MP Selection dates are ongoing (in other words, yes selections have occurred)Brazeaud said:Do you know if the MP selection dates happened?
If so, do you know how many positions are left available
Hello, there are approximately 20% positions remaining as of today's date. My information end at the recruiting stage; and for courses I have no information beyond BMQ/BMOQ. Selections do not occur based on when QL3 courses run, they are done based on BMOQ/BMQ dates. For RSBP information you would want to jump onto one of the boards on here that are specific to Intelligence and ask if anyone has situational awareness of when the QL3 coures is running. Sorry I couldn't be of further help to you.bobthewarrior said:I saw in a post above that just over 25% of the Int Op jobs are left available. Do you have any idea on the number of slots? ie how many people they put on an Int Course.
Im rejoining after 5 years out of the Reserve infantry. Saw Int (reg) was open and jumped on the opportunity. Supp Res extended my application so I can skip bmq and basic land and be loaded right on the INT course as well as keep my rank and pay(which is important)
Ive heard the next course is September (army /navy) and curious as to when they may also be doing a selection from the merit list. Would I have possibly missed this intake?
Brazeaud said:Hey Buck,
Do you know if the MP selection dates happened?
If so, do you know how many positions are left available
Thanks in advance
Buck_HRA said:MP Selection dates are ongoing (in other words, yes selections have occurred)
Approximately 75% of MP positions are still available as of today's date.
Selections occur every 2 weeks for NCM occupations.
Hello, there are approximately 20% positions remaining as of today's date. My information end at the recruiting stage; and for courses I have no information beyond BMQ/BMOQ. Selections do not occur based on when QL3 courses run, they are done based on BMOQ/BMQ dates. For RSBP information you would want to jump onto one of the boards on here that are specific to Intelligence and ask if anyone has situational awareness of when the QL3 coures is running. Sorry I couldn't be of further help to you.
bobthewarrior said:Ill try and locate a thread that is related to Int.
mariomike said:"I want to be Int" Mega-thread
16 pages.
bobthewarrior said:thanks man, ive read it. im pretty sure ive found all the Int threads now. I stuck to searching before I posted. (not new to forums)
Most of the topics on the threads are quite dated unfortunately for Int or nothing in them related to my information I asked Buck about.
mariomike said:All Int threads are merged into the Int mega-thread.
bobthewarrior said:Ohhh ok good to know. thanks for the help.
Thank youmariomike said:"I want to be Int" Mega-thread
16 pages.
As of the information available to me at this moment there are just under 50% of the positions remaining for DEO ACSO.carpeboi said:What the remaining DEO ACSO numbers looks like?
The numbers are different for Regular and Reserve. Army Reserve Units are in charge of their own recruiting and I do not have information at my disposal for Reserve Numbers.guanin2999 said:I recently applied for as a DEO EME for a local reserve unit, but the recruiter is on vacation and will not be back until the 7th of August. Are the numbers for DEO EMEs separate for Res and Reg? If not, how are the numbers recently?
You are correct in that you would be informed if you were chosen, with that said - don't loose hope, according to the numbers available to me at this time there are still over 60% of the positions remaining for DEO MARS.The Stone Raft said:Long time lurker first time poster, thanks for all the information. I phoned the recruiting centre last week and asked them where my application was at. They said I was placed on the merit list for DEO MARS officer in May, I wasn't notified. I gleaned from the previous posts that there were selections for DEO MARS in June and July and I'm going to assume I wasn't selected if I haven't heard anything as of yet.
Delays in being informed of being selected can occur, but not normally by 3 weeks. The information available to me at this time is that there are still roughly 70% DEO Construction Engingeer positions remaining.wnhan said:Similar to the previous poster by the name of "The Stone Raft", I too was placed on the competition/merit list back in May. I was told by my local recruitment center that the selection date for Construction Engineering Officers was July 5th under the DEO plan and I also have not heard back. As such, I am assuming that I was not selected. As per your most up to date information, could you please tell me how many spots remain open for this trade under the DEO entry plan and when the next selection date is for this fiscal year?
mrswoodca said:"One more question, your position in the queue changes every selection in comparison to the other candidates, is that correct?"
This has been answered before, on many different treads.