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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Ha, it will be a night of too much to ear, drink, a game or three of pokie chest, and vomiting to follow, all in the traditions of a Lighthorseman. The whole Regiment is in party mode.

Me, I'll use my head, I have a 70km journey afterwards, so only a few port for me. I have a 0900 h start tomorrow, so thats not too bad.

Cheers mate.

Playing with my Toughbook and thinking about all the evil ways I can go about making this thing dangerous :D muhahahahaha....
Watched the start of the Ironman at 0400 and then came into work to kill time before PT.

To those doing/done the Ironman  :salute: It is certainly above my current capabilities.
I am frustrated. :akimbo: :rocket: :mg:.....grrrrrr 
Is it just me, or is driving in Edmonton a nightmare?  I thought Toronto was bad, it ain't got nothing on Edmonton. Now I know why they all drive big f*** off trucks, so they can do U-turns through all the friggin' construction.
And then to boot, when I get to Sears, the guy parked next to me is shooting up something into his arm.  :o
Man, I think I LOVE Edmonton!!!!!!!
That was heavy with the sarcasm!
Okay, thanks for the venting...I feel better now....
Me, just another survivor of last night's Regimental Dining In Night. Censored pics to follow  ;D

Its a ghost town here at the Unit today, plenty 'o long faces, many quiet, a few scraped up faces from a game of 'pokie chest' which went too far. The Duty List is growing for time in the naughty chair is overbooked.

TGIF, but I have a duty tomorrow (previosuly selected).

I am over it.

I'm still very very sick.


EDIT: And now I'm getting ready to go to the Doctor. Damn I hate the quacks, but I don't like being this sick :-X
Recovering from yesterday's 7.5 K run, 2 hour Town Hall with Commander 1 CAD and the mess dinner from hell last night!! PS - If anybody finds my shoe, could they please return it soon - I need it again next week.
BinRat55 said:
Recovering from yesterday's 7.5 K run, 2 hour Town Hall with Commander 1 CAD and the mess dinner from hell last night!! PS - If anybody finds my shoe, could they please return it soon - I need it again next week.

So, you can lose it again in a week or cuz you actually want to wear both at the same time?  ;D

BinRat55 said:
If anybody finds my shoe, could they please return it soon - I need it again next week.

You learned well.

Was there a big muddy road in your vicinity when you lost this? Were you attempting a re-enactment of my fall?
ArmyVern said:
Was there a big muddy road in your vicinity when you lost this? Were you attempting a re-enactment of my fall?


I would've PAID to see that!! Vern, promise me you'll still be there next year when I get there - we gotta make Gerry Moore proud!!
So, you can lose it again in a week or cuz you actually want to wear both at the same time?   ;D

To wear both at the same time WOULD be nice, but with my luck i'll probably lose the other one... I came back from a mess dinner once in a mad panic 'cause I thought i'd lost my beret!!
BinRat55 said:

I would've PAID to see that!! Vern, promise me you'll still be there next year when I get there - we gotta make Gerry Moore proud!!

By next summer, I'll have been posted back here from Det Charlottetown for 22 months ... I make no promises - it seems to me that that longest anyone can put up with my antics is about 24 months judging by my posting history.  >:D
You don't have antics do you Vern.  Here I thought that you were the shining example that everyone was supposed to aspire to be.
Old and Tired said:
You don't have antics do you Vern.  Here I thought that you were the shining example that everyone was supposed to aspire to be.

Your thoughts are correct.

My thought probably couldn't be posted here as the generally start WTF, shake your f***ing head and then go down hill rapidly based on the stupidity of the people I have to deal with.  Sigs people, as a general rule, are idiots.
Old and Tired said:
My thought probably couldn't be posted here as the generally start WTF, shake your f***ing head and then go down hill rapidly based on the stupidity of the people I have to deal with.  Sigs people, as a general rule, are idiots.

Geez, you need to come back here too ... for more beer.

I was kidnapped last night and held captive (ie: forced to drink beer) by a couple of members of this site.

I hope they had fun at the 20/20 afterwards because if they thought they had a hope in hell of convincing me to go there with them ... they should have force-fed me ... just one more beer.

Be back up on Wednesday for a support weapons shoot.  The troops don't arrive till Friday so I might have some free time.
Old and Tired said:
Be back up on Wednesday for a support weapons shoot.  The troops don't arrive till Friday so I might have some free time.

Don't forget your BEW!!  >:D