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Saving Jessica Lynch Movie to air

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NOV 9th on NBC


This dramatic and inspiring NBC movie is based on the true story behind the ambush of the 507th Maintenance Company, and the dramatic rescue of Pfc. Jessica Lynch, an American prisoner of war in Iraq. With the help and official story rights of Mohammed Al Rehaief, the Iraqi citizen who risked his own life to aid Lynch, the film follows Lynch’s heroic rescue on April 1, 2003. Her story of heroism provided hope to the nation and the world and proved an example of triumph despite great odds and affliction
Based on a true story.Huh?
She was in a vehicle accident and the "rescue" was an exercise complete with press corps video.
The Iraqi definately has golden stones though.
This is propaganda gone to **** and back.
She never fired a shot. Great book deal though and an agent too. Good god.
:confused: :o
I can only hope that someone makes a movie about me the next time I get lost.
I saw a great graphic about just how "heroic" the 507 Maintenance Company was (probably in the Toronto Star.) Turns out they misread their map; got lost and drove into an ambush. It was only after the ambush that they realized they weren‘t in Kansas anymore and lost -- so they pulled a U-turn and drove back through the ambush area. The wounds Jessica Lynch received were more consistent with getting run over by a Humvee than getting shot by hardline Iraqi forces.
Interesting that NBC got this to air first -- it was my understanding that Lynch signed with CBS.

I wonder if they are going to include when the Iraqi doctors drove her in an ambulance to the americans and the americans shot at them so they had to turn back.
nbk, but, that would make the Americans look bad

we cant have that in this tribute to the great American Hero Pfc(now Sp4) Lynch

I doubt there even going to show Pfc Miller? He was one of the few of them that actually fought, an did save somone‘s life
How about some attention for the brave troopies who are there and being targeted daily?
Does any member of the public realize what it takes to have eyes in the back of your head 24 7?
Or perhaps a burning humvee with buddies in it 20 feet away?
She should thank god she was unconcious and can‘t remember a thing. Unconcious hero‘s????
My favorite part was the whole initial "emptyed the magazine fighting back stories" More like,never fired a shot and she would be dead if it was the former.

People need to think about the troops who are over there right now. Not the B.S on NBC.
Well, in her defense, she didn‘t ask for this. In my view, the media wanted a hero, and they are the ones who built her up as such - with the Military‘s help......
You are correct Muskrat but how about a polite no thank you to the book/movie deals. Higher ups involved? Hmmmmmm.

How about,"sorry, but I didn‘t do anything and I would be embarassed by the attention."
Once again, higher ups?
Easier said then done no? Hey what about those other folks that were captured too? I didn‘t hear of any movie deals for them. Ahh maybe she‘s just the most telegenic. :rolleyes:
Exactly, Duotone - she was the IDEAL hero. Female soldier, wounded in combat, cutesy, small town, the whole 9 yards.

Old School - I got the impression that she tried the "no thanks" route, but maybe not. Remember though, she was kind of "out of it" for days, if not weeks - by then I think it was too late to escape the stardom. The Military knows it‘s good for their battered image - what do you tell the CO when he says "You earned it, and it‘s what best for the Unit, the Army, and the Country"? And you‘re a dazed PFC..lol Then the books and movies - you‘re a kid from East Bumf**K, West Virginia, or wherever.. the media, swarming in a feeding frenzy, is telling this same 19 yr old kid that the country loves her, they deserve to hear her story, and think of all the things she could do for her family with the money....

I think she‘s been a sparrow in a hurricane, frankly. The one time I heard her speak, on her homecoming - she was very humble, seemed embarrassed by the attention, and payed tribute to both her comrades, and the units that rescued her, as well as the Iraqi civilians.

Even more inappropriate, and PC?? Her best friend, Lori Piestewa was also killed in that ambush. She was from a small town here in Arizona. That in itself created a mini-political blunder (some may say) with our Governor. Lori Piestewa was the first Native American female soldier to be killed in combat. The Governor immediately decided to name a mountain (Squaw Peak, which is not politically correct) after her. The Chairman of the voluntary, civilian, appointed committee was actually leaned on, by the Governor‘s office - when he pointed out that there‘s a standing rule that an individual has to be deceased for at least 5 years before you can name something after them. He quit in disgust. The remaining flunkies on the committee voted to change the rule, and re-named the mountain. This in spite of the fact that several other soldiers from Arizona got killed, and didn‘t get anything named after them. No one would have minded having Piestewa Peak, had it gone through the proper procedures and waiting period - but politicizing (sp?) the issue took away from it, in my view...
Muskrat, I think your views on this subject have been consistently well stated and are the most accurate. What else would a 19 year old girl do when the CO tells her it is in everyone‘s best interests?

