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Sign longer contract to start as Cpl?


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Ok I really want to join the forces, but my buddy just told me he only clears about $870 every 2 weeks now that he's completed his BIQ and assigned to his Battalion.  So that's $1740 a month....I've got a mortgage and strata fees which come to about $1200/mo, and on top of that, cellphone, internet,  hydro, vehicle insurance/gas, homeowners yearly insurance, the $80 fee or w/e it is to live on base....blah blah blah plus any other unforeseen expense.  I simply cannot afford it!  So now to the point, I REALLY want to join, and am willing to make a lot of sacrifices to do so, but that being said I WILL go in debt by doing so, and will continue further into debt until a substantial raise is attained.  If I were to sign a longer contract with the Forces, say 5 yrs, would they automatically give me the rank of Corporal along with is pay, or could I get onto some sort of accelerated plan to get whatever courses I need to become Corporal?

Also I've been informed of the "Post Living Differential" which pays something like another $680 for those living off base.  Would I be eligible if I owned a home in the Vancouver area and lived on base? or would I need to live in the direct vicinity of whichever base I'm posted at?
dothedr3w said:
If I were to sign a longer contract with the Forces, say 5 yrs, would they automatically give me the rank of Corporal along with is pay, or could I get onto some sort of accelerated plan to get whatever courses I need to become Corporal?

In one word...NO...

There are only certain trades or entry programs that would see you get you Corporals quickly, such as Military Police, or certain trades by-passes or Direct entry Programs, and you have to meet specific criteria and prior qualifications.

They will NOT accelerate you to Cpl just because you sign a longer contract, or need the money.

Also I've been informed of the "Post Living Differential" which pays something like another $680 for those living off base.  Would I be eligible if I owned a home in the Vancouver area and lived on base? or would I need to live in the direct vicinity of whichever base I'm posted at?

Post-Living Differential is not a given, and it's not a nation-wide set standard. It is designed to give financial assistance to meet certain standards of living based on the local economy. PLD only applies if you live off the economy in the regional area of where you are posted. Some area's the PLD can be 680, some 120. Some don't have it.

I simply cannot afford it!  So now to the point, I REALLY want to join, and am willing to make a lot of sacrifices to do so, but that being said I WILL go in debt by doing so, and will continue further into debt until a substantial raise is attained.

As I see it, you have 3 options.

A- look at the finances, and if you aren't willing, or are unable to cut back on all your costs, then choose to NOT join the military
B- look at the finances, and be willing to put in the time to get the higher-paying rank, cut back on your costs in the meantime, and Join the military

And C - Join the Reserves. You can supplement your income, live in the same region you're in, and keep all your amenities. However, unless you can get local full-time contracts, this will be part-time employment.
haha theres nothing to cut back from my finances except cellphone, internet, and vehicles....but those are practically necessities these days.  I'm almost starting to think reserves are my only viable option.
dothedr3w said:
haha theres nothing to cut back from my finances except cellphone, internet, and vehicles....but those are practically necessities these days.  I'm almost starting to think reserves are my only viable option.

Well, it's your choice, but there's nothing to be ashamed in Reserve service. Still military service, and a little more flexible. But like I said, unless you plan on getting full-time contracts, with your bills, I wouldn't count on it as a primary means of income.
well I'm going in to tomorrow morning to do my CFAT so while there I'll speak to the recruiters to get more info on the reserves.  Is there any info you could provide to me now to help me better prepared for tomorrow?
dothedr3w said:
well I'm going in to tomorrow morning to do my CFAT so while there I'll speak to the recruiters to get more info on the reserves.  Is there any info you could provide to me now to help me better prepared for tomorrow?

No real secrets to it, and anything you might wonder about the CFATs are already in threads under the recruiting forum.

Get a good nights rest, have a good breakfast, be relaxed, don't get nervous, and do the tests to the best of your ability.

Best of luck.

BW7, Out
Just so you are aware, you receive pay increases for the first 2 years you are a private. So after 2 years I make $3722 a month.. after taxes and nonsense it ends up being about $2700.
You make alot less money when you first get in, but it does go up quick. If you have a home already and/or family to take care of, they will not charge you Rations and Quarters. This will save you between 500-600 a month which everyone else will be paying while on basic and trades qualification. Being in Vancouver you should get PLD (not sure how much it is there) but they base it off Ottawa.. and Van is alot more expensive then Ottawa.

