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Speeding / Traffic tickets during application [Merged]

Al101 said:
May I ask a follow-up question on this?

If your credit is reviewed in the application, and they do see unpaid fines (In my case, parking and one speeding), is this a bar to entry at all, in any way? And if you, for example, can't pay for them at the present moment, would they ask you to pay it BEFORE being able to apply/join and if so, would your application be put on hold? I understand why it wouldn't be positive but I think it would be quite silly to, say, disqualify you from joining the military. Since credit will be reviewed, what about bankruptcy? Is that a bar to entry as well?

Would appreciate some answers.


Be an adult and pay your fines. You broke the law and were convicted of an offense. Beg or borrow the money and pay it off. If you can't swallow your pride enough to do that, that's fine; we'll take someone more dedicated.
Brihard said:
Be an adult and pay your fines. You broke the law and were convicted of an offense. Beg or borrow the money and pay it off. If you can't swallow your pride enough to do that, that's fine; we'll take someone more dedicated.

I sincerely don't see the point of you being rude. It has nothing to do with "Be an adult and pay your fines." and the situation is much more complicated than you would think. Of course, if I could pull money out of my ***, my debts wouldn't exist. As well as pride, it really has nothing to do with this. I thought these forums were supposed to be a place where you could gather information and advice, not to criticize others, especially when asking a harmless question such as this, no?

Will appreciate some answers still.


EDIT: Found a 16page "Credit Check Super Thread" that answered my questions. Apologies, disregard the questions!
Al101 said:
I sincerely don't see the point of you being rude. It has nothing to do with "Be an adult and pay your fines." and the situation is much more complicated than you would think. Of course, if I could pull money out of my ***, my debts wouldn't exist. As well as pride, it really has nothing to do with this. I thought these forums were supposed to be a place where you could gather information and advice, not to criticize others, especially when asking a harmless question such as this, no?

Will appreciate some answers still.


EDIT: Found a 16page "Credit Check Super Thread" that answered my questions. Apologies, disregard the questions!

I gave you both answers and advice, and I was critical because your situation as presented is deserving of criticism. I'm being blunt and calling a spade a spade. You will quickly learn that's what we do. My answer was as harmless as your question, and also happens to be correct if you want to get into the CF.

I don't lack experience with how the whole 'get a minor conviction, pay a fine' thing works. I don't think your case is likely particularly special.
Brihard said:
I gave you both answers and advice, and I was critical because your situation as presented is deserving of criticism. I'm being blunt and calling a spade a spade. You will quickly learn that's what we do. My answer was as harmless as your question, and also happens to be correct if you want to get into the CF.

I don't lack experience with how the whole 'get a minor conviction, pay a fine' thing works. I don't think your case is likely particularly special.

Thank you for the "unique advice" but those were given in other threads which is why I specifically asked these questions. This is a forum, not the actual recruiting centre, so you'll excuse me if I don't exactly look for sarcastic answers but instead in depth ones, which is...the whole point of a forum like this! Surprise, surprise, right?

Anyway, I didn't say I was special, but please do not assume I am not "dedicated" or whatever you want to call it merely because of unpaid fines when you clearly do not know my situation. I hope you have a great night, and lighten up. I'm sure the Military is just as you describe it, but it doesn't mean you have to be like this to people looking for answers.

Al101 said:
Thank you for the "unique advice" but those were given in other threads which is why I specifically asked these questions. This is a forum, not the actual recruiting centre, so you'll excuse me if I don't exactly look for sarcastic answers but instead in depth ones, which is...the whole point of a forum like this! Surprise, surprise, right?

Anyway, I didn't say I was special, but please do not assume I am not "dedicated" or whatever you want to call it merely because of unpaid fines when you clearly do not know my situation. I hope you have a great night, and lighten up. I'm sure the Military is just as you describe it, but it doesn't mean you have to be like this to people looking for answers.


