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SAR Tech

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roko
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As soon as they let me in Im doing everything I can to get the invite to the qualifier.

131 1 day!!!!!

Yeah but that won't happen until they change some basic rules. I applied for SAR tech this year, but because I won't get my corporal the same year as I applied, they told me: no try next year. I know now that in 2007 they're will be 2 spots for civilians. The course is going to be 14 instead of 12. Now reservist are allow to apply for the job, but once accepted, they move to reg force. I talked to the chief of CFSSAR Monday. This is how I found out.
Just to clear this up. When I said "civilian", I met that they will join the CF as SAR tech. Basically they will go to basic training as usual, and then come to CFSSAR when accepted. Thats what I have been told.
I am trying the regular way to apply....Moc qualified, corporals...2 lunar landings, etc. I might be a while but Ill get there.

quick question:
Where do SAR techs (or ones in training) do their paramedic training. Is it through the JI in New West, or Chilliwack BC or somewhere else?

Thanks again

Did anybody see the show Truth Duty Valour on the SAR selection. It was awesome!!!!

Those dudes were hardcore.....I felt like going for a run and eating a candle.

If this was discussed previous...plse disregard.

yeah Its pretty good. I ordered it from TDV, and as soon as I got it the episode was on TV. I coulda taped it. :-*

Sar techs are trained by the Justice Institute, but the instuctors come to the SAR school here in Comox BC.
HFXCrow said:
Did anybody see the show Truth Duty Valour on the SAR selection. It was awesome!!!!

Those dudes were hardcore.....I felt like going for a run and eating a candle.

If this was discussed previous...plse disregard.


I ate my candle.  It's amazing how good it tasted after three days of nothing but Labrador Tea.  Rabbits are apparently smarter than snare wire.  The best part was when the cameras disappeared.  Then you KNEW it was coming.  And if nothing else, it was a decent weight loss program.

Pre Selection Candidate #10 (The one with snot dripping from his nose while taking a bearing, thanks TDV)
Pre Selection Candidate #10 (The one with snot dripping from his nose while taking a bearing, thanks TDV)
lol, now Ive really gotta see that episode... ;D
I just went and fast forwarded that episode to try to figure out who you were (I think I need a hobby). Thats great!!

Zoomie said:
Scuttlebutt in the SAR shop is that the MOC will be opening to direct entry applicants.  This, IMHO, is a big mistake.

Why is this a big mistake? all it is is a invite to prelim....the candidate will have to hold their own.
I know that they extended the application deadline to the 31 of Nov. It used to be until the 14 of Oct. So if there is any of you guys that wants to try it...here is your chance. I've put a request to get a "waver" from Borden because I do not have 48 months of service right now. I'm still waiting for the answer. If they say no, well I'll have to wait until next year....like they say: patience is the secret for success.
Was that deadline for the regular way of trying out...or the direct entry pilot method? I spoke to the Chief of the trade and he informed me that they are still working out the bugs/ what is a acceptable diploma PCP, EMR, astronaut...etc.

Its the reg way. I know that there is a few bugs in the system, especially when it comes to BPSO...CFSSAR seems to have some technical problem of miscommunication with them.
Anyways, I only have to say for the people out there that this is the best time to go and apply for that awsome job.
cheers  :salute:
I've received an e-mail from CFRG. They don't issue waiver based on ranks. So basically despite the fact there is a big lack of applicants for this year, I'll still have to wait next year to apply.
Oh well...more time to train and get better at it.  ;)
Oh well...its only a year. Hopefully you will have a whole career still waiting. What kind of prep work (besides physical conditioning) are you doing? Are there any coarses that are un-related to your MOC that you can take through the military while you wait for your shot? Just curious. I am taking a couple here in civi land, but they will probably be all up for resertification come the time for my "shot".


Yeah basically I've been diving since 1999. This summer I took my "civie" para course (paid from my own pocket). I also been a climber since 3 years ago. I do lots of stuff like that basically to keep me current with the gear and the techniques. I also do lots of hiking and other stuff that I enjoy.
I suggest that you do the same. It will give you more points for your application once CFRG get it. Take first aid courses, my guest is that this one is the most important of all.
i have seen the pre requisits for the Sar tech program for a reg force occupational transfer
but what would the pre requisits be for   a reservist who wants to attend the prelim???
thanks alot