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Sig Op to Lineman????

Hi RadOp - Maurice - Well yes I did do 2 years at the Pigs Regt. I would truely have to say out of all my career, that posting was extremely busy. It was 89-91, and we were spending more time all over Ont then we were at home. Oka was the highllight. I spent my time in 4 Sqn, J for a year and then Golf. Boy what a place, it was like a soap opera if you get my drift.
  Other then the Regt I did - 81-85 at 427 Sqn in Pet,  85-89 at 4 CMBG HQ and Pigs(Fantastic), 89-91- Pigs Regt, 91-94 - 22Fd/4 ESR,  2 RCR - 94-96, Eastern Gty 96-00,  01-02 - 721 Comm Regt RFTA
Cpl Bloggins said:
Nooooooo! Don't change over to the dark side! They'll add something to your brain to lower your IQ 50 points.  ;D

yeah, its called alcohol ;D
All this talk about what Linemen do and what we don't do does not matter.  When your a lineman you can't get any closer to the pussy because we are the cats ass.  :threat:

Life as a lineman is sometimes tough but always fun.  We look great doing our job and we get the support of our leaders who nurture us and not eat the young and keep them down like the Operators.  Our leaders will be right there in the mix if you need them and not hesitate to put their on ass on line to protect us.

If you get into this trade and make it past the training you will be the envy of the rest of the branch.  >:D
you lineguys are always saying, just before going down a manhole.  and i know just as many cowardly linemen as i do micromanaging radops.  you guys are just jealous that we stay warm on ex and always have hot coffee!  as for being in the front, i was a company signaller in 2 ppcli, it doesnt get more pointy end than that for us wogs.

Rad Ops for life!!
radop215 said:
you lineguys are always saying, just before going down a manhole.  and i know just as many cowardly linemen as i do micromanaging radops.  you guys are just jealous that we stay warm on ex and always have hot coffee!  as for being in the front, i was a company signaller in 2 ppcli, it doesnt get more pointy end than that for us wogs.

Rad Ops for life!!
    Hey, I never said Rapops didn't have some sweet gigs.  I spent a couple of months running in the field with two absolute babes as my detachment doing sigs for the PPCLI.  The constant moves were a pain in the rectum, but the work was sweet and the company was fine :o.  I also spent several exercizes neck deep in officers and WO's who seemed to think that we were still in the CommCen on base, that combat boots were supposed to be shiny, and who seemed to think that no NCO could fill a generator or sign for code books without supervision and instruction.  Blood of the gods but I was happy to go line  ;D
yeah, working in a headquarters does chew.  and ive seen the beer fridges (trailers) that you guys sleep in.  its never bad to go into the line shop in wainwright and have a shower either.  you just need to step over the drunks first!!
Meh, if I decide to get out of Sigs I would never go line. I'd rather have a job like RMS Clerk, Postal Clerk, or ACI Op.
Nothing wrong with being a member of the Combat Line Installation Team. When I was LMS in Wainwright, I don't recall seeing any pimply-bums showering in my shop.
Lineman vs Sigwhat... no question.  Line all the way.

As a lineman you are part of a brotherhood, once a lineman, always a lineman.  As my coin states.  Regardless if you are res or reg, the brotherhood stands strong.  We work hard, play hard, and we do both shoulder to shoulder as one.

There are few trades in the CF that has the camaraderie as the line trade.  This seems true for all zero trades.  The combat arms trades are tight, because they have to be.  A lineman would rather die, before he lets another lineman down.

I was once in the Infantry, and then I became a Lineman.  As a lineman, I know what it is like to work hard, and play harder.  The Line trade is second to none when it comes to work, play and camaraderie.

And the best thing is as long as the world has telephones, cel phones, computers, radios, TV, and satelites they will always need fibre, copper, maintenance, upgrades, and up keep.  We will always have a job.

Just remember though,  .....We make it so you can talk to the world!

Always  ...."THROUGH".