I was not being the least bit sarcastic. I meant exactly what I said, how I said it. I merely decline to offer sympathy for you picking up a minor conviction. "You made your bed, now lie in it" is as sound advice as any you'll get in this institution. There's nothing more 'in depth' I have to offer with the paucity of actual info you've given. You allude to your circumstances somehow being special or peculiar, but you don't back that up. What that leaves me with is "I broke the law and haven't paid my fine". I'm simply taking your words at face value and giving my response informed by what I'd expect to see from a potential recruit.
Brihard said:
I was not being the least bit sarcastic. I meant exactly what I said, how I said it. I merely decline to offer sympathy for you picking up a minor conviction. "You made your bed, now lie in it" is as sound advice as any you'll get in this institution. There's nothing more 'in depth' I have to offer with the paucity of actual info you've given. You allude to your circumstances somehow being special or peculiar, but you don't back that up. What that least me with is "I broke the law and haven't paid my fine". I'm simply takng your words at face value and giving my response informed by what I'd expect to see from a potential recruit.


"is this a bar to entry at all, in any way?"
"Since credit will be reviewed, what about bankruptcy? Is that a bar to entry as well?"

Those were the questions that I asked, by the way, which to me, seems like you missed them. Please do try to forget the fact that I said I have unpaid fines, which is certainly not what I was pointing my entire question at. I did not ask nor do I expect sympathy. I also do not need to give you my life story in order for you to understand my current situation as I am here, again, asking questions which I have listed above. Your need to be as "blunt", so you call it, as this is extremely unnecessary, especially when it comes to a forum like this, and a question in the way I asked. Not once have I said "LOL, I'm not going to pay this crap, screw all of you." Please do not assume this type of garbage from somebody you do not know.
Al101 said:

"is this a bar to entry at all, in any way?"
"Since credit will be reviewed, what about bankruptcy? Is that a bar to entry as well?"

Those were the questions that I asked, by the way, which to me, seems like you missed them. Please do try to forget the fact that I said I have unpaid fines, which is certainly not what I was pointing my entire question at. I did not ask nor do I expect sympathy. I also do not need to give you my life story in order for you to understand my current situation as I am here, again, asking questions which I have listed above. Your need to be as "blunt", so you call it, as this is extremely unnecessary, especially when it comes to a forum like this, and a question in the way I asked. Not once have I said "LOL, I'm not going to pay this crap, screw all of you." Please do not assume this type of garbage from somebody you do not know.

Bankruptcy I cannot speak to, sorry. I don't have the necessary information. Outstanding judicial obligations absolutely can be a bar to entry, which I felt - perhaps incorrectly - was both inferred by my reply, and presumably something you'd already familiarized yourself with. And not once have I sugegsted that you intended to remain delinquient in your judicial obligations.

If you want an answer just from current recruiters, go to the 'ask a recruiter' subforum. If you post a question in the general 'recruiting' forum, you're gonna get whatever replies you get based on the time and effort people are willing to put in. Sometimes you'll get answers that way that will be more reflective of what you'll encounter in the forces than what you'll get from a recruiter wearing their official hat.

On that same note though, I'll throw out an uncommon kudos for actually taking the time and making the effort to find and read one of the pertinent megathreads. I wish more people did that.

I'm sure you'll be just fine once you sort your stuff out. But sort it out you must if you intend to proceed.
Al101 said:
Thank you for the "unique advice" ...................................................................... This is a forum, not the actual recruiting centre, so you'll excuse me if I don't exactly look for sarcastic answers but instead in depth ones, which is...the whole point of a forum like this! Surprise, surprise, right?


Yes, indeed this is a forum.  It is a military forum.  With many members who are current serving members of the military, former members of the military and aspiring members of the military.  It has a definite "military" tone to it.  This is not a forum where you ask Mom for advice, always to be told "Yes, Timmy you can be anything you want to be."  This is a forum where you will be told straight out what the facts are and that includes the word "NO".  So; surprise, surprise, surprise, the senior members of this forum are not likely to be your "MOM" and give you the answers you want to hear all the time.  And yes, some of those answers may be sarcastic.  Some may even have humour that flys way over your head.

Al101 said:
Anyway, I didn't say I was special,....................................................................................., but it doesn't mean you have to be like this to people looking for answers.

I will not apologize for anyone here, but Al101, you are coming across as someone who does feel that they are somehow special. 

Stop making excuses for your 'failures' and fix them.  Pay your fines and be done with it.

PS:  If you have the cash to drive a vehicle, for fuel, for repairs, etc.; then you can pay your fine.
Last one for the dogpile then I am locking this.

