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So I just finished my application process what do you guys think are my chances?


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I've recently finished all my application processes today for the Canadian forces. I'm applying for ACISS (Army Communications Information Systems Specialist) and ATISS (Army Telecommunications Information Systems Specialist). I was told there are 150 positions available for ACISS and 50 positions available for ATISS.

Apparently I did very well on my CFAT scoring "a very high score" is what I was told.

The medical went well, The only thing I need to do is, to see an optometrist as I don't have perfect vision or a recent prescription. I'm going to be doing this right now and faxing in the results at the end of the appointment. I have no other conditions and the only other thing is I'm a smoker, and I'm working on quitting right now.

I went to college for a year and a half for computer engineering doing very well in the first semester, doing very well on certain courses in second semester not passing 2 courses out of 6. and third semester I tanked completely due to financial difficulties and family health issues.
I did a computer engineering course in high school and got a 98% average in the course. and did a semester of co-op under a network administrator in an office environment.
I also worked at BestBuy in computer Sales, and Geek squad for a year. I also worked for the college I went to as a computer tech/computer and mathematics tutor in the computer lab
during the interview the interviewer told me that pending my medical results in 10 - 15 business days after they receive my optometrist report, I will most likely be put on the merit list if all goes well. He also told me the numbers for the amount of positions they want to fill are very good, but that there are always a lot of people applying, and if those people happen to have worked full time in the industry of communications systems or computer systems or just simply have more experience or a college degree they will most likely be put ahead of me, but due to my high CFAT score and my experience this will boost my odds. He also told me that if I do get a job offer I will most likely be going to basic training end of April - early June and if complications arise then later.

Now I know he gave me most of my answers there, and I feel good about it, but this is my dream and I would love to know other peoples opinions on my odds, just so I can get more of a sense that I did everything I could to get this position. I also want to know if you guys have any tips or anything I can do to increase my odds of getting in as I want to do everything I can. I also was wondering as to how long after the medical information and background check is processed, do you think they will contact me? will they contact me at all if I don't get the position? I know it probably wont be much longer than 4 - 8 weeks as he said if all goes well and I get a job offer, then I will be going to basic training at that time, but how much earlier do they notify you before going to basic training usually? I'm sure they don't just say congrats you got the job, your going to basic training in 2 days right?

Thanks again for reading even though it was long and thanks for replying in advance if you do :)
To be honest, nobody here can tell you your chances.

You could be successful and get a job offer, or you could be put aside for a more qualified applicant. The only people that can tell you is the CFRC staff (and even then, they can only offer an opinion).

If you haven't been put on the merit list, they're technically not even looking at your file until you meet requirements (in your case, vision). The gave me the same job offer spiel for Air Weapons Tech, Traffic Tech, Ammo Tech and more... yet I ended up getting a phone call saying "Selection has passed and you were not selected for enrolment." Jobs in the CF are few and far between these days and will be that way for a while, all I can say is Good Luck.
Well thank you for your honesty I do really appreciate it, and thank you for wishing me luck. I really do hope they consider me and see me as a competitive candidate.

As for the vision test, I was told there are no real requirements they would just like to know what my prescription is. I haven't worn my glasses in years as my prescription was quiet low, and never saw the point in it.

Anyways I'll keep my thread current and let anyone know who is interested if I make it in :)

have a good night.
I would say that you have a pretty good chance of getting in if you are going for ACISS, as there are positions open in most units that i know of. I joined in 2009 as a sig op and became an ACISS after the amalgamation, and in my unit alone we were probably 5 to 10 signallers short at all times. I just finished my contract and released, so maybe you can take my spot. ;) but seriously i would give you good odds of getting into that trade.
Nobody can say for sure! Either way best of luck on your application. Wish you the best
The only people that could say with some certainty are the Production officer and production Supervisor of a CFRC Headquarters.  Aside from that, the Detachment commander and processing supervisor (Senior File Manager) are the only other people that would be able to give you an opinion based on a little more than a guess.