Just some more things to consider.
dothedr3w said:
....I've got a mortgage and ....
If you are single and join the CF, you will not be living in Vancouvre any longer.  Selling or renting your property would resolve the financial burden that it has on you (but wait until you are in before you do this).
dothedr3w said:
Ok I really want to join the forces, but my buddy just told me he only clears about $870 every 2 weeks now that he's completed his BIQ and assigned to his Battalion.

Have you considered joining as an officer?  The money is better, although the education requirements are different.
Forget the PLD - it is a flex amount that could be there today and gone tomorrow.  Make your plans on your base pay so you don't screw yourself like so many have done and continue to do. If you get PLD then treat it as extra money and sock it away somewhere. Never include it in your budget.  Same as allowances such as Field, Sea, Air, Divers, Hazard, etc, etc, etc. Can not stress it enough as I wish someone had told me when starting out - do not include any of the extras in your budget as you become use to it and then hurt when it is gone. Many navy mbrs have learned this and now keep the sea pay seperate from the rest - some blow it, some invest and some bank it but by keeping it apart it does not become part of their budget and thus if posted to a shore billet their budget does not hurt.
CountDC said:
Forget the PLD - it is a flex amount that could be there today and gone tomorrow.  Make your plans on your base pay so you don't screw yourself like so many have done and continue to do. If you get PLD then treat it as extra money and sock it away somewhere. Never include it in your budget.  Same as allowances such as Field, Sea, Air, Divers, Hazard, etc, etc, etc. Can not stress it enough as I wish someone had told me when starting out - do not include any of the extras in your budget as you become use to it and then hurt when it is gone. Many navy mbrs have learned this and now keep the sea pay seperate from the rest - some blow it, some invest and some bank it but by keeping it apart it does not become part of their budget and thus if posted to a shore billet their budget does not hurt. 

Good advice.  Although making a decision to join the CF based on how much it pays doesnt strike me as the best of thought processes. 

Plus, you usually have no idea where you will end up after training, so some thought should be put towards the possibility of liquidating physical assets and reinvesting them in 'lower maintenance' areas.  If you're going to keep the property, at least start looking for a reputable property managing company to take care of your assets while you're away...
dothedr3w said:
haha theres nothing to cut back from my finances except cellphone, internet, and vehicles....but those are practically necessities these days.  I'm almost starting to think reserves are my only viable option.

I will disagree with your assessment that cellphone, internet, and vehicles are necessities.  I manage quite well without a cell phone - never had one, never will (if it is related to work my employer will supply one).  Internet, I use it at work.  Thus, I have no cellphone or internet expenses.  I note that you wrote "vehicles" - if you have more than one you have too many.  I do have one vehilce that I use sparingly.  I take the bus to work or walk.  I could get by without a vehicle.  These items are nice to have but not necessities. 

I do agree that there fanancial considerations to make when one joins the CF.  It will be a personal choice that you need to make.  Good luck with whatever you decide. 
Have you considered joining as an officer?  The money is better, although the education requirements are different.

Well I took my CFAT this morning and apparently did well enough to qualify as an officer....but I don't have enough post secondary so that wont be happening.  At this point I think I'll be going reserves, it's still better than nothing.  Do you get sworn in as a reserve?  What would my chances be of getting deployed as a reservist?  I've also considered doing the Force's subsidized education plan thingy.  My question regarding that is, how much military service do you owe once your education is complete?  1yr of service for every year of schooling?  If that were the case I might just jump all over that, I'd get to live in Van while being educated, go in as an officer so expenses wouldn't be an issue, and come out ready for a career, or who knows, could even find a career in the forces.

one more thing, do you need a full out bachelors to be an officer? or is there any other way around that?
Why didn't I think of this back in 79?  sign for 20 years on the condition I get to be a WO on completion of basic.
Neill McKay said:
Have you considered joining as an officer?  The money is better, although the education requirements are different.

The more I see this comment, the more I laugh.  Why should all young kids today want to be officers?
I didn't - but they wouldn't let me fly without doing it...  :(
MedTechStudent said:
...I don't.  ;)

...me either... I just had to go to school for one more year (I have a "certificate", college graduate...) to be eligible but... I didn't think I could hack another year of school... I don't think that young men/women should be officers...  Just my personal opinion that even if someone has natural leadership skills, doesn't mean they are ready to lead.
MedTechStudent said:
...I don't.   ;)

That makes two of us.

I do like the sounds of signing a longer contract and getting corporals pay right off the get go though. Definitely would have been a nice way to start.