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Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

jollyjacktar said:
It happens to both sexes in Canadian society and we're a part of that society.  I investigated a sexual assault that occurred at sea on VDQ in the late 90's and was based off the ATH while we completed the investigation.  What should be the take away is that these things are thankfully few and far between and hopefully they will continue to shrink in number.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it was interesting that it was a man who was sexually assault, but that it's interesting that a man was sexually assaulted in light of all the recent reports about inappropriate sexual behaviour toward women.

Lumber said:
Clearly, we're not yet seeing the institutional change that we're striving toward.

I don't know.  The fact that a someone felt comfortable enough to make a complaint of this nature and that it is actually being investigated seems to indicate that from an institutional side of things that the system seems to be working.  Seems to me that the CoC hasn't failed in its duties to this individual.  We are never going to completely stop these things.  However we as the CAF have to ensure that it will never be tolerated.

There's certainly work to be done yes, but I know that in my work environment this issue is being taken seriously.
Remius said:
I don't know.  The fact that a someone felt comfortable enough to make a complaint of this nature and that it is actually being investigated seems to indicate that from an institutional side of things that the system seems to be working.  Seems to me that the CoC hasn't failed in its duties to this individual.  We are never going to completely stop these things.  However we as the CAF have to ensure that it will never be tolerated.

There's certainly work to be done yes, but I know that in my work environment this issue is being taken seriously.

Good point. A lot of the issues detailed in the report had to do with under-reporting due to an accurate belief that the chain of command wouldn't take accusations clearly, or turn a blind eye.
Bumped with some of the latest, from this week ...
A former Canadian Forces reservist whose sexual assault conviction was overturned says he’s still trying to clear his name with the military.

Orman Savage was jailed and kicked out of the Canadian Forces after the conviction in a civilian court in Alberta, but was cleared following an appeal six years ago.

Savage was a master corporal, but says he still has a dishonourable discharge, which he says prevents his business from receiving government contracts.

He says it also means he’s ineligible for benefits or a pension for his service.

Savage says he’s been trying for years to get an honourable discharge but the process has been frustrating.

The Canadian Forces says it is aware of the case but will not comment further due to privacy reasons.
... and a few years ago (2011), but after the last post in this thread:
A former Edmonton reservist acquitted of sexual assault has filed a $1 million lawsuit against the military, the complainant and her mother.

Orman Savage was found not guilty of sexual assault in his second trial in 2009. He was accused of sexually assaulting the recruit, then 21, at a military party on July 30, 2004 ...
May 25, 2016

Pacific fleet commander says no room for sexual misconduct on navy ships
VICTORIA – The top-ranking naval officer on the West Coast says there’s no room for sexual misconduct on board ships.
Bumped with the latest ...
A military board examining how the army dealt with a high-profile case of sexual assault has been ordered to stop writing its final report on the incident and continue pursuing its internal investigation on a number of points, CBC News has learned.

As of mid-April, the board of inquiry (BOI) report into retired master corporal Stéphanie Raymond's case had been written and was almost ready for sign-off.

But Lt.-Gen. Marquis Haines recently instructed the five member panel to take another look at "a few further issues" that were not sufficiently addressed in the initial investigation, several government sources have told the CBC.

An army spokesman confirmed the inquiry has resumed.​

"The convening authority, the Canadian army, has asked the BOI to assemble once again to continue pursuing its work to investigate one or two additional points," Lt.-Col. Andre Salloum said in an interview. He wouldn't comment on what aspects require more examination, nor when the extended investigation would be completed ...
NO, in the article words, the army has admitted that she had her career destroyed by an old boys club and fraud, therefore, and most likely, the final BOI should not be considering evidence related to that old boys club and the fraud.
Lightguns said:
NO, in the article Drapeau's words, the army has admitted that she had her career destroyed by an old boys club and fraud, therefore, and most likely, the final BOI should not be considering evidence related to that old boys club and the fraud.

Eye In The Sky said:
From the article; "In a December 2014 letter, former Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Tom Lawson conceded Raymond had been treated badly by senior officers in her regiment, and that her release from the military was based on information found in fraudulent documents."

Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk

Colin P said:
So in other words, "keep looking till we find something to hang him with?"

A BoI is not a disciplinary investigation - it's a "what happened so we understand the events and can figure out how to fix the system to prevent recurrence" investigation.
NavalMoose said:
Build bigger ships then.

Not funny at all.

I know, I know, it's just a joke, however, it's exactly the fact that so many of us still think the whole thing is one big joke that the problem continues and that things like the Deschamps Report are needed to point out to us that as a workplace we're falling behind in what are acceptable standards of behaviour.

Time to grow up.

FJAG said:
Not funny at all.

I know, I know, it's just a joke, however, it's exactly the fact that so many of us still think the whole thing is one big joke that the problem continues and that things like the Deschamps Report are needed to point out to us that as a workplace we're falling behind in what are acceptable standards of behaviour.

Time to grow up.


I overlook Esquimalt harbour daily from my 11th floor office in downtown Victoria.

In other words 'I see no ships' :)
FJAG said:
Not funny at all.

I know, I know, it's just a joke, however, it's exactly the fact that so many of us still think the whole thing is one big joke that the problem continues and that things like the Deschamps Report are needed to point out to us that as a workplace we're falling behind in what are acceptable standards of behaviour.

Time to grow up.


Concur, I got to two girls in, between them, they account for 1 attempt of a superior trying trade job and course flavors for sex (abuse of authority), 1 attempt of minor sexual assault (touching), 2 founded HA complaints, 1 urination on their kit, 1 urination on barrack room door.  Not to mention the welcoming tirade of PLQ course WO who believes women don't make good leaders at all but he can accept women as leaders if they have a baby first.  And all that in 7 years.  How would you like it if the "guys" in the barracks held their drunk parties in the room across from the women's' washroom, kept the door open, made cat calls at your daughters when they tried to use their washroom.  I am not talking about soldier banter either, downright rude sexual comments that everyone knows is not acceptable. 

Its downright freaking scary to be a female member of a Army combat arms unit in this Canadian Forces (and likely a ship as well but I have no knowledge there), and I have begged them both to quit numerous times but they got backbone.  A lot of soldiers need to grow up on this file. 

I remember the MP warnings that would be passed around O Grps at Gagetown to remain female subordinates that, yet another, barrack perv was on the prowl and they should lock themselves at night.  This is bullshit and it has to stop!
A lot of leaders need to step up and stop making excuses for assholes "oh, he's a good troop".  No. Groping subordinates is not something a good troop dors; stop making excuses and start drafting RDPs and Administrative Reviews.
FJAG said:
Not funny at all.

I know, I know, it's just a joke, however, it's exactly the fact that so many of us still think the whole thing is one big joke that the problem continues and that things like the Deschamps Report are needed to point out to us that as a workplace we're falling behind in what are acceptable standards of behaviour.

Time to grow up.


Agree fully . . . I think most can get the comedic satire but the problem is there are many who do not and comments like this cease to be a joke and become tolerated within the chain of command and  people being told to grow a thick skin.
