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School Girls Have Acid Thrown On Them- Do Some Still Doubt Why We Are There?

Bruce Monkhouse

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F#%$*ng vultures.......


Afghan girls sprayed with acid in 'desperate' attack
Updated Wed. Nov. 12 2008 9:49 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

The head of the Canadian army in Afghanistan accused the Taliban of acting in "desperation" after a grisly acid attack by unidentified men on a group of schoolgirls and a suicide bombing that killed six people.

Two men on a motorcycle hurled acid at a group of eight Afghanistan school girls Wednesday in a shocking attack that is making headlines around the world.
The girls were walking to Mirwais Minna Girl's School in broad daylight in Kandahar when the attack occurred.
"The men on a motorbike were apparently unarmed but nobody stopped them," The Globe and Mail's Graeme Smith reported Wednesday from Kandahar Air Field.
Three of the eight girls were hospitalized with serious burns and others have been treated and released. U.S. military spokesmen said at least two of the girls still in hospital were blinded.

Two girls who were wearing full-length burkas were not harmed.
Video of two of the badly burned girls shows them both in a state of shock, with one barely able to open her eyes.
"This beautiful brown eyed girl will never see again," Smith told CTV Newsnet.

Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie, head of the Canadian army, said the Taliban is reverting back to the "pure terror tactics" that was more commons a few years back. "For a while they tried to take us on... now they're going back to terrorizing their own population," said Leslie.
Bibi Athifa, one of the girls who suffered acid burns to her face, said she and her friends were walking to school when two armed gunmen on a motorbike stopped.

"One guy squirted acid from a bottle on us," she said. "Nobody warned us. Nobody threatened us. We don't have any enemies," she said.
During the Taliban's rule, between 1996 to 2001, girls were banned from schools. They were also not allowed to leave their home without a male family escort.
Bibi Meryam, the aunt of a 14-year-old victim, said the family had not received any threats prior to the attack. However, she said she's considering keeping her girls at home until the security situation stabilizes in the country.

"They acknowledged that they might be waiting a very long time because security is not improving and they know that the move is shifting in Kandahar," Smith said.
Afghanistan's government also condemned the attack, calling it un-Islamic and perpetrated by the "country's enemies," a usual reference used to describe the Taliban.
"By such actions, they cannot prevent six million children going to school," the government said in a statement.
Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi has denied that the insurgents were involved.

Bomb attack kills six

Meanwhile, at least six people are dead following a suicide attack outside an Afghan government office in Kandahar city on Wednesday, officials have confirmed.
The bomber, driving an oil tanker, detonated his explosives outside the building during a provincial council meeting.
Canadian soldiers were at the site when the blast occurred but there are no reports that any of them were injured.

Rahmatullah Raufi, the governor of Kandahar province, said two intelligence agents, a police officer and three civilians were killed in the blast.
Another 42 people were wounded following the blast, which flattened five nearby homes and damaged offices.
Raufi blamed the Taliban for the attack.
"The Taliban want to disrupt law and order in Kandahar," said Raufi.

Smith said the attack took place in a neighbourhood where the former head of the Afghan intelligence service has a house.
"One of his brothers was killed, another one was injured," said Smith.
"Although the victims were civilians they were civilians closely associated with the government and in this kind of a counter-insurgency that's seen as a legitimate target."

Canada's Ambassador to Afghanistan Ron Hoffman condemned the bomb attack on Wednesday.
"I think what it signifies for us is the paradoxical situation in Afghanistan where in some senses there is a deterioration of the situation with the stronger insurgency and a more determined insurgency over the last year or so," Hoffman told CTV's Canada AM on Wednesday.
"But there's also a continued progress and, in some cases, an acceleration of progress in other areas."

With files from The Associated Press
F$@#ing cowards, that was the first words out of my husbands mouth. 
I AGREE!!  Only a coward would resort to harming a defenceless child.  Just goes to show how morally corrupt some can be.  Defies words.
Snakedoc said:
I find this sick, sickens me to the stomach.

