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Silly stuff from: Leopard 2 Pictures


Reaction score
armchair said:
All these photos are off the Canadian Forces Web Site:  http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca
This is one of the best sites on internet covering the Canadian Military today.

Ummmmm yea that's a lie I just did 20 search runs for these photos and they are not on the site so either your advertising for the site or your just being a prick. I got these photos from a relative.
Leathlord said:
Ummmmm yea that's a lie I just did 20 search runs for these photos and they are not on the site so either your advertising for the site or your just being a prick. I got these photos from a relative.

Your relative is a liar then; did he put them on your photbucket account too (right click over one of the photos & click 'properties' ...)??

Combat Camera

No need to scroll ... just click the link.  ;)
armchair said:
All these photos are off the Canadian Forces Web Site:  http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca
This is one of the best sites on internet covering the Canadian Military today.

Those photos have also been posted on this site several weeks ago, so ........................deja vu.  ..............And I agree with the others.  Combat Camera.......unless you are, or related to a, Hudec?
Leathlord said:
Damn a Lt. Gen is a liar who would have thought eh?

uh... I don't get it... you did NOT just do what I think you did?
Leathlord said:
Damn a Lt. Gen is a liar who would have thought eh?

I guess so ... if that's what you're saying; because, clearly,

this pic here is attributed to (and copyrighted BTW) to:

Cpl Simon Duchesne, photographe QG Afg Roto 4.

Leathlord said:
Damn a Lt. Gen is a liar who would have thought eh?

I guess so, if those photos have been published in news outlets and credited to the person who took the photo.  Unless a Cpl photographer has attained the rank of Lt Gen overnight........ ;D
Ah yes, the inevitable friend of a friend.

I heard it from a friend who, heard it from friend who ... heard it from another you've been ...*

Where the heck have I heard that before??

Look Leathlord, no offense, but we like to attribute things (photos, newsarticles etc) to their rightful owners and sources on this site.

Someone who was familiar with those pics and their prior publication/rightful ownership pointed that bit of info out to you and got this:

Leathlord said:
Ummmmm yea that's a lie I just did 20 search runs for these photos and they are not on the site so either your advertising for the site or your just being a prick. I got these photos from a relative.

Word to the wise. Many people on this site have been there, done that, got the pics, and seen them before. If someone happens to point out a faux-pas to you ... take it for what it's worth, and learn from it.

*REO Speedwagon -- Heard it From a Friend.
ArmyVern said:
Ah yes, the inevitable friend of a friend.

I heard it from a friend who, heard it from friend who ... heard it from another you've been ...

Where the heck have I heard that before??

Look Leathlord, no offense, but we like to attribute things (photos, newsarticles etc) to their rightful owners and sources on this site.

Someone who was familiar with those pics and their prior publication/rightful ownership pointed that bit of info out to you and got this:

Word to the wise. Many people on this site have been there, done that, got the pics, and seen them before. If someone happens to point out a faux-pas to you ... take it for what it's worth, and learn from it.
Ah yes, the inevitable forum troll.
You Called it.  I am not going to remove your above post.  I am going to remove you.

Thanks for coming out.


Bad manners Leathlord! I see your profile is unsuprisingly empty. 7 posts and already on the radar.

Its your integrity on here not ours, not that you seem to care anyways.

Leathlord said:
Images of the new Leopard 2 arriving in Afghanistan. Pictures from a friend of a friend. Enjoy.

Leathlord said:
I got these photos from a relative.

So which is it?

Vern and George called it. Byeeeee!
Combat camera
search for 2A6 for the new stuff

or "leo"
PO2FinClk said:
Maybe I missed something ... but 5 seconds later this appeared?
Comabt Camera Leopard Pictures

Too little too late. Credibility ZERO. He's been caught outright. Deliberate deception. As far as I am concerned liars and posers are all cut from the same mold, and should be publically shamed.

I googled him, and there is a bunch of shyte he has had his fingers into. All unworthwhile.

He's as good as flushed on this website IMHO anyways.

Happy Days,


Love the warning system :)

We should introduce PDRs and PERs for the forum members.
Pfft... That would be really silly! Who would write them? Not to mention it'll be a major pain in the ass :D
MedTech said:
Pfft... That would be really silly! Who would write them? Not to mention it'll be a major pain in the ass :D

Yea I guess you're right. It  gets very silly when message forums start to resemble the work place too much.