that we have about 5 or 6. I know that the former LCOL of the RHLI is in the Hamilton Police. But I do not know how many they have.

Ah. I didn't know this. Well, it's been a good 10 or so years since I've been with the Argylls and at that time the Argylls were predominately high school teachers and the RHLI were the cops. Yes, the former CO of the RHLI is a police officer. So I stand corrected. You will be able to network for your civilian aspirations equally well in both units. Cheers!
I am a lorne scot, so here is my outside opinion
(1) Both have good and bad Troops and NCOs
(2) It really depends on what regiment you want to represent (Argylls are big on preserving the scottish heritage of their regiment).
(3) You will get the same oppurtunity to serve over seas with either regt

One more thing, your joining the police? Slim chance you will get a chance to do BMQ/SQ and DP1 Infantry..
Somehow I think he made his decision 3 years ago, you did realize the last post was 3 years ago right? And lookey there he did actually make his decision, please try and read the previous posts and the dates before posting, just a tip.
Hey all.
I realize I bumped this thread, I just found it through google and it is exactly related to the information I need. This is because I am undergoing the same problem and felt like it wouldn't be necessary to create a new thread if this one was already here.

However, my problem right now lies in whether or not either unit offers a BMQ course on WEEKENDS during the summer. I have a full-time job in the summer that pays well [and provides a good reference] that I will not be willing to quit. I realized the Reserves are also a good reference, yet I need the maximum amount of money as I am going into my 3rd year of University this Fall 2011. So, working part-time and such for the summer as a reservist ONLY would not help...however I would love to be able to participate in a BMQ offered through the weekends, because I work only Monday-Friday at my full-time job [8am-5pm so I could also parade at night].

Also, another potential problem for me is that I have a part-time job during the school year, however I do get to pick which hours and days I work. But, I was wondering how often each unit parades a week, because I would have to obviously book those days off.

I have emailed both branches and I am awaiting their response, I may follow-up with calls this week though if they do not get back to me soon. Any information/advice etc. would help, thanks a lot.
The PRes does not offer weekend BMQ courses in the June-August time frame (This is omething I am so confident about, I will leap forward and say it).
ArmyRick said:
The PRes does not offer weekend BMQ courses in the June-August time frame (This is omething I am so confident about, I will leap forward and say it).

So I assume weekend BMQ's are held throughout the Sept-May time frame? Because if so that could be something I could easily accomplish....yet I worry that since this is the case, would I even be able to get into Pres before September?