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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Eye In The Sky said:
Watching U-571 on The History Channel............while trying to figure out how come the word "entitled" is used the way it is so much in this country.

Me too!  No snow here, though, we had that Thurs/Fri.  Today is sunny and supposed to get warmer; 6 now, calling for a high of 9.  ;D
Unable to go back to sleep yet again after staying up until 4am or so to finish revising a constitution/bylaws on time for a meeting I will not be part of. This after spending the afternoon at university working by continuing to update bunch of older laptops hence some idle time to post on milnet while that happens.

Now determine I will not be able to attend Nationals in Philadelphia next weekend as the money I put aside to purchase the ticket is required to pay left over dues with the league and other debts. So contemplating whether I can somehow acquire one hundred dollars before thursday. At least I will be able to meet Justin Trudeau at the university to see how life in politics is treating him, and then movie night at the native centre. And a particular party which I kept missing in the pass because of derby.

For the rest of the day will do combination of resume updating, applying for some full time work online, watching some of the latest episodes of different series, and some web work. I could go out, but whether not spend money right now, hence will have to spend more time on the computer in my actual room.

Eventually will sleep and then wake up to get ready for team practice tomorrow, now the season is back up. Can try restarting the derby version of tabata exercise and pushups/situps as part of my waking up process, something been struggling to maintain for more a few weeks time. At least weekly off-skate team exercises will start up again soon hopefully. 
Watching Family Guy and generally being lazy.  I'm moving in a week... maybe I should start packing?  :-\
Currently 0525h Sunday, been up since before 0400h, as usual, can't sleep so on here, about to go for a swim, make some grilled cheese sangers on the BBQ and catch FOX news on the TV.

Had a busy Saturday, went to the gunshow in Brisbane and bought a pre loved reproduction German WWII 'potato masher' INERT grenade for $60, apparently made in Canada back in the 90's, disassembles like the original, all steel and wood, high quality, and even has the string with porcelain ball, and endcap. Toys for men, eh  :nod:


Enjoying my new 20/20 vision thanks to the LASIK I got yesterday.absolutley wonderful. Only draw back is I cant exercise ro run today so it screws up my shedule a bit.BUT I CAN SEEE!!!Hopefully Im a V1 now. *using clicker to find "We Were Soldiers"
Sitting at work at the moment and for a couple of hours more.  My Pl is out doing a live fire Atk, that I missed due to a medical Apt earlier in the day.  Tomorrow we are off to a Valley site for Rememberance Day Cerimony's.  I have been in uniform since 84 and I have not seen this scenario yet.  Ahh well one for the books and if Rhumours are correct some will have a bigger one for the books come tomorrow.

I have been using a new saying now.  " It is what it is "  to wit I think I will add, " If you cant change it you shouldnt hate it, as making the best out of any situation is what we do"
0120 here in Brampton, I'm at work, Thinking about how fortunate I am to live in a country where I have the freedom to pursue an endeavour of my choosing.  To all those who will serve, to those who are currently serving, those who are retired from the CF, and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the execution of their duties, thank you.  You folks are what makes this country great, and i will be forever indebted, forever thankful, and will never forget that me and my family are here because of brave men and women like yourselves.

Thank You

:cdn:  :cdnsalute:
helpup said:
" It is what it is "

This is definitely something I say/think quite a bit.  It's a good phrase for the mindset of acceptance for those things which one can't control.  "It is what it is" reminds me of the serenity prayer, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

trying to not bash my head of that filing cabinet..... I am SO BORED!!!!!!

Just remember that 98%  of life is BORING !......AND the other 2% is sheer terror!

Some day you will look back at this and laugh..... or wish to h*ll you had it so good!


Taking a smoke and time out break from working on some jewelry pieces, enjoying beautiful low volume sounds from my computer CD/DVD player while quietly working etc.

Currently playing is piano music - Rubenstein = Chopin Waltzes. Earlier it was Handel Water Music :)

Very VERY nice mood :)
Just finnished a Mufti parade and am about to head over for the Hockey game,  silly week at it's finest
It’s just past midnight.  It’s currently -29.  Not sure what the wind-chill is, but I’m guessing -40’s.  The furnace stopped working about two hours ago...still waiting for the furnace guy to arrive.  It’s getting chilly in here.  Listening to some music to pass the time while I wait for the furnace guy.  Brrr cold!
It's 1/2 past 1am.  The furnace is now working.  YaY Much!  Only 3 1/2 hours without heat, that's not too bad. 

I just checked the weather and it has 'warmed up' to -26 with a -36 wind-chill... hope it keeps warming up. 

I'm off to bed, very sleepy. 
Jeez SAR sounds like you had a rough night!

I'm pondering how to smack all the Hollywood reporters....all reporters. Get off the Tiger bandwagon, I wanna puke everytime I hear about "the Tiger".
It keeps the heat off Obama though. ;D
True, but Obama is just naturally popular, and will continue to be.
-back on topic, i'm listening to music.
Big Silverback said:
Jeez SAR sounds like you had a rough night!
I just kept reminding myself how cold I was when doing some training earlier this year w/ a SAR Tech... just about froze during that training and then last night’s chilly adventure with the furnace didn't seem bad at all. 

Something about a wire which leads into the motor caught on something (the fan or a belt... forget which) and the friction caused the wire to burn and become completely severed.  Either way, for me, all I know was I heard noise from the furnace, then I smelled/saw smoke come up through the vents (just a little) and right away the furnace was checked to make sure there was no fire.  Once the smoke hit the vents, the furnace had completely stopped.  Initially, after a furnace repair man was called, my main concern was the pipes freezing because I didn't know how long it was going to take to fix.  I'm just glad I was home when this happened.   

On a plus side:
Being up so late meant I was able to get caught up on email, reading through most of the Milnet threads I had subscribed to and I was able to get done some chores as well, so it's all good... was a productive night. :)