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Steven Staples & Company

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PPCLI MCpl said:
Let me explain to you how this works: you see, the corporations finance Team America, and then Team America goes out... and the corporations sit there in their... in their corporation buildings, and... and, and see, they're all corporation-y... and they make money.


Now that that's clear. :D

I'm actually doing quite a bit of research on this crowd and enjoying it quite a bit. I will be posting it when I have a bit of it organized. ???

Cheers all and thanks for taking an interest in this thread. :salute:

I understand their next target is going to be Hillier himself- nobody on the left seems to like a straight talking man. [literally, in practice and otherwise]. All this talk about killing the enemy is making their friends and supporters over here squeamish, and politically active. It will not be long before the CBC consults Staples to give his "informed" opinion as to whether "Canadians really want" their military to handle the enemy roughly.   
I had to choke my way through much of this guys fluff several years ago; he's nothing new to the scene by any means.   He's pretty much the epitome of the "soft power" peacekeeeper image idiot, a la (Lloyd) Axeworthy.   He routinely overlooks facts that don't agree with his rose-tinted view of international affairs and diplomacy.

That being said, I think he may have a point as to how we spend our defence dollars;   we don't get nearly enough bang for our buck by the time the industrial offsets and partisan allocations are factored into project costs.   In his estimate, the only solution is to reduce our spending and our troops can just make do on all these PSO we're on.   Oh, wait, we're fighting a war!

The man is an academic ******* of the highest order.

I'm embarrased to say my union throws money at this clown... ???

Maybe I'll have to get involved in CUPE politics...


Edited for grammer
I doubt he opposes global centralization and hegemony.  He just opposes global centralization and hegemony which isn't controlled by him and his fellow travellers.
I didn't vote because you left out my answer: dumbass loudmouths needing punches to their throats.
whiskey601 said:
I understand their next target is going to be Hillier himself- nobody on the left seems to like a straight talking man. [literally, in practice and otherwise]. All this talk about killing the enemy is making their friends and supporters over here squeamish, and politically active. It will not be long before the CBC consults Staples to give his "informed" opinion as to whether "Canadians really want" their military to handle the enemy roughly.   

OK, we will form a human shield around Gen Hillier and "take one" for the team. What I found rather disgusting was the Maude Barlows and Steve Staples are so disconnected from reality that they find taking a blast from Gen Hillier more offensive than the possibility of taking a blast of HE in the TTC.

As an aside, a friend asked why Mr Dithers seems to be backing Gen Hillier.This doesn't seem to have a political angle (that I can see anyway), and is certainly outrside the arcs for any politician in recent memory. Or is it just Mr Dithers is in a very precarious spot politically right now, and Gen Hillier is on his "to do" list?
OK, we will form a human shield around Gen Hillier and "take one" for the team. What I found rather disgusting was the Maude Barlows and Steve Staples are so disconnected from reality that they find taking a blast from Gen Hillier more offensive than the possibility of taking a blast of HE in the TTC.

As an aside, a friend asked why Mr Dithers seems to be backing Gen Hillier.This doesn't seem to have a political angle (that I can see anyway), and is certainly outrside the arcs for any politician in recent memory. Or is it just Mr Dithers is in a very precarious spot politically right now, and Gen Hillier is on his "to do" list?

Maude Barlow? - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

But I do worry about Mr. Dither's sudden discovery of a backbone. And by inverse proportion I worry about the CDS.   Being outspoken can make you a conspicuous target in P.C. Ottawa and I can only imagine the PAFFOs at NDHQ must have cringed in terror when that luncheon briefing was over.

It didn't take much time for the reporters to start calling around to see who would "disapprove".

I suspect that the CDS's timing was fortunate (if I can use that phrase).   The bombings in London seem to have had a grim impact on Ottawa (at least among its more anglophilic elements) - probably because Martin (whose father had spent time as High Commissioner in London) was a first-hand witness to Blair's distress.

My concern is that the CDS develops a reputation among the media mob as a source of "colorful" quotes and they make something a sport of getting him on the record with the latest salty observation on the GWOT.   I wouldn't depend on Martin's "support" as a foregone conclusion going forward.

cheers, mdh
My concern is that the CDS develops a reputation among the media mob as a source of "colorful" quotes and they make something a sport of getting him on the record with the latest salty observation on the GWOT.   I wouldn't depend on Martin's "support" as a foregone conclusion going forward.

Excellent observation!

Paracowbay...Sorry for not including your vote choice. I pretty much feel the same way you do but as a mod, need to stay in my lane more than most...Somehow I don't think Mike would like my adding that in...

One thing I have noticed...The "concerned citizen" vote is still at zero...At least they're not fooling anyone.


Being outspoken can make you a conspicuous target in P.C. Ottawa
...and in the press at large.  Well, at least at the CBC, CTV, Globe, Toronto Star, Daily Worker and the rest of the usual suspects..  ie. the greater half of Canadian media. 

