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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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Based on people I've been talking too, and people who've already been selected, mid-May or June is picking time for semi-skilled/skilled applicants. Unsure about unskilled sorry.
Thanks again DAA, and best of luck to what looks like  90% of everyone the end of may!!
vdignard said:
Does anyone know the selection date for Med Tech? Thanks in advance!

Probably not until Jul or Aug.  And you have to be Merit Listed to be considered for selections.
Just remember everyone (though its hard, I know I've been where you are) to continue living your life while you wait. Waiting sucks we know but you have to move on. That said good luck to everyone that's listed and waiting for calls!
DAA said:
Probably not until Jul or Aug.  And you have to be Merit Listed to be considered for selections.

Thanks DAA! I've been Merit Listed and now just waiting.
vdignard said:
Thanks DAA! I've been Merit Listed and now just waiting.

That's what everyone says......but

Did you call them back a few weeks after doing your interview to confirm this?
Buchanan1950 said:
Hey DAA,

Any idea on selection dates for Armour crewman or Boatswain?

Crewman is 26 May along with most Combat Arms occupations but nothing for Bosn but I would guess sometime around 10-11 Jun.
Better get crackin on my interview o.o, gotta impress if i wanna make that Med Tech intake.
DAA said:
26 May.

Good luck!

Thanks DAA! Fingers crossed!

Am I right in thinking those of us selected may 26 probably won't be in the June bmq? Or is the selection date specifically to fill those courses up?

Thanks again, and good luck to everyone!
mswirski said:
Thanks DAA! Fingers crossed!

Am I right in thinking those of us selected may 26 probably won't be in the June bmq? Or is the selection date specifically to fill those courses up?

Thanks again, and good luck to everyone!

Apr selections were for the Jun BMQ's, so the May selections would be for the Jul BMQ.
DAA said:
Apr selections were for the Jun BMQ's, so the May selections would be for the Jul BMQ.

Where can I find the bmq dates for July? The list I found on the forces.gc.ca site only goes until June. Or will that list be updated soon?

Thanks again for your help!
mswirski said:
Where can I find the bmq dates for July? The list I found on the forces.gc.ca site only goes until June. Or will that list be updated soon?

Thanks again for your help!

I have found That list is updated usually quarterly. Usually a month or so after the last bmq date. But that's just what I have noticed. Both websites are usually out dated.
Any dates for bmq for June?? I'm a reservist in the sigs and I was sworn in last week..
I know there's been a bit of a bombardment of questions, but any idea when selections for RMS Clerk might be? It sounds like it might not be till summer, but I just wanted to clarify. Thanks.
burkus2 said:
Any dates for bmq for June?? I'm a reservist in the sigs and I was sworn in last week..

If you were sworn in already you don't have to worry, they'll call you when it's time. From what I've heard you do BMQ within 30 days of being sworn in.
As I read through this thread, I noticed that many of the comments are from people waiting to be scheduled for the medical/interview. Last Monday I went to CFRC Toronto with a similar concern and was told that one's score on the CFAT is directly responsible for the timing of their medical/interview, e.g. The people with the highest scores on the CFAT are selected to take the interview. The scores from the interview are then combined with the scores from the CFAT and the candidates with the highest cumulative scores are then selected to be inducted into the Forces (assuming there are no problems with the medical check). In terms of numbers, I was told that the Recruiting Centres are given a certain number of job openings they need to fill for each trade. The Recruiting Centres then grant interviews to about double the number of people as spots they have to fill.
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