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ROTP 2008-2009

Well I got sworn in today. Evryone should keep the group posted as to when they officially become members of the CF.
Intelligent Design said:
Well I got sworn in today. Evryone should keep the group posted as to when they officially become members of the CF.

Last Friday (June 27th).
Hi everyone, I'm Adam, I am going Air Ops at Civ U in Edmonton, currently 2 years into my BA majoring in history and my swear in date is July 25. I still can't quite believe this is finally happening as getting in was a long and slightly bumpy road  :)
I'll be there on the 25th as well Adam. That day can't come fast enough.... ;D
I'm accepted for Sea Ops at Civi U, getting sworn in on August 19th.  :)

Question for those already sworn in, I take it you guys are on leave without pay until the school year starts?
Yup that's right. LWOP until September 2nd. Don't forget, when you are on LWOP you will be expected to make up for your pension contributions when you start getting paid haha.
CT's don't swear in again once they have in the PRes.  Unless for some reason they specifically request it, but its redundent. Not required.  When someone does a CT - its simply paperwork. 

As for CT pay - its calculated and put on your ETP msg upon transfer then entered by the gaining unit ASU - PSS for pay.  You wont be enrolled to the Reg F as an NCM then the following day put in as an OCdt. 

In Toronto area, CT's are not going to be doing the transfer the same day as the Civies are enrolled.  They are set for much more specific dates so that there is no LWOP for the member.
Hi Everyone,

I also was just sworn in in Toronto on Friday (the 25th of July). I'm a civi-u student (in the middle of 3 year) doing distance-ed through Athabasca at home (CFB Trenton). I've been given the Air Support grouping (only put one option Log -HR) and I was a little surprised there weren't more Air Support people given that Air Support is a fairly large grouping (all your 6 Logistics specialities, MP, Intelligence, and Health Care Admin) at the swearing in ceremony I was part of, and even on this group...any of you out there?

Also for those wondering how IAP/BOTC is going to work next summer, here's the synopsis...

New RMC students are starting Aug 3 2008, doing 4 weeks of condensed IAP, getting their cap badges, then going into FYOP, therefore next summer they will only have to do 11 weeks next summer and they will be good to go. Now for those of you who didn't do BOTC this summer, you might have the joys of joining them for the whole 11 weeks (but really who knows) and if you are wondering how on earth they aren't making it a 17 week program anymore...well its because IAP/BOTC was never meant to be 17 weeks, DEO's generally do 13-16 weeks (depending on when they did it) and for ROTP it was really 15 weeks but since it was split over two summers they gave you a two week referesher course in summer 2.

For all Civi-U ROTP students started this year, depending on your ULO you will be on LWOP until you are told to report to your University and ULO. (in my case it is 25 Aug 2008, I know the ones going to school in Toronto they are fortunate enough to get to do their whole two week orientation starting 18 Aug 2008) You ULO will assist you in doing your inclearance to the base you are being posted to and will set you up with a two week orientation that they may do themselves or that you may have to join the local reserve unit (in my case the Hasty P's) and do the equivalent of two weeks over the course of evenings and weekends.
Then next summer we will all go to St Jean and do 15 weeks of IAP/BOTC.

Now just a piece of advice to all the Civi-U students, be nice to your ULO, listen to any advice they tell you, ask ask ask questions (but obviously not if they told you to pipe down and listen), NCM's will be your best friend through this time, they will guide you, they will correct you (without you being jacked up) if you have done something incorrectly (and take note of what it was and don't do it again), learn from them and NEVER EVER think that you are too good, too cool, because you are nothing without your men and women. Obviously as you go up the ranks the relationships become more formal, but as an OCdt make sure you have two ears and only one mouth, and learn as much as you can.
Just curious...Where did you hear that RMC students will be starting their summer training on 3 Aug?  I had heard it was supposed to be a two week course commencing on 13 Aug and was just wondering which one was correct?
I'm Air Support, and there were quite a few of us at my swearing in.
Sorry I didn't put both CMR and RMC separate days, Milmom you are correct, thanks for posting that!

What trade are you hoping for Intelligent Design?
trentonmilwife said:
What trade are you hoping for Intelligent Design?

Better that be left unsaid if you know what I am getting at. Though I am pleasantly surprised that HCA got on there, so I almost wish I had put that down as a trade choice haha.
New RMC students are starting Aug 3 2008, doing 4 weeks of condensed IAP, getting their cap badges, then going into FYOP, therefore next summer they will only have to do 11 weeks next summer and they will be good to go.

Where did you get that information from exactly?
Hello again,

I didnt have my mind made up in 2007 if i wanted to be an officer so i didnt apply. I did not realize you had to apply fairly early to get in for the following year. So im content with waiting till this years apply time (which is? October?) or should i try for reserves? In reserves a officer would probably have to take the ROTP as well so id have to be NCM for the year. But ive heard its very hard to switch from reserve to regular, and id imagine it be even harder going NCM to Officer at the same time?

Sorry if its confusing, help appreciated.
Maybe you should consider giving your local recruiting center a call...they'll probably be able to answer those types of questions.