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Saskatchewan offers Academic Scholarship to CF members


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Saskatchewan is offering a $5000 academic scholarship to CF members from that province who have "actively served on military operations"
From today's Globe & Mail; posted here with usual copyright provisions.

The Canadian Press

March 3, 2009

REGINA -- The Saskatchewan government is offering soldiers and their families some cash for post-secondary studies.

Premier Brad Wall says the Scholarship of Honour recognizes the sacrifices made by men and women from the province who serve in the Canadian Forces.

Soldiers who actively served in military operations since September, 2001, will be eligible for the $5,000 award. The spouse and children of severely injured soldiers or of those who have died on active duty will also be eligible.

Candidates must apply for the scholarship.

The Ministry of Advanced Education will work with the federal government to distribute information to returning soldiers and their families.
That is wonderful news, and being that Saskatchewan is my home province, that's even better!!

Will other provinces follow suit?
I wonder what the criteria is for applying.
I gather the criteria and application procedures are still being developed. This looks like it's just the initial politician's sound-bite.

There's a growing number of military-related scholarships out there.
Kudos to them! I hope we see more of that in Canada.  :cdn:

Open letter to Randy Hawes, MLA Maple Ridge/Mission BC
I would ask if each of you could email your own MLA and MP with a similar request :yellow:


  I am a Maple Ridge resident and former soldier.  I see that the province of Saskatchewan is offering educational incentives for returning war Veterans.  Is there a plan for BC to do the same?

  Many of those I served with who are back from, or back in Afghanistan, keep in contact with me, and feel they have been forgotten by their home province.  A move like this would show everyone this is not true.
While our MLA has been slow to respond, our local MP has at least responded that he will try to see what he can do to bring this issue the attention it deserves.  Below is the response I got from Randy Kamp, Conservative MP for Maple Ridge/Mission BC

While not exactly a trumpet sounding the charge, it is the honest admission that he will attempt to bring focus and pressure on the issue in provinces other than Saskatchewan. 

From: Kamp, Randy - M.P. [mailto:KampR@parl.gc.ca]
Sent: March 26, 2009 5:36 AM
To: 'mainerjt@shaw.ca'
Subject: RE:

Dear John,

Thank you for your email about educational benefits for members of the Canadian Armed Forces.  I appreciate your bringing it my attention.

You're right that education is under provincial jurisdiction, but I'll give some thought to whether there is anything I might be able to do to highlight the issue.


BC is too broke. See the Budget. SK is rich. Great idea though.

Do you think, even with all the oil revenue, that Newfoundland could afford to do this for it's Veterans?
Journeyman said:
I gather the criteria and application procedures are still being developed. This looks like it's just the initial politician's sound-bite.

There's a growing number of military-related scholarships out there.

Including this one