Truthfully, after reading Hillier's remarks I wondered how long he will last in Ottawa.  However, I've been surprised by the (if not sympathetic response) the at least neutral response the remarks have generally received. - Ms. Barlow and the Polaris Institute not withstanding ..and I guess the great majority of letter from readers the Globe published were negative. (The National Post has actually been quite enthusiastic.) 

Anyway, the machinations of Ottawa are separate from the press, and to be sure after that airing there are people in positions of influence that would rather see a a CDS of a different stripe. ...I suppose we'll see.

In any event, it says something about our culture (or maybe just the news outlets) that when the CDS says outloud the the CF is for killing it makes national news for a few days.

I'm actually doing quite a bit of research on this crowd and enjoying it quite a bit. I will be posting it when I have a bit of it organized.
Slim: Looking forward to that.
I have seen the Polaris Institute on the CBC several times. I would say they have a fair bit of influence on public opinion. The fellows comments are usually well spoken. That doesn't mean the content is well thought out. He is among several pundits that the CBC likes to bring out to speak in favour of the CBCs positions (especially on BMD). (The CBC being their own political party has its own messengers) With the ever present smirks, sly nods and agreeing facial expressions (that they seem to think no one else can see), they are obviously playing up a part. I'd be interested to know more of what is found and I have found the Institute to be a curiosity, as well.
Lookie at what I found on YouTube.

Military anaylist my arse. He has an agenda and I don't think CTV or anyone else in the MSM actually took the time to realise it.


I saw his mug on CTV criticizing the mission and everything in between so I figured I google him and do a bit of digging. Can't remember exactly how I came across the video but holy shite.

If this isn't proof enough that the guy has a hidden agenda and is not "neutral" in his "analysis" of the situation, he's leading the masses to the beat of his drum.

What say you?

Someone should remind this "analyst" that the first operational mission that the CC-177 carried out was delivering aid to Jamaica (IIRC) and was then used to help us out with OP DRIFTNET and in the north recently with LRP and the fighter guys going toe-to-toe with the Russians. So i guess they were not just bought for "fighting for George Bush"  ::)

I wonder what these loonies will come u with as a lightning rod once GWB is out of office.....

Even more tripe on this guy, including links:


Steven Staples

Steven StaplesSteven Staples is the Director of the Rideau Institute in Ottawa and author of Missile Defence: Round 1.

Steven is a frequent contributor to journals, magazines, and conferences, and is often called upon to comment on defence and public policy-related issues by the national and international news media including the Globe and Mail, the National Post, Time, CTV National News and CBC Television's The National and the BBC.

He is regularly invited to appear before federal government committees and departments to speak about defence and foreign policy issues, including the Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs, and the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and the Standing Committee on Finance.

His years of work with popular organizations, including the Council of Canadians, has made him well-known amongst civil society organizations, and he speaks regularly to audiences in Canada and the United States, and around the world.

Born in the Maritimes and a long-time resident of Vancouver, Steven now lives in Ottawa with his wife and two children. He holds a Bachelors of Education (Hon. History) from the University of New Brunswick.

His "Institute":


Welcome to the Rideau Institute

The Rideau Institute on International Affairs is an independent research, advocacy and consulting group based in Ottawa. It provides research, analysis and commentary on public policy issues to decision makers, opinion leaders and the public. It is a federally registered non-profit organization, established in January 2007.

More than a thousand Canadians make donations to the Rideau Institute, mostly through Ceasefire.ca. Together we advocate for independent policy priorities that are consistent with Canadian values and enjoy broad public support.

Because of its close proximity to Parliament Hill and national newsrooms, the Rideau Institute specializes in monitoring activities in government and communicating with Members of Parliament and other decision makers.

To accomplish that, the institute publishes and distributes research, organizes special briefings by experts and specialists, holds press conferences, and other related activities.

But in addition to activities in Ottawa, the institute supports public education and public advocacy. Using the Internet, the institute designs and implements several on-line communication and advocacy programs such as Ceasefire.ca and Rightoncanada.ca. It also supports community education through speaking tours by experts and analysts.
Right On Canada:


Ceasefire.ca (where the video is linked up):


I can't understand why the MSM is giving this guy so much air time. If they (CTV) wants to be considered balanced in it's reporting, why give this guy, who obviously has a clear agenda, so much air time without giving someone of opposing views the same?

Recce By Death said:
I can't understand why the MSM is giving this guy so much air time ...

The media is in the marketing business: they sell soap or cars or penile erection kits by filling the white spaces between the advertising with so-called news. In fact, in the 21st century, there is less and less news because Canadians (like Americans) are unwilling (maybe unable?) to sit still long enough to read/view/hear and digest anything like a detailed report with some expert analysis; instead we demand 10 second sound bites and equally brief "Yea!/Nay!" shouting matches. Staples provides a cheap (he 'works' for free) and readily available "Nay!" on almost any defence issue. That fact, and I believe that it is a fact, that he is a (strategic) dunderhead with an anti-military agenda doesn't matter: a "Nay!" voice is required to provide balance controversy because balance contrived, dishonest and preferably noisy controversy is that hallmark of the profession of journalism.
The MSM is not there to inform people or to give balance or objectivity.

