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Should men be allowed to join women-only gyms?

Vern, since you're in this one, what is your opinion on the 10 points listed earlier? 
GreyMatter said:
Vern, since you're in this one, what is your opinion on the 10 points listed earlier? 

1) Most women like going to the gym to get fit, not to be ogled and assessed by every male in the joint.
No, but although we'll never admit, deep down ... we get a kick out of it when it happens. We'll just tell you the opposite.
2) Women are already self-conscious about their personal image and body size.  They dont want male comments.
Absolutely true. I'm most definitely one of them. But sometimes, a comment (not necessarily in a gym) can make me feel better quickly.
3) Dressing in a tight gym bodysuit does not equal 'loose' or 'open to offers', nor does it mean we are looking for dates. 
That's true. But I find shorts and a t-shirt work just as well, and are actually much cooler to work out in ... I save the form fitting suits for the pool.
4) Catcalls and other sexually rude comments have been made illegal by law and most company policies, but men still do it, and expect women to accept it.  Wrong.
Then we walk right into the locker room and discuss the pecs and butt on so and so and so and so. It's the truth.
5) Part of going to a gym is to be with other women with similiar interests (and problems).  Male mockery of women's discussions are not appreciated.
Just, as I'm sure, our women's mockery in the locker room of "Oh my gawd he had shoulders like a brook trout...or someone stole that guys ass" wouldn't be appreciated by the men.
6) Men are nowhere near as amusing as they think they are (i.e. saying things they think are amusing followed up by an infantile laugh at their own humour).
Yet, we women giggle like idiots at our 'amusing' comments regarding the male anatomy in the locker room and think that's OK.
7) Telling women they are wusses for not doing more or heavier reps is not appreciated.
Nor is it appreciated when one tells that to a man. This remark is RTFO of it.
8) Some women are highly concerned over being sexually assaulted or worse.  An all-female gym severely limits this possibility.
What!!?? Because they're working out in a gym??!! Does this increase the chances of being raped?? OMG ... me thinks some women may perhaps flatter themselves too much.
9) Some women eat a 'treat' after training in the gym.  So what?  Men drink beer after playing a ball game.   
Again, I fail to see what this has to do with separate gyms. It's just not relevant to the situation at all. Men snack after working out too on power bars etc. Women need a special place to do this?? Or are they "treating themselves to 5 litres of cookie dough ice cream?? If that's the case, they ain't doing it in the damn gym anyway.
10) Both men and women sweat and not all members clean up afterwar themselves.  In the end, male sweat is grosser than female sweat.  Eww.
Bull crap.

There you have it.

11) Women can be hypocrites.

They like to think they're special. When, in actuality, we're just different. Not special at all. One day, I hope we get over ourselves.

And with that, me thinks that the assumption that men, or even a small minority of men, would act in this way if a woman were working out in the gym is pure BS.

Again, the ones that assume that it's going to happen to them, perhaps overcredit themselves and their ability to draw a man's attention in the first place. And ... if that's the case, they've got no damn complexs to stop them working out in the same gym as a man.

ArmyVern said:
No, but although we'll never admit, deep down ... we get a kick out of it when it happens. We'll just tell you the opposite.Absolutely true. I'm most definitely one of them. But sometimes, a comment (not necessarily in a gym) can make me feel better quickly.That's true. But I find shorts and a t-shirt work just as well, and are actually much cooler to work out in ... I save the form fitting suits for the pool.  
Then we walk right into the locker room and discuss the pecs and butt on so and so and so and so. It's the truth.
Just, as I'm sure, our women's mockery in the locker room of "Oh my gawd he had shoulders like a brook trout...or someone stole that guys ***" wouldn't be appreciated by the men.Yet, we women giggle like idiots at our 'amusing' comments regarding the male anatomy in the locker room and think that's OK.
Nor is it appreciated when one tells that to a man. This remark is RTFO of it.
What!!?? Because they're working out in a gym??!! Does this increase the chances of being raped?? OMG ... me thinks some women may perhaps flatter themselves too much.
Again, I fail to see what this has to do with separate gyms. It's just not relevant to the situation at all. Men snack after working out too on power bars etc. Women need a special place to do this?? Or are they "treating themselves to 5 litres of cookie dough ice cream?? If that's the case, they ain't doing it in the damn gym anyway.Bull crap.

There you have it.

11) Women can be hypocrites.

They like to think they're special. When, in actuality, we're just different. Not special at all. One day, I hope we get over ourselves.

And with that, me thinks that the assumption that men, or even a small minority of men, would act in this way if a woman were working out in the gym is pure BS.

Again, the ones that assume that it's going to happen to them, perhaps overcredit themselves and their ability to draw a man's attention in the first place. And ... if that's the case, they've got no damn complexs to stop them working out in the same gym as a man.

While I generally agree with Vern, I have to disagree on this issue.  When I go to the gym, I do not appreciate male comments nor do I want to deal with unwanted attention. I am there to get a job done.  I also don't like the 'unsolicited advice' that is given by various muscleheads who feel the need to tell me how I can 'do' it better.  That being said, the overwhelming majority of guys that are at the gym are also there to get a  job done and not to oggle or make comments.  But there is every once in a while there is one clown who has to ruin it.....

And rape has NOTHING to do with how a woman looks at the gym or anywhere else.

... all of which goes to show that women -- like men -- are individuals and can not be lumped together and assumed to have the same view point on issues.
Must wade in here.

I have absolutely no problems with private clubs/gyms having some sort of gender segregation.  Again, keep it private!

There is one comment I need to reply to though...

Biggoals2bdone said:
1) i understand women's needs in competitive sports to want to be up against the best, and no disrespect ladies but thats why women try to get in men's leagues, im not trying to ruffle feathers but i know this will but its true, look at the olympics...the fastest times, longest distances etc...are held by men...so yeah it makes sense that when women want to be up against the best in lets say hockey they want to go play in the NHL, or whatever...but i don't think its right...i mean come on if that was the case we wouldnt have gender differenciation in the olympic games...women and men would compete together...well that would be the theory but comparing stats few women would make it to the olympics then...so the way i see it Feminists want "equality" when it benefits them...i.e closing down Men's only establishments (golf clubs, gyms, social clubs, etc) but when it actually has drawbacks for them they quite pointedly avoid the subject...

Personally my best friend played hockey and out of his whole league there was 1 team of all girls that had just been recently added....well you know what no other team in the league liked playing them because they weren't allowed to play hockey (no checking, swearingand all other hockey stuff)...NO one can say that there is no difference between women's hockey and men's anyone who does clearly is deaf and blind...

The first organized women's hockey game was in 1891, long before checking was part of the game.  And last time I checked, hockey was a physical sport, not one challenging verbal repartee of the players, so why should swearing be considered important to be able to play the game?

By the way, Equestrian and Sailing are mixed gender in the Olympics.

I've also competed in mixed gender shooting competitions which were dominated by women.

Biggoals, although I understand your frustration with these segregated clubs/gyms and the stupidity of someone complaining about them, you can not compare them to segregation in competitive sports if someone can compete at a higher level and wishes to improve their techniques.  They are two completely different ball games, so to speak... ;D