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Sometimes our military pisses me off :(

I wrote off my car and had no choice but to bike around Winnipeg servicing my clients. It started at like 35 km every Mon, wed, Fri... and then grew and grew. I dropped 40 lbs in about 2 months. It was awesome. Normally I am the type that can burst for a lot on and off all day.... The endurance surprised me, but at one point I was going 60km in 2 hours. My friend who used to bike pro was just tickled (he lent me one of his pro roadies from his comp days) said he'd never seen someone who smoked have that much wind. I freaking loved it!!! Now fast forward over the winter, gaining back 12 lbs (Just no way to match that level of activity when the streets, and sidewalks are clogged by snow, and work is killing everything else). So until the streets are cleared, run at the Y. However, I find running around a small (150m) loop over and over and over again sucks ***. I just can't get near the times i was getting on a 2.5km road course. Any ideas?