Agreed, makes the blood boil and the stomach churn. Maybe Mr. Layton would like to quicken our exit by a few more years. [/rant]
I am not shocked or surprised, just simply disgusted. The crap that went on during my tour, including acts as low as this were almost routine. This is muslim on muslim violence.

One must never get personally involved in any way, shape or form, or you're a basket case.

Niiiiiiiiiiiiice - if you oppose the fight, here's a good glimpse of some of what the OTHER side wants and is comfortable with.

Meanwhile, ISAF's pissed:
....“Only the most despicable of people would resort to this kind of deplorable behaviour. These cowardly acts reflect how dishonourable the insurgents truly are; no one can honestly say they are fighting for the people then purposefully attack innocent women and children. The insurgents are not only cowards, but liars,” said (ISAF commander, General David) McKiernan. “The insurgents seek to create fear and panic because they cannot compete with hope. They will not win; the strong, proud people of Afghanistan won’t let them.”

...as well as the UN's uber-envoy for AFG:
.... Yesterday’s incident in Kandahar in which acid was used to attack girl students on their way to school is a hideous crime, which has appalled people inside Afghanistan and around the world. It represents a grave violation of Afghan law and tradition and international human rights conventions. It is antithetical to the universal values we all share and contrary to previous assurances Afghans have been given that there would not be further attacks against schools or students ....
These cowards should be culled from the herd. They are not FIT to breath the same air as us, or walk the same earth as us.

Where is Amnesty International's cries of outrage? Or Bono's? Or Sir Bob Geldofs'? Or do they only hack on democratic nations?
I think Andrew Leslie is right. This act demonstrates that some insurgents have been forced to retreat back to the business of terrorizing women and children in order to assert their power - because they cannot, right now, even fight well against the Afghan security forces and dare not engage the Canadians and other ISAF forces. If the Afghan forces are getting better and better then our primary victory conditions are closer and closer to being satisfied.

We're not gong to bring democracy and certainly not liberal social values to Afghanistan; what we want to bring, before we return home, is a good enough security force - good enough to allow the Afghan people to make their own decisions (even ones with which we disagree) in their own, very foreign, way, without undue fear of insurgents.

The best revenge for acts of cowardice will be when we see Afghan women go to university without fear of being terrorized.
When we see children playing in their neighbourhoods without fear of being blown up.

THAT will be our revenge for the murder of innocent people.
Really, those girls were just asking for it.  Trying to get an education, not being discrete in their dress.  The next thing you know they might even, [gasp] wish to be considered equal to men.  What IS the 8th century coming to?   Darn it all, the country might even be over run with infidels and crusaders next..... ::)

I am not surprised by incidents like these.  Sadly, I am willing to bet they will increase with an election coming next year.   All the better to terrorise the LN.

As for Taliban Jack and his ilk, you can just bet they will turn the blame for it on us and our presence there.  
About 1,500 schoolgirls stay home after acid attack
Updated Thu. Nov. 13 2008 7:43 AM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Some 1,500 Afghani girls stayed home from school on Thursday, one day after a vicious acid attack on eight of their fellow students.

The principal of Mirwais Minna Girl's School in Kandahar said none of the 1,500 girls enrolled at the school showed up Thursday because of fear.

On Wednesday, two men on a motorcycle hurled acid at the eight girls in a shocking attack that made headlines around the world.

Three of the eight girls were hospitalized with serious burns and others have been treated and released. U.S. military spokesmen said at least two of the girls still in hospital were blinded.

Two girls who were wearing full-length burkas were not harmed.

Mahmood Qaderi, the principal at the school, called the attackers the "enemy of Afghanistan" and the "enemy of education."

"They want our youth to be illiterate and not get an education," Qaderi said Thursday.

He said both students and teachers are worried about their safety.

"Until security improves... they will not go to the school," he said.

Video of two of the badly burned girls shows them both in a state of shock, with one barely able to open her eyes.

Bibi Athifa, one of the girls who suffered acid burns to her face, said she and her friends were walking to school when two armed gunmen on a motorbike stopped.

"One guy squirted acid from a bottle on us," she said. "Nobody warned us. Nobody threatened us. We don't have any enemies," she said.

