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Some new JTF2 Pics

Inch said:
All, sorry for jumping in a little late, but I have had 3 ROE/Rules of Armed Conflict lectures in the past 3 months and I'm pretty sure that it's against Canadian policy to wear other country's uniforms. There may be an exception for the unit that must not be named, but I don't see how since they're still Canadian soldiers. Though it could be alright as long as you don't wear the other country's flags/insignias.

Can anyone clarify?

Well i think that if they are allowed to grow their hair, and beards, and have slight difference in cadpat uniforms. Have the choice of weapon they wanna use, i think they can wear different uniforms.

Sorry if I sound rude ,don't mean to be.
CT554 said:
Well i think that if they are allowed to grow their hair, and beards, and have slight difference in cadpat uniforms. Have the choice of weapon they wanna use, i think they can wear different uniforms.

Sorry if I sound rude ,don't mean to be.

Hair, beards and choice of weapons doesn't make you look like another country's soldiers, uniforms do. The American's allow it, but to my knowledge we don't. I'm not looking for speculation, I'm looking for someone in the know that can confirm what the JAG told us last month.
I know for a fact that they are entitled.....really good sources
All, sorry for jumping in a little late, but I have had 3 ROE/Rules of Armed Conflict lectures in the past 3 months and I'm pretty sure that it's against Canadian policy to wear other country's uniforms.

The last time i was in Gagetown, all of the instructors at the Infantry Sniper School were wearing Brit combat smocks...

...and the US woodland camo hats are still in use (though apparently being replaced by ill-fitting Cadpat ones - are they making the hats for 6 year olds?)
Can anyone who has saved these images please re-post them? They have become inactive and no longer work.. I would like very much to see them...
Maybe it was just the intention to look like a US or Brit soldier, so long as you can still be identified as Canadian it might be alright.
Lame? Ouch, Acorn. I have feelings, you know. I guess I'm the only one that finds Mr. Ed witty... :crybaby:

About the uniforms: IMHO, I believe the spirit of the law intended for people to not to wear insignia and/or complete uniforms. Parts thereof should be okay.

"Rangers Lead The Way"=American and should be left to them along with "hooah"

Tell the rest of the Regiment that (not necessarily cadets).
JavaMan said:
About the uniforms: IMHO, I believe the spirit of the law intended for people to not to wear insignia and/or complete uniforms. Parts thereof should be okay.

Right on, that's pretty much what I remember from the briefs, I just wanted to know if someone had heard the same thing from a JAG type character.
It has been awhile since the Law of Armed Conflict brief at the PSC, but IIRC that is the way it goes.

Am I the only sucker that can't see these pics? I have tried the MilitaryPhotos.com page but they all appear disabled.
ibucephalus ,

Congratulations!  I have been away for the past week, but in reviewing this thread it is abundantly clear to me that in the space of a mere few posts you have attainted unquestionable "F&#ck-tard" status. 

By all means, keep it up.  We need folks like you, if for no other reason that to demonstrate to the rest of us how not to portray ourselves.

Well done....NOT!....

Sh0rtbUs said:
Tell the rest of the Regiment that (not necessarily cadets).

I don't know what you're talking about, but if I was in a reserve Armoured Recce unit, I wouldn't want to copy the motto of the US Ranger Regiment simply because it was en-vogue and made us appear "cool" and "high-speed".   Seems kind of pathetic to me.
Mark C;

Kind sir,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm glad to see there are still a few true gentlemen left in the officer corps. I look forward to many hearty exchanges with you via this interweb message board.

Warmest regards,


P.S. I have been a fan of your internet uniform collection for some time. I find it a valuable reference.
Ex-Dragoon said:
I suppose you could do better? Looks like they took a break and are relaxing a bit, does not speak of laziness to me.

Then again its easy to be critical when there is nothing in your profile....   ::)

Hmm,, and who are you rescueing?,,
How dare anyone be critical of the JTF,, I find it humerous that all these others seem to take offence lest anyone even remotely take a critical look at them.
Are they Gods?,, Nope,, they can be just as lazy as the rest of us,, and yes,, mixing cam into a jumble of stuff doesn't work.  They are probably just dressed for comfort with little or no regard for the cam factor.
And yes,, he can do better.
And yes,, he can do better.

Perhaps, but he has yet to do so.   All that I have have seen thus far are largely irreverent and "oh so witty" troll-posts characterized by an annoyingly superior "wink and a nod".

Not impressed, and can't be bothered further.   If and when "Ibucephalus" deems to offer the forum members something of positive substance, I may pay attention.   Until then, I am inclined to ignore his posts on this forum.   One of the myriad joys of a scrolling mouse......

Ibucephalus, if I have erred WRT my perception of your intentions thus far, then by all means feel free to send me an e-mail me and sort me out off-line.  I am not a moderator of this board, and my perceptions are admittedly not always correct.  I am simply a member of the board who calls 'em like I see 'em.  Thus far, in this particular thread I haven't seen anything that contributes to the discussion.  But like I said, those perceptions are my own.  By all means, prove me wrong.  Perhaps you could start by filling out your profile so that we know where you are coming from.... 
FWIW it is not illegal to use other nations uniforms.

The snipers from 3VP did it on Op Apollo -> US deserts.
We briefly issued Brit Deserts for some of the engineers deployed after the Iran-Iraq war.  And as Slim noted until recently the Sniper school and the cells in the Bn had been using the Brit sniper smock.

I find it interesting that some feel it necessary to slag the guys from the DH Ski Team - and no while they dont need those of us underperformers from regular units to come rushing to their aid I would like to see the resume of those who feel qualified to judge them or their tactics and equiptment based on a photo from the stupidest site (abd yes that woudl be wannabees.com there at milphoto's) on the net...
Here's a tangent,

Seeing all of those pictures with the guys wearing the 'old' tan combats reminded me that one of thethe ski team told me that they recieved the new arid CADPAT soon after 3 VP left K'har.

This made me somewhat upset.  I felt that the powers that be had withheld the CADPAT uniforms from the ski team until 3 VP left so that there would not be an us v. them situation.  Have or have nots type thing.  It doesn't take an MBA to understand that it is easier to out fit a small group with uniforms vice a larger formation.  I do not like to think that a piece of equipment was keep from an operational unit due to a misguided political decision by a person in uniform.....then again that might just sum up that whole tour.

Then again I still like the tale from the Falklands on a Sgt who was sent to Acension Island as part of the Advance party for the paras.  The story goes that this individual was observed in the back ground of a news report by the RSM not wearing his regimental belt and when the Bn arrived at Acension Island was promptly given extras.