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*Server Is Under High Stress*

I logged on at around 3 pm and it is now 5:30 and some pages have still not fully loaded. 

Next question:  What is with the scroll bars on the right hand side of the screen after some of the posts?  I first noticed them when I went to a person's profile and read their posts, and found it really annoying........Now I see them to the right of Strike, Army Vern and Journeyman's three posts above.  Is this "tweak" one of the things making the site go "wonky"?
Strike said:
I hate you all....  >:(

You know what's funny Strike? Right after I made that post, my site speed s**t the bed. Isn't any better tonight either :(
Wicked slow here pretty much since the "big change". Almost intolerable
Finally on. I have tried to log on for several days from time to time as I had borrowed a lap top, and it would just sit there and idle.

My normal computer had crashed, and I am finally getting a new one on the weekend ($850 later).


I was beginning to worry about your safety & welfare because we haven't been receiving the usual 'sunnier-than-thou-by-the-pool'  ;D weather reports from down under--now that I know it was just a glitch in the inter connectivity matrix I'm not so worried!

How is the weather down your way? It's dismal/dreary here in southwestern Ontario and we haven't seen the sun for about 4 weeks--give or take an hour of sunshine here and there.

The day began with picture-postcard-bigger-than-life frothy, lacy snowflakes but by noon it was pure rain. Yuck!

Say hello to the koalas for us; take your medicinal aussie eucalyptus and take care!

Well, I'm finally experiencing things "from the outside" and the speed is definitely inconsistent. I've got a couple irons in the fire about improving that but unfortunately I'm on the road this week and next so I won't be able to get much done for a while yet. Please bear with me, I'll try to make it worth your while. ;)

Well Leroi,

Todays SITREP is excellent.

This afternoon I finally got my computer, and its running fine so far. had the arvo off, and made a few calls and my PC was in, so the bloke just dropped it off not long ago.

About the weather, its warm, about 31 by 0830 this am, and topped out around 37 or so, but the humidity is a shocker. Yes, I've been in for a swim, water temp a happy 30C.

So, I have a lot of catching up to do with friends on here (they know who they are), a mate leaves for En Zed, so going to yet another social occasion as per last nights funfest of a blokey night out w/bbq, snags, rissoles on crusty bread rolls, smothered in fried onions and bbq sauce. Of course much merry cheer with icey cold XXXX Gold.

Saturday wiull envolve a Sea-Doo trip up Pummicestone Passage, to Fort Bribie for some exploring at this WW2 fortification, with bunkers, coastal gun positions etc.  Lots of military history around here, especially Americans, as the island was a major training area for the big push against the Japs to our north.

Will get some pics of the journey, as it will involve a few cold drinks and some food, and good company of mates.


The site seems to have gone all wonky in the last few hours.  Pages are slow to load, or only partially load.  Some pages need to be refreshed several times to load.  Spell Check loads very slow.  Some new posts time out, so copy and save before you hit POST in case this may happen and you loose your post (especially if you had a case of verbal diariea). 
George Wallace said:
The site seems to have gone all wonky in the last few hours.  Pages are slow to load, or only partially load.  Some pages need to be refreshed several times to load.  Spell Check loads very slow.  Some new posts time out, so copy and save before you hit POST in case this may happen and you loose your post (especially if you had a case of verbal diariea).

Good and I thought it was only my connection that had problems....
WOW!  Just made a post and was waiting for it to time out and be lost.  The site was running smoothly until a little after 0900 EST and 200 Guests/Users online.......then everything slowed down.
Flying for me.

If it stays like this I might actually get some "janitorial" work done.
It must be crawling now... something's choked the internet connection down to near zero. Plans are still afoot to get us moved to a proper data centre, but I'm not there yet...
Whoa!  Site slowed right down to a crawl there, when I made my last post.

I see Mike has been tinkering........New buttons on each Forum:  "Unread Posts"

Or did I just never notice them before?
They've been there for quite a while... but Merry Christmas anyway. :)
Good news folks... within a week or so we should be hosted in a proper datacenter with much improved connection speeds. The exact move date is not firmed up yet and there will be some down time when it happens, but things should be *much* improved once we're in our new home.

Thanks for your patience, just a little longer!
I am lucky I got in tonight, its 1800 AEST, 31 Jan 10.

This keeps popping up not allowing me to accsess any of my previous posts - "An Error Has Occurred! The server is currently under high stress. Please try again shortly."

Anyone else having issues with this and a similar message.

Site speed is really fluctuating from extremely slow/frozen to almost normal/acceptable.
Over the past 24 hours, I would say it has been painfully slow for me up until the past few minutes.  Slow enough that I couldn't wait any longer for the site to load to so I could check out this thread.

This morning, I would have described it as "slower than cold molasses going uphill backwards on a January morning"  ;D.

Seems normal now though.