Afghanistan's government has condemned the attack, calling it un-Islamic and perpetrated by the "country's enemies," a usual reference used to describe the Taliban.

"We hope our students will continue their education after this terrorist act and we strongly condemn the attack and hope we find the culprits and bring the criminals who are doing these kinds of activities to justice," Education Ministry spokesman Hamed Almi said Thursday.

Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi has denied that the insurgents were involved.

During the Taliban's rule, between 1996 to 2001, girls were banned from schools. They were also not allowed to leave their home without a male family escort.

Now I'm REALLY facking pissed....just wait until I get into the next TIC.

If anyone has any NDP MPs in their ridings I suggest you send them this articles with the Caption..."Well Jack do you really think these people can be sat down with?"
See why we are fighting these ba$&ards? See why we NEED to be there? Can you imagine this happening here in Canada? NO. That is why we need to be there, to take these low life's out.

Ex-Dragoon said:
If anyone has any NDP MPs in their ridings I suggest you send them this articles with the Caption..."Well Jack do you really think these people can be sat down with?"

- A Pi$$ed Beaver
The Beaver said:
... Can you imagine this happening here in Canada? NO.


See this which shows that it does happen here. There's not much space between that barbaric practice of honour killings and throwing acid in schoolgirls' faces, is there?

And people are apologizing for, trying to explain away barbarism in Canada.
E.R. Campbell said:

See this which shows that it does happen here. There's not much space between that barbaric practice of honour killings and throwing acid in schoolgirls' faces, is there?

And people are apologizing for, trying to explain away barbarism in Canada.
Seen. Should have specified it better in my post, by which I meant that we don't see this type of cowardly attacks on innocent people (Acid in one's face, suicide bombings, etc), as we are a more 'modern' nation, if you will, in comparison to Afghanistan.

I'm not saying that things like this doesn't happen here, or any other nation, because sadly they do, and will continue to happen unless we stop these rabid dogs from their path of evil.

Hope that clears it up a little more.

Ex-Dragoon said:
If anyone has any NDP MPs in their ridings I suggest you send them this articles with the Caption..."Well Jack do you really think these people can be sat down with?"

To be fair, the Taliban (reportedly) has denied their involvement (although I haven't found any English statement to that effect) - that said, though, thanks for the idea - we have two NDP MP's here.  Even if it wasn't the Taliban, is this what we want tolerated in this society?  Nope. 

Recce By Death - good hunting...
jollyjacktar said:
Really, those girls were just asking for it.  Trying to get an education, not being discrete in their dress.  The next thing you know they might even, [gasp] wish to be considered equal to men.  What IS the 8th century coming to?   Darn it all, the country might even be over run with infidels and crusaders next..... ::)

I am not surprised by incidents like these.  Sadly, I am willing to bet they will increase with an election coming next year.   All the better to terrorise the LN.

As for Taliban Jack and his ilk, you can just bet they will turn the blame for it on us and our presence there.  

Asking for it might be the wrong word, but setting them selves up for the extremist end of the spectrum to attack, as these girls are doing what they hate. The enemy is trying to quash any western influence with intimidation, terror, torture and violence. Old tactics that do work.

We must also remember we are viewing this through our western eyes IMHO, and we cannot set our own values on a old and twisted foreign culture, way of life, and the way they think and go about life. Men come first there, women generally have had little rights (and are treated like crap in many ways), to the enemy and those that support such a way of life thats just how it is. We can't change that. In short, we don't think like they do. We think like we do, and thats it.  Its a different planet over there, like Mars or Venus. Our generic rights and freedoms for our women and what we do each day for our own personal pleasure, are a privilage that we all take for granted.

Yes, the place is unlike any where else the mob has taken me before.

It most definately is not looking through Our eyes and points of view.

Sadly these tactics work, as demonstrated by students not attending school.  There will be more of it too, anything to de-stabilize the LN and Gov't. 

Still.  Such bravery displayed by these men.  Commendable, Allah must be pleased.
The perpetrators of this heinous crime would look good on the aiming post of a C-79 sight attached to a C7, or a sniper scope attached to a .50 cal sniper rifle.

People like this need to be eliminated.