If you have unpaid fines, and believe you merit special dispensation, then the correct course of action is to ADDRESS IT THROUGH THE COURTS, LIKE AN ADULT.  Suck it up and make an appointment with the local prosecutor and/or JP and deal with YOUR problems.  And yes that is what the recruiting system WILL expect of you.
I have some speeding tickets in Ontario and two which I am fighting and is still in the courts but I have a lawyer representing me.
I was wondering if these tickets that are over and done with and more so the tickets still in the court system affect my ability to join the CF at all?

Good day JJordan,

Reliability screening: The reliability screening and security check will take longer if you lived in another country or if you have a criminal record. This includes outstanding legal obligations for which you have mentioned unpaid traffic tickets that you are fighting.
I searched all over the forums for something similar to help answer my question without posting (which has worked so far), however I could not find anything on this subject. If I am wrong, I apologize in advance and would happily read the advice/solutions elsewhere on this forum.

I have finally decided to pursue my dreams and serve my country with the Canadian Armed Forces within the last few months, finally beginning the process of what I hope to be an enjoyable career doing what I love. All of my current application timings and my location are in my signature so there can be a bit of context to all of this. Long story very short, my family has been struggling to live since our household became one-income, and money has been very tight. One of the consequences of this was that despite everyone doing what they could, nobody could afford vehicle insurance on our only car. Due to us still needing to use the car, we had to continue driving it without insurance (I have already beat myself up enough over how wrong this is and I feel awful about it, it is dangerous and stupid and despite needing to I regret it deeply). More to the point, as expected, I was recently pulled over for this and I received 2 tickets, one for no registration and one for no insurance. While the first ticket was very cut and dry, the second has not even been given a dollar amount as I have to stand before a judge to receive it. My court date is set for March 29 to address the tickets. I am incredibly nervous as this is happening in the middle of my application process, and in fact is happening after my medical and interview on the 9th of March. I know that each individual case is subjective, however I wanted to get any opinions and/or advice from people who know more about the process than I do how this will affect my application, if at all.

Thank you in advance and once again, sorry if this is in the wrong place.
rbb12 said:
........ My court date is set for March 29 to address the tickets. .....

That is major factor that will affect the answer.

As a matter of policy, all legal obligations must be discharged before your application will go anywhere. This will likely include sentencing conditions such as any period of probation. If you 'beat' the charge as you put it, the CAF cannot discriminate against you in terms of employment, though it's possible that it may still affect your application.
Thanks for the replies. The only reason I am so concerned is because driving off insurance is a fairly substantial violation. If it was just a speeding ticket or something I wouldnt be as concerned. I know no exceptions are ever made to the process,  but I hope if I can explain the situation and that everything is getting sorted it won't affect the process, because paying this sort of thing off will be hard on part time money. Hopefully I can have it paid off in the time it takes them to do all the screening and everything. But one thing is for certain  and it's that I will not let this come between me and my dream.
Not that I wish to pile more upon you, but, as you an applicant, your avatar is inappropriate. You have not yet earned that.

I hope that you do indeed earn it in the near future. Good luck, and work hard.
Loachman said:
Not that I wish to pile more upon you, but, as you an applicant, your avatar is inappropriate. You have not yet earned that.

I hope that you do indeed earn it in the near future. Good luck, and work hard.

I didn't mean to offend or to imply anything by that. I made sure to change it right away and I apologize if I did offend. I look forward to earning it by whatever means necessary
You'll need to get the court stuff over with, but I don't see it likely that this would exclude you from joining. We have recruited people with far larger blights on their record. You effed up, be prepared to own it if asked, but I'm not aware of the recruiting process requiring driving abstracts or anything that would show a motor vehicle conviction.
Do you think it's a better idea to bring this up on my own prerogative or to wait and see if I am asked about anything of the sort to inform the recruiting staff? I have no problem owning the mistake, I'm just not entirely sure how to best go about this and if the interview is a good time for this.
The police probably observed the plate to be unregistered or uninsured either by an expired decal or they ran it through the Alberta Motor Vehicle database. How does this contribute to the discussion? He stated he was pulled over for driving without insurance and registration, I would imagine then that is why he was pulled over.