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Step Test Super Thread

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Well, after i was done everything i said did i pass or fail? The guy said sorry, I can't tell you that. Then I said howlong does it take for them to call me after this and let me know he said about a week :\ I got no idea... like DrSize, I can run for about 1 hour non-stop at about 7:00 a mile pace, so if i called them today they would be able to tell me if i failed or passed yesterday?
What level you made it to isn't really relevant.  Some people start at level 1, some start at level 3 or 4 (it depends on where the tester thinks you should be).  They're only interested in your heart rate and blood pressure, and want to see how quickly it elevates.  I know that personally my resting heart rate is high to begin with, so they start me at a higher level to try to raise it.

I'm very surprised that they didn't tell you your results right away.  In my experience (I've done the PT test 3 times - passed each one), they tell you right away whether you were successful or not.
Just an update... I called the RC and they said I passed :D . Sorry DrSize  :crybaby: good luck on your next one.

I started at level 6.
Congrats Butter.....I think a major reason I failed this test is because a half hour before I ate 3 Big Macs and a large fries from mcdonalds......My interview got cancelled so I had 1 1/2 hours to kill before my physical and I hadn't ate all morning so I was starving and drove by a mcdonalds and the rest is history.....This morning at the gym I went 45 minutes hard on the stairmaster and ran for another 15 minutes on the treadmill after.........so I am thinkin I definetly have to be in good enough shape to pass this and that the big meal was a big part of why I failed.......ah well, I will be redoing it around the beginning of September
So to prepare for this, should I be running stairs?

Also, what pace do you guys go at for your pushups? I tend to do mine very slowly and concentrate a lot on going low...Is it neccessairy to return with your arms straight, and elbows locked?
Yes you need to come all the way up on pushups and make sure your elbows lock, a few of my pushups didn't count because I didn't lockout
Dont worry to much about proper form, before you start anything on the physical test they will show you a demo on how to do everything cept sit-ups because that is just common sense.

DrSize, if you ate 3 bigmacs and fries that could be a major factor, "Please refrain from eating atleast 2 hours before doing test" says right on the sheet :P ::)
Butters said:
Dont worry to much about proper form, before you start anything on the physical test they will show you a demo on how to do everything cept sit-ups because that is just common sense.

Depends on how nice your tester is.  Most do tend to show you how it's done first, but not all of them.
Newbie here but just did my physical today and figure I bombed it. I had no problem doing the sit-ups and push-ups...got 72/75 on the handgrip...and started the step test at level 4 and completed it and level 5 when the guy said "Okay done that"...I couldn't figure out why like some of the others have said b/c I felt great. He said my pulse rate was 31 and the cut off was 24...figure that was my VO2 level.

He wouldn't say if I passed or not but I guess I'll find out soon enough...if I have to resit then so be it. I just train like mad   :rage: and see what happens. Just don't want to let anyone down if I don't cut it.

Great board btw.   :salute:
72/75 on one hand, or with both? The take your best squeeze from both hands and add it up. I got no idea if you would've passed the step test, from starting lvl 4 and completing lvl 5. I would call your RC tomorrow and ask for the results. Did your trainer tell you if you failed or passed?

Good Luck
Butters said:
72/75 on one hand, or with both? The take your best squeeze from both hands and add it up. I got no idea if you would've passed the step test, from starting lvl 4 and completing lvl 5. I would call your RC tomorrow and ask for the results. Did your trainer tell you if you failed or passed?

Good Luck

Hey Butters - the 72 was a combo of both hands. And no the trainer wouldn't tell me. He said the RC would probably let me know next week by phone.
Hey man. To reach the 3rd level they consider you a cut above the rest. The minimum standard is that you get level 2.  When I did mine June 09/04 they told me right there my score and that I passed with flying colours. Ryan :cdn:
Ryan_Bohm said:
Hey man. To reach the 3rd level they consider you a cut above the rest. The minimum standard is that you get level 2.   When I did mine June 09/04 they told me right there my score and that I passed with flying colours. Ryan :cdn:

Ryan - I know some of the ppl on here have said that the testers have told them the results. I had to have a contract tester test me b/c I live such a distance from the CF recruiting in my geopgraphical area - so I guess thats why he wouldn't tell me. I just hate the waiting for that phone call but like I said before - if I have to resit I will...no biggie.  :warstory:
reality_therapy - I had a contracted out tester as well, civivies on. My testing was done at the CFRC in London. Thats the thing I dislike is that there seems to be no standard way of doing something. I know waiting for the phone call is tough but I am sure it will be worth the wait trust me on that one.
I have been tested by a civvie too but she told me right away the result.
Good day gentlemen,  I just wanted to add somthing here.  I did my step test in Ottawa at NDHQ, I am 34 years old.  If you are say 18 you basicly have to touch the step and you will have no problem passing it.  They use it to calculate your V02 Max.  That is your body's ability to carry oxygen from your lungs through your blood to your major muscle groups.  The largest factors in determining this is your body weight, resting heart rate after certain levels of the test, and your age as well as what level you complete.  Keep in mind it doesn't matter if you are fat or muscular it is your weight, and muscle weighs more than fat.  Your sex and age determine the level you start at.  Most people in there teens and early twenties start at level 5, I started at level 4.  There are six levels, so if you started at level 5 you would only do 2 rounds.  As for the pushups and situps, it is great that you can do so many, 19 is the pass and that is all you need.  No one cares how many more you can do beyond that, it is not a competition and there is no need to kill yourself to showoff. (No Offense to anyone)  On your basic you will be pushed every day all day, so believe me when you are told to do 10 pushups do only 10 your body will thank you later.  Oh and 10 push-ups are not what you think.  It may take 5 minutes to crank of 10 Military Push-ups.  A push-up can be broken down into very many portions.  such as (half way, 1/4, 3/4, half way, 1/4, 1/3, etc., etc.) you get the idea...it kills.
make sure you know how much you weight in kilograms before you go in! i was weighed and i just happened to look at what she was writing and she had me down for 10kg more than it should have been. could that have been your problem drsize? its the only problem i ran into at the thunder bay recruiting centre.
Tickles said:
make sure you know how much you weight in kilograms before you go in! i was weighed and i just happened to look at what she was writing and she had me down for 10kg more than it should have been. could that have been your problem drsize? its the only problem i ran into at the thunder bay recruiting centre.

That could very well be a problem, that plus the meal.....who knows.  I have been running pretty hard on the treadmill at the gym and think I should not have any problems when I retest.  I will definetly make sure the weight is correct.  I am at a huge disadvantage for measuring relative VO2 Max because I weigh around 290lbs......I think they should maybe try another way of testing like running on a track or even setting a treadmill at a certain speed and having to run at that speed for x minutes.....haha either way I just want to get the checkmark for having passed the physical testing, I am very impatient and hate waiting on things including results....I will be much more relieved after my interview on Monday, I want to redo my physical test on Monday as well so we will see
By the way what is the passing V02 Max requirement? like under 50 or somthing?