More importantly, what f‘ing harm is this movie doing to anyone?
What harm?
Nothing but feeding bull**** sandwiches to the masses who just ask more more. No harm.
Muskrat is right but the whole culture of the Anerican Rah rah machine is ****ed.
You can‘t argue that.
Lots of regular troops actually died firing their weapons and I will choose to think about those lads and not the accident victims who are heros.
Enjoy your movie.
If I was the director of the movie, the movie would be like this:

After making a wrong turn, and crew gets ambushed by a group of Iraqi soldiers. The crew gets heavy fire and some died in the initial firing, while Lynch lay in the vehicle helplessly dying. Iraqi soldiers quickly moved her to a hospital, which was lightly unguarded, and the doctors and nurses, after struggling to their deaths, manages to save her life. The doctors and nurses took care of her for a long time, and Lynch‘s condition recovered in the peaceful hospital. One night, a group of men dressed in black, stormed the quiet hospital. The men yelled at the doctors and nurses asking where Lynch was, but they could only speak Arabic, so the men in black agressively pushed them all away. After making a huge fuss and a **** lot of noise, they finally found Lynch‘s room. Lynch was still half sleeping, and by the men‘s behavior‘s, she actually thought that they were Iraqi soldiers about to grab her and kill her. Lynch grabed the nurse‘s hand she befriended with tightly and wouldn‘t let go, but eventually the man in black drags her away and her hand, still open trying to grab the nurses hand sees terror in her eyes. Being so scared, she passed out. When she woke up, she was surrounded by generals asking how they tortured her and hurt her and how brave she was. The generals said those "son of a b*tches" will suffer twice as much as the generals are planning another bombing raid in the town where she was ambushed. Lynch, still weak, could not talk, but only tears came out of her eyes.

*screen turns dark*

CAPTION: During the war on Iraq, xxxxxx civilian lost their lives, etc, etc,


sorry, I kind of went off track, I couldn‘t stop :D
It would be even better if you could some way have a little Iraqi girl who befriends Jessica Lynch, for example her parents were killed in an earlier bombing and Jessica took care of her in the hospital and taught the distraught girl to love again.

And in order to really hammer home the point that this is an unbiased and realistic movie make sure to include a scene where the American bomber pilot is smiling and laughing as he drops bombs all over the hospital. And his face is superimposed onto a laughing skull when he is backlit by the explosions. Then cut to the bombed out debris where the small Iraqi girl lies on the ground clutching a white flower and she utters the words in broken english:

"This is freedom?"

and then a tear rolls down her cheek and the camera pans down to see her drop the white flower in a puddle of blood and the white petals gradually soak up the blood as the credits are rolling, and a piano solo plays in he background...ya know, just so it doesn‘t look to corny...
You know, they say a pessimistic attitude is just an unpleasent way to present actual truth. In a mental health sense, pessimisim can keep you healthy in trying situations. This is the reason for combat arms black humour etc...
I don‘t think many Americans will like your movie scripts but I bet they eat up the Lynch movie.
Many people don‘t realize that flags all over your car, home, clothing, public buildings/institutions etc... are refered to in other countries as propaganda. The line between patriotism and propaganda is crossed when people offer opposing views of the government and are labeled traitors.

I see this movie as propaganda and it is scary what is fed to the public in general. What percentage thinks Iraq was behind 9/11? Scary.

Don‘t give me the whole he was a bad dude thing because the world is full of them. I think the Islamic extremists are scary folks and I got into this business because way back when I figured it was the future. Not certainly to the extent it has materialized, but even in the 70‘s you could see this was a bad bunch of dudes. I am all for killing the freaks before they kill us but I find the government frightening at the same time in their justifications.

I love my American brothers in arms and I think about them every day but the general population scares me as they breed their own terrorists.( nobody wants to talk about that right now, by the way)

The Lynch movie is all part of the circle of government bull**** sandwiches. Simple. If this is a real mission and a real cause, then cut the crap and let‘s get it done.

I am going to watch it though, probably a nice feel good movie.
Or maybe you‘re all reading too much into this and are forgeting that this is America. Where if the story is sensational, sexy and they all live happily ever after then Hollywood will exploit it and make a few bucks. I‘m personally gonna wait for the directors cut where John Rambo and Chuck Norris team up with Jean Claude armed with only 2 bayonets, some m16-A3s and a few flash bangs and take out the genetically modified super taliban fighters before rescuing the big breasted, wet t-shirt wearing, tall blonde Jessica. I bet the sequel will be a cheesey money making rip off of the "2 thumbs up" original made only to cater to the senseless masses. I have been told though that my sarcasm knows no bounds and that I‘m a "glass is half empty" kind of guy. Any info on a video game yet? :D
That is exactly what I am saying. That is America.
Fantasy beats out reality every time. Fantasy then becomes fact.
How many Americans can point out Afghanistan or Iraq on a map?
Iran, North Korea? Syria?
I wonder what the thoughts of a true POW, senator John McCain are on this matter. He was shot down after attacking Hanoi, broke many of his bones in the landing and spent over five years as guest of the "Hanoi Hilton". The Viet Cong were willing to repatriate him early as he was a son and grandson of US Admirals; it would have been a PR coup. Jessica Lynch‘s capture is so much hokum I can‘t believe the network would do this.