They are there to entertain! They are there to attract an audience who will sit through and watch the silly advertisements. Remember from the point of view the MSM the advertisements are the important content, and not the news. That is how they make their money. 

Remember a few years ago all the stories about the crop circles in England, and the stable full of so called experts who were paraded before the cameras giving their ill-informed opinions about their origins.

On Sunday mornings on CNN there is a show where the media talks about itself. Last summer one employee from CNN admitted that how they slant a story is determined by opinion polls, study groups etc. In other words they tell the masses what they want to hear. After all they don’t want to upset the viewer and tell them that they are wrong. It the viewer gets upset they might switch to another network and watch someone else’s advertisements.   

  Ooops … Mr Campbell types faster than I do…
Note how he plays on the anti-Americanism of the left. "fighting for Bush" "these American war planes" Doesn't mention that the tanks come from Germany or the Nyalas from South Africa. Plays on the themes of keeping us out of Iraq and opting out of the US missile defence plan. His mention of the child care spaces begs the question of why the former Lib government didn't create them when they had huge surpluses and certainly didn't spend it on Defence.
This kind of rhetoric does appeal to a great number of people in the country unfortunately. It perpetuates the myth of Canada the great peacekeeper and mild mannered neutral country, created by the Liberals in order to avoid spending money on Defence.
A little more of connecting the dots. Anti-military, far left wing is his POV.

The Polaris Institute and Ceasefire.ca are one in the same.


"A ceasefire is always the first step to achieve peace."

Ceasefire.ca is a project of the Rideau Institute on International Affairs, a public policy research and advocacy group based in Ottawa. Ceasefire.ca is the institute's main public outreach and advocacy arm.

The Polaris Institute created Ceasefire.ca in 2003 to prevent Canada from joining the U.S. Ballistic Missile Defence program, although the name itself dates back to the earlier campaign to stop the invasion of Iraq. Its founders are Steven Staples and Peter Coombes. Their goal, inspired by successful web-based organizations such as Moveon.org, is to provide a web-based tool for citizen action on government policies.

Since its inception, Ceasefire.ca has played crucial roles in many campaigns, including preventing Canada from joining George W. Bush's "Star Wars" missile defence program. As well, it has pushed Canadian politicians of all stripes to oppose the war in Afghanistan, allow U.S. war resisters to stay in Canada, ban deadly cluster bombs, abolish nuclear weapons, prevent the weaponization of space, and take action on other important issues.

Many well-known supporters of Ceasefire.ca have endorsed its campaigns over the years, including David Suzuki, Maude Barlow, Matthew Good, Mel Hurtig, Helen Caldicott, Tom Hayden, Mel Watkins, and Murray Dobbin.

Since its humble beginnings, Ceasefire.ca has grown to more than 15,000 users who receive regular bulletins and participate in on-line letter-writing actions. As well, more than 1,000 people have become financial donors, providing valuable resources that are used to fund research and action campaigns.

The Rideau Institute is steps away from Parliament Hill
In 2007, Ceasefire.ca travelled with Steven Staples to its new home, the Rideau Institute on International Affairs, an independent organization recently spun-off from the Polaris Institute. Other web sites created by the Rideau Institute include RightOnCanada.ca, which focuses on human rights issues.

Like Polaris, the Rideau Institute blends research with action, and is a federally registered non-profit organization. But in order to act as strong political forces in Ottawa that lobby for peace, the Rideau Institute and Ceasefire.ca are not  registered charities (and therefore cannot issue tax receipts for donations until the federal government changes its charity laws).

Today, Ceasefire.ca traverses the digital divide into the real world, supporting activists working in their communities. It has launched The New Peace Lobby, a campaign to push for peace policies in Parliament through on-the-Hill lobbying, on-line activism, on-air media work, and on-the-ground organizing.

You can contact Ceasefire.ca through the Rideau Institute.

The Polaris Institute:


Here's something if you want a good chuckle, apparently written by Robert Fulford from the National Post Saturday, November 11, 2006


So far I haven't found any sort of schooling or trades related training that makes him an expert on foreign affairs or military matters at all. He holds a Bachelors of Education (Hon. History) from UNB apparently. I guess that's all one needs these days to be an expert.

That was an interesting piece following the links to http://canadiancoalition.com/audiovideo/20060411_CTV_GordonStaplesAfghan.asx 

Steven Staples gets side tracked very easily with his anti-American views and avoids answering the tough questions. 

I wonder how long the MSN will continue to use him as entertainment?  Once he is done with the News, he could make a pittance on the Comedy Network.
Recce By Death said:
He holds a Bachelors of Education (Hon. History) from UNB apparently.

So let’s see……Steven Staples has the qualifications of a high school history teacher.

We all know how poor history education is in